VRA and IS Newsletter 12/13/24
December 8, 2024
Week of January 13, 2025
Administrators’ Message
Hello Independence School and Valley Robotics Academy Families,
It was a busy and great week to be back in the swing of things as we moved into the final 5 months before promotions and the Class of 2025 High School Graduations for Independence School and Valley Robotics Academy in May! This week is a five-day school week with next week having Monday, January 20th as MLK Day. It also happens to be the Presidential Inauguration. For that the students and staff have asked if we could encourage all to wear red, white & blue.
Please read on to see the many wonderful things our campus has going on and special announcements.
Reminder: If you need to get ahold of anyone on our site regardless of which program (Independence or VRA), we can be reached at one phone number — (209) 331-8008.
Thank you for all you do as parents/guardians!
Counselor’s Corner
Valley Robotics Academy
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a restful Winter Break.
A few important reminders:
- Daily Email Checks: Please encourage your student to check their school email daily for both high school and college.
- Permission Slips for Delta: Please ensure your student’s signed permission slips are submitted no later than Monday, January 13th afternoon.
Wednesday, January 15th is a Virtual Learning Day, meaning that students will not be on campus. We kindly ask that you arrange transportation for your student to Delta. If this is a hardship and your student needs a ride, Mr. Scott has graciously offered to transport students using the VRA van; however, space is limited. To secure a seat, please email Mr. Scott at scbrown@lodiusd.net (for parents/guardians) or scbrown@lodiusd.org (for students) no later than Tuesday, January 14th. We also require a signed permission slip.
Mrs. Gabby Nunez, High School Counselor
Independence School
High School Students, if you have any questions about your graduation status, credits, or class schedules, then please make an appointment to meet with me. You can schedule one by signing up at the sign-up sheet in Ms. Sarah’s office or email me at jhunt@lodiusd.org. Outside of class time is preferable. Parents/guardians, if you have any questions for me, then please email me at jhunt@lodiusd.net.
Mr. Hunt
For ALL Students: Lost and Found 👕
If you have lost an item such as a sweater, then please look at the Lost and Found box right outside the Cafeteria on the green tables near the Staff Parking Lot. There are also some items at the front office as well, so be sure to check there too.
For VRA Students: Caught Being Good 👍
Staff members will give out “Caught Being Good” tickets to VRA students whenever they are caught being good! With these tickets, students can purchase prizes and snacks at the store right after school on every other Friday located at the basketball court near the student drop-off and pick-up parking lot. Students, be on your best behavior, and maybe you will get caught being good.
Friendly Reminder—Campus Access After Drop-Off 🚗🏃
To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we kindly ask that all parents/guardians exit the campus by 8:45 a.m. (when the entrance gate closes). This allows our staff to focus on providing a safe and structured environment for all students. Thank you in cooperation and support in helping us maintain a productive morning routine!
For VRA Students: World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser 🍫
VRA Students, are you interested in raising money for classroom needs and field trips? If so, then consider buying or selling boxes of World’s Finest Chocolate. The fundraiser begins this week and will run through to Friday, February 28th. All students are encouraged to participate and are allowed to sell up to two boxes at a time. You must read and sign a permission slip before selling any boxes. All permission slips must be returned to Ms. Reighme. VRA Seniors, if you plan on going to the Senior class trip, then you are encouraged to sell at least one box.
For ALL Students: Decade Spirit Week
For ALL Families: NFL Flag Football League 🏈
SV6 Sports is having a NFL Flag Football League from Saturday, January 25th to Sunday, March 16th. All games are held at the Lodi Grape Bowl and Tokay High School Stadium. For more information, go to the website on the flyer below.
For ALL Families: NorCal Science Festival 💡
The annual NorCal Science Festival is coming back to Lodi High School on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.! There will be food trucks and hands-on activities for the entire family. For more information, please check out their website.
For ALL Students: Lodi USD Catapult Competition 🍕
For VRA Families: VEX Robotics Competition Leagues 🤖
Join VRA’s 8th Grade VEX Robotics Team as they compete in the VEX Robotics Competition Leagues. The dates, times, and location can be found below in the flyer. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to cheer them on! More information can be found at this website.
The third competition is on Saturday, January 11th at 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at San Joaquin County Office of Education’s FabLab.
For ALL Students: 2025 STEAM Fair and Expo 🧪
For ALL Families: Foraging Medicinal Plants 🌿
San Joaquin County Office of Education is hosting their Open Trail Saturday events for all students who are interested in learning news skills and enjoy a rejuvenating outdoor experience at the Durham Ferry Outdoor Education Center. All events are from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with all-skill levels guided hike, time in nature, canine companions, and bring-your-own picnic lunch.
The next event is on Saturday, February 22, 2025 where students will harvest nettles and mugwort, and discover unique medicinal properties with a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) demo and tastings. If you are interested, then please register here.
For 11th and 12th Grade Students: Science Camp Cabin Leader ⛺
Have You Reported Your Student’s Absence?
Call the Office
VRA Families, please notify the office of student absences at (209) 331-8008. For makeup work, you may contact their teacher(s).
Independence 7th to 12th Grade Families, please notify the office of student absences at (209) 331-8008. Your student must notify their teacher(s) as well.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Safety Is Important
VRA Families, please continue to follow the signage and cones to complete the oval. Please pull forward for a quick drop-off or pick-up. If you need a little more time to get situated, then please pull into an empty parking spot, so that others can completely pull forward to safely drop off or pick up their students.
Just a reminder that the gate will open at 7:45 a.m. for drop-off and close at 8:45 a.m. If you are running late, then please drop off your student at the front gate where the office is located at for them to be buzzed in. Student drivers, if you are running late, then please use the call button at the gate to be buzzed in.
For afternoon pick-up, the gate will open at 2:25 p.m. If you arrive early and the gate happens to open because someone is exiting, then please help us keep our campus safe and secure by remaining outside the perimeter until 2:25 p.m.
Want to Join a Club?
For IS 9th to 12th Grade Students: Scrapbooking Club
Independence High School Students, are you interested in arts and crafts? If so, then consider joining the Scrapbooking Club! The club meets every Thursday in Mrs. Wong’s classroom, Room I-4. For more information, please see Mrs. Wong.
For 9th to 12th Grade Students: Student Planning Committee
High School Students, are you interested in planning fun school events and activities? If so, then consider joining the Student Planning Committee. For more information, you may contact Victoria Reynolds at v.reynolds1@lodiusd.org or (209) 693-0252. You can also see Mrs. Sarah at her office for more information as well.
For VRA 8th Grade Students: VEX Robotics Team
The 8th Grade VEX Robotics Team’s practices are held from 2:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays in Room P-5, Robotics Lab. See Ms. KG for more information!
For VRA Students Ages 13 and Up: VRA Esports Team
Season 1 has officially ended! Season 2 will be in January, and the team will be playing VALORANT and Rocket League. There will be more information to follow.
The team meets every Mondays and Tuesdays right after school. For more information, see Mr. Warner in P-15.
For 7th to 12th Grade Students
Dear Parents/Guardians of 7th to 12th Grade Students,
We are very excited to introduce our new college and career readiness platform, SchooLinks!
All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life-ready. As parents/guardians, you will have access to SchooLinks through your own account. This allows you to join your students in their career and college exploration process and discuss their future with them.
SchooLinks allows you to have informed conversations with your students by:
- Viewing your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments
- Seeing what colleges and careers your student has favorited
- Comparing college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses