Panther Pride
What's Going on at Toby Farms
Upcoming Dates
January 17- MLK Day- NO SCHOOL
January 18- Start of the 3rd Marking Period
January 27- Report Card Conferences
January 27- HALF DAY for students
January 28- HALF DAY for students
Welcome Back to Toby Farms!
It is Chester Upland School District Policy that all students and staff wear a mask. Please make sure your student leaves the house with a mask each morning. Students should be wearing masks prior to getting on the bus.
Feeling Sick?
Please make sure your students are coming to school in uniform each day. Toby Farms Uniforms are:
Black, Blue, or Khaki Pants
Blue or White Collared Shirt
Shoes with the Heel and Toe Covered
We have started issuing warning letters to students not in uniform. Please make sure your student is leaving the house in a uniform each morning.
Stay in Touch
Mrs. Donofry - Acting Principal-
Mrs. West-Islam- Secretary-