Knightly News

Superintendent's Message
February 2025
Dear North Andover Families,
As we cross the 100-day mark of the school year and head into our well-earned winter break, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible work happening across our district. The past few months have been filled with exciting learning experiences, athletic competitions, club activities, theatre performances and concerts—showcasing the dedication of our students, staff, and families.
One recent highlight was the visit from Burlington and Lexington Public Schools to ABECC and Franklin. Educators and leaders from both districts observed Wit & Wisdom (W&W) in action and engaged in valuable conversations with our North Andover educators about the implementation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). We are proud to share and learn alongside other districts committed to excellence in education.
Our mid-year DIBELS benchmark data collection is in full swing in grades K-5. Following February break, all schools will come together for professional development, led by Assistant Superintendent Kristen Ando and Literacy Coach Jaclyn Rudolph, to analyze the data and make informed instructional decisions for small groups. Additionally, grades K-5 recently kicked off Module 3 of W&W after a productive professional development session focused on scaffolding support for students.
At North Andover High School, winter sports teams have been celebrating their senior athletes with Senior Knight recognitions, highlighting their dedication and achievements. NAHS faculty also recently participated in a meaningful professional development session with DESE’s Safe Schools Program and continues to engage in their year-long Portrait of a Learner exploration.
On January 29th, K-5 educators participated in a professional development session led by our Teacher Leadership Team (FCIs and Lead Teachers) focused on Science Performance Tasks. The session explored how to engage students in equitable science learning through science and engineering practices. As we anticipate new MCAS Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) tests in 2027, our educators took the opportunity to work through pilot grade 5 STE MCAS assessment tasks to deepen their understanding of future expectations. This work aligns with DESE’s goals for deeper learning and high-quality STE curricula. For more information, please visit MA DESE STE MCAS Transition or MA Innovative Science.
We are thrilled to have been awarded 44 seats in the Imagine Learning Small Groups Virtual Math Instruction program, thanks to funding from DESE. This initiative provides targeted math support for selected 4th and 8th grade students, helping them build foundational skills in small, virtual tutoring groups during the school day. Our NAPS educators—Bill Smith (NAMS), Liz Sinclair-Fisher (Atkinson), Courtney Ahearn (Sargent) and Nicole Hughes (Thomson) have been instrumental in supporting students throughout this process. We are excited to announce that we have been awarded 16 additional seats, which will expand this opportunity to Kittredge and Franklin students after February break.
Lastly, much of our recent focus has been on developing our school budget. I want to sincerely thank our community for your engagement and input as we navigate this complex but crucial process. Together, we remain committed to providing the best possible opportunities for all North Andover students. I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable vacation week. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Pamela Lathrop
Weather Impact Days
Snow Days
NAPS will send a notice out via our automated telephone system, email, tweet (X), and our district website. Snow days will also be posted on local Boston television channels 4-WBZ, 5-WCVB, 7-WHDH, Boston25 and 10-NBC Boston/NECN. We try to notify families as soon as possible.
Two-Hour Delays
As in previous years, road and traffic conditions may warrant a two-hour delayed start time, which will be announced in the same manner as a “no-school day.”
Schools will begin 2 hours later than the regular start time. School buses and vans will pick up students two hours later than on a typical school day.
There will be no morning preschool classes and no Breakfast Club.
Schools will dismiss at their regular dismissal times.
The NAPS website and the automated voicemail will have accurate information on whether the district is participating in a “no school day” or a “two-hour delayed start”.
If school is held, but conditions are still very bad on any particular street or area in town, parents may use their own judgment in determining whether or not to send a student to school. A student will be marked absent/excused in such a case.
Early Dismissals for Weather
There is a remote possibility of an early dismissal from school when safety considerations might make such a decision necessary. We will make every effort not to dismiss elementary schools early. However, if it is necessary to dismiss schools early, we want to make sure all children have proper supervision available for them. If you are not at home, you should make arrangements with older children, friends, family, or neighbors for your young child’s supervision. Forms to authorize alternate care and supervision on these rare days will be available at each elementary school and at the ABECC.
School Highlights: Franklin
Joe Clarke, Principal
New England Aquarium
Our 3rd graders recently went on a field trip to the aquarium to participate in an experiential learning opportunity that directly relates to their work in the first module of Wit and Wisdom: The Sea. They loved being able to touch the stingrays (as pictured) and see the turtles, penguins and other sea life. This opportunity for our 3rd graders allowed them to bring their learning to life and we love that for them! If you run into a third grader, make sure to ask them about what they were able to "sea".
North Andover Fire Prevention Education
The North Andover community is strong, and we are very fortunate to have a strong relationship with both our police and fire departments. Recently, the NAFD came to Franklin to discuss fire safety procedures and protocols with our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders. This was an opportunity for our youngest learners to meet and get to know our amazing firefighters, see and understand the use of various pieces of equipment, and participate in hands-on activities to reinforce their learning. Any opportunity we get to have community members, especially first responders, come to our school and work with our students is a can't-miss event! This event was, as the kids say, fire!
Enrichment Council Fun
In addition to field trips and community members, we have many programs brought into our schools. Some are set up by our amazing North Andover School Enrichment Council and others are set up by our grade level teachers using PTO funds available to them. We had a presentation on Owls recently for our 5th graders. The presenter came to Franklin with two live owls (one big, one small) and a plethora of bones/skeletons for the students to observe and feel. They were even able to compare the sharpness of the claws of an owl to a hawk! This presentation directly connected to their Science Unit of Study focusing on the Web of Life. The students and staff all really enjoyed this opportunity - they said it was a hoot!
School Spotlight: Sargent
Karen Murdoch-Lahey, Principal
100th Day of School!
We celebrated being 100 Days Smarter on Friday! Our 1st graders brainstormed all we have learned so far this year and celebrated our successes as a team. We spent the day doing all things involving 100. We made predictions of what we thought a 100 drops of water would look like in a cup and were quite surprised when we realized how little it actually was. We put our measuring skills to use by measuring items in our classroom with a 100 centimeter string. Our goal was to find something that was exactly 100 centimeters long. During Fundations, we used letter tiles for "One Hundredth Day" to make a list of 20 new words. We ended the day with a fun art project, where we used ten different paint colors to fill a "gumball machine" with 10 groups of 10. Our first graders are excited for what the next 80 days of learning and fun will hold!
Spreading Kindness Across Our Schools
Throughout February, many of our elementary schools are celebrating Kindness Weeks, fostering a spirit of generosity and compassion in our students. Let’s keep the kindness going all year long!
- Thompson School has themed days encouraging students to practice kindness toward themselves, their families, neighbors, friends, and classmates through daily activities.
- Kittredge School is incorporating a fundraising effort for charity as part of their Kindness Week.
- Franklin School is challenging students with daily acts of kindness, such as giving compliments or helping clean up.
- Sargent School wrapped up The Great Kindness Challenge in January, with Peer Leaders guiding daily kindness challenges and themed dress-up days.
- Atkinson School completed their Kindness Week in November, where students earned tickets for acts of kindness, culminating in a class-wide award for the most kindness shown.
Celebrating Black History Month
February is Black History Month, a time to recognize, honor, and celebrate the achievements, contributions, and resilience of black individuals throughout history. At North Andover Public Schools, we are committed to fostering an inclusive learning environment where all students can explore the rich cultural heritage and lasting impact of Black leaders, artists, scientists, educators and change-makers. Thank you for joining us in honoring Black History Month!
School Committee Corner
Alissa Koenig, Chair
Hello NAPS Community,
It has been a busy time for the School Committee! First, on January 30, 2025, the School Committee voted to appoint Ms. Pamela Lathrop as the Superintendent of North Andover Public Schools. Ms. Lathrop was appointed as acting Superintendent in April, 2024, and subsequently as Interim Superintendent. Ms. Lathrop has demonstrated her strong leadership skills along with her passion to enhance the educational experience of our students in North Andover. We are confident she will lead the district in a positive direction forward.
As we have had zealous discussion revolving around the FY26 budget, we have appreciated the passion the community has demonstrated. Each member of the committee has individually engaged in group discussions and one-on-one discussions with community members. We have also received several emails and it is always wonderful to have the community involved and exercising their voice. The decisions that have to be made are not easy and are certainly not as clear as they may always seem. So many community members have worked to ask questions to ensure they have accurate information so that they make thoroughly informed opinions and we appreciate the sincere efforts to be involved in this discussion.
On February 1st the School Committee held a School Committee Chat with Mr. Hicks and myself in attendance. Ms. Janice Phillips from the Select Board also attended to participate in the discussion. We had several community members attend and were able to engage in meaningful conversation regarding the FY26 budget and status of our schools. Our next School Committee Chat will be held on March 1, 2025, for 11am-12pm at the Central Office.
Finally, this Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 6pm in the NAHS auditorium, the School Committee met with the Select Board and Finance Committee to discuss Town and School budgets. This was an opportunity for the tri-boards to engage in discussion and answer questions revolving around town finance and the budgets so everyone may continue to obtain accurate and thorough information to make the best decisions we can.Through the process we were able to take into consideration the long term sustainability of a school budget that benefits all students in NAPS. The School Committee will meet on February 25, 2025, at 6pm with location TBD to vote on our recommended budget.
We hope everyone has a happy and healthy winter break!
Kind regards,
Alissa Koenig
Stevens Memorial Library News
North Andover Reads!
Join us for North Andover Reads 2025: Reading Beyond Labels! North Andover Reads is a joint effort of the Stevens Memorial Library and the North Andover Public Schools. Books, programs, and exhibits and more are chosen to highlight our R.A.I.S.E. initiative. Visit the North Andover Reads 2025 website for all the details: https://stevensmemlib.libguides.com/NAR2025
This year we're learning more about neurodiversity. We hope everyone: students, parent, teachers, join in to read, discuss, and celebrate the richness of neurodiverse experiences! It’s a chance to come together, to celebrate diverse ways of thinking and being, and foster a more inclusive community.
In each age group, there is "One Book" is chosen by Stevens librarians and North Andover Public School Librarians for us to all read. There are book lists suggesting other titles as well.
Explore everything else Stevens has waiting for you: books, manga and graphic novels, magazines, DVDs, and music. Books and magazines come in lots of formats today: print, audio-CD, and digital online through OverDrive, TumbleBooks, TumbleMath, and TeenBookCloud; your choice.
Use LIBRARY OF THINGS at https://stevensmemlib.libguides.com/libraryofthings/welcome to find the ukulele or the telescope, or STEM kits like OZOBOT EVO, a ZOOMY Digital Microscope, or the Simple Machines Activity Set.
Visit our Digital Display of books. or try the Reader Request form for personalized book recommendations. Indicate your preferred format: print and audiobooks, e-books and e-audiobooks. You should receive a follow up within 2 days and provide you with at least 3 titles.
Let us help! If you don’t find an answer to your question, email or call the Library so we can help. Staff will response when available.
If you don’t find an answer to your question, email or call the Library so we can help. Staff will respond when available. Stevens Memorial Library: 345 Main Street, North Andover. Phone: 978-688-9505, for Children’s x42010, Teens x42032, Reference Desk x42016. The Library’s hours are: Monday-Thursday 10am – 9pm, Friday 10am – 6pm, Saturday 10am – 5pm, Sunday 1 - 5pm.
Key Library Links
World Languages
Digital Book Displays
Reader Request Form
Job Openings with NAPS!
Substitute Teaching
The school district is always looking for energetic and caring people to join our pool of substitutes in our eight schools. We are instituting a new program to make the process as efficient and user-friendly as possible. The Frontline Absence Management platform will allow you to get notifications of daily coverage needs via a mobile app, online portal and/or telephone. Another change is that subs will be able to work in all schools or select one or more preferred locations. Interviews for new substitutes will take place every Thursday afternoon during the school year. Background checks and a new part-time employee packet will need to be completed prior to starting in this important position. More information is on the district HR webpages (linked below). Thanks for your consideration and have a great school year!
Food Services Openings
Come join our team of food services professionals. Positions currently available at NAHS and NAMS. Five (5) hours a day, $18.00/hour starting rate of pay. Perfect job for anyone looking for mother's/father's hours. Applications are available on the NAPS website under Human Resources.
New Calendar and Key District Dates
Child-Find North Andover
In accordance with Massachusetts Special Education legislation, North Andover Public Schools is making every effort to locate, identify, and evaluate children who may have a disability and may be entitled to specialized educational services. Regardless of the severity of the disability, it is the North Andover Public Schools' responsibility to determine if the child is eligible for special education or related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or 306 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations). Referrals may come from a parent, physician, preschool program, or early intervention services. The age limits include three-year-olds (preschool) through twenty-one year-olds up to the twenty-second birthday. All inquiries or new referrals should be sent to Lyn O'Neil, Interim Director of Special Education, 566 Main Street, North Andover, MA 01845.
Thank you!
Family Resource: Care Solace
Supporting our youth's mental health is more important than ever. The holiday season can bring feelings of both anxiety and excitement. By working together, we can create an environment where our children thrive. Remember, Care Solace offers valuable mental health care coordination services to connect you with community-based providers for counseling, therapy, and more.
To access Care Solace: Call 888-515-0595: Their multi-lingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365. By joining hands as a community, we can provide a nurturing environment that supports the mental health and well-being of our youth. Let's prioritize their emotional growth and create a brighter future together.
North Andover Public Schools has partnered with Care Solace in order to help support the mental health needs of our community by connecting families with therapeutic supports. More than 500 dedicated multilingual Care Companions are available 24/7/365 to ensure the perfect fit for each person’s unique care needs and insurance requirements. The organization has a network of more than 420,000 licensed providers, serving more than 800 organizations across the United States.
The Great 8: Our Schools' Webpages
The mission of North Andover Public Schools is to cultivate a respectful community of engaged learners, insightful thinkers and effective communicators.