Little School News
May 2024
Summer is upon us!
See you soon!
As our school year comes to an end, we want to express our deepest appreciation for each of our families. We understand that you have many options when it comes to schools for your child, and the fact that you picked Little School is nothing we take lightly. We are blessed to have the opportunities to watch your children grow throughout the year. Thank you for a wonderful school year. We want to wish our graduating families the best in your new chapters. Please keep us updated with letters, visits, Christmas cards, etc. We love keeping in touch. If your family is returning next year, we cannot wait to see how much your children have grown over the summer.
Thank you all for being part of our Little School Family.
Grace and Love,
Kelly Amadeo, Director and Principal
Upcoming Events
May 8th and 9th: 4-year-old Letterland Parade 9:15am. Come watch from the parking lot as the students parade around the building outside. (Will be moved inside if its raining)
May 15th and 16th: Parenting Class in the Fellowship Hall (upstairs) at 9:15am.
Topic: Keeping Your Cool in the Hot Days of Summer. (Tip and Tricks for entertaining your kids, reducing hot weather tension, and the importance of boredom).
Graduation Details
Hello Families of 4-year-olds and Explorers!
Graduation is upon us! We cannot wait to celebrate our students who are moving on to Kindergarten and Explorers next year. Please see the below information for celebrating your wonderful children.
May 22nd at 12:15pm Ms. Jenn N. and Ms. Kara C's classes
May 23rd at 9:15am: Ms. Lindy, Ms. Deon, and Ms. Sandi
May 23rd at 11:00am: Mrs. Overman and Mrs. Wolfe
May 23rd at 12:15pm: Ms. Dawn/Ms. Shelley, Ms Jennifer S., Ms. Kristi
These are regular school days. For the 9:15am graduation, please drop your child off at their regular drop-off location, and then head around to the front of the church to enter the main doors.
For 11:00am and 12:15pm graduations, please come to the front doors of the church.
We will open the doors to the sanctuary 15 minutes before the start of the program.
Last Days of School
May 17th: Friday Only 2.5s class
May 22nd: MW, MWF classes
May 23rd: T/TH, T/TH/F, M-Th, M-F classes
Summer Office Hours
May 24th-May 31st: Closed
June: Emails only
July: Emails only
August 1st-August 12th: Emails only
August 12th: Office Hours are from 9:00am-2:45pm
Lost and Found
We have a few items in lost and found. Please feel free to stop by to check it out if you're missing something. After the 24th, all items will be donated.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to anyone who donated drinks or snacks to our staff lounge! As you may know, food is the official love language of teachers, so you made us all very happy.
Medication Pick-up
If your child has emergency medication at school, you will need to pick it up and check it out at our office on your child's last day of school. We cannot hold or dispose of any medications. We will need to call you to come pick it up over the summer if you are unable or forget to pick it up on the last day.
Music Class News!
The flowers of spring always make our hearts sing! Happy May, Little School families!
Congratulations to our 2.5-year-old and 3-year-old classes on their fantastic Spring Sing program.
The 4-year-old-classes and Explorers are now preparing for their fun graduation program, while the younger children will learn and sing about animals, colors and shapes.
This has been such a great year for Little School Music! We'd like to thank all of you for helping us to make it fun and exciting. We hope you all have a great summer and that you'll stay safe and healthy. Keep singing!
Ms. Laura, Ms. Sheri, and Ms. Jana
St. Luke's UMC News
St. Luke's UMC invites you and your family to join us for worship Sundays at 9:30am (Sunday School Available for children age 2-17) and 11:00am.
Upcoming Events:
May 4 (Saturday) 12:30pm World Labyrinth Day backyard at the labyrinth
May 5 (Sunday) Free Prism Concert at 3:00pm in the Sanctuary (All are welcome)
May 11 (Saturday)- PARENT'S MORNING OUT 9:00am-Noon RSVP Sam@stlukeshr.com
Summer Camps: The Performing Arts Academy still has openings https://paacolorado.org/summer-shows/