MAY 2024
Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. For more than 20 years, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has recognized Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM) every May to increase awareness about the vital role mental health plays in our overall health and well-being and provide resources and information to support individuals and communities who may need mental health support.
National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
Students are invited to “Lime Out Day” on Thursday May 9, 2024, by wearing lime green as a visible way to show their support for National Children’s Mental Health Day and National Mental Health Awareness Month.
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 07:00 AM
Please click on the document below to download our May 2024 Parent Calendar.
The 24-25 Academic Calendar has been published on our website
and all individual date events have been added to website campus calendar.
Personal Check Policy
As a reminder of our long-standing policy regarding payment methods, personal checks will be not be accepted as payment on and after May 1 until July.
Please remeber that Franklin Academy is strictly a NO CASH school. After Wednesday May 1, 2024, payments may only be made via money order, cashier’s check or online, using a major credit card.
Police Appreciation Ceremony
- Thank you for your ongoing support in our police officer appreciation initiative to donate gift cards for the officers that serve our campus.
- We are still graciously receiving your donations and will continue to collect them for our officers until Tuesday May 21, 2024.
- Students who contribute a gift card are eligible to dress in a blue or black shirt with jeans or their uniform bottoms on Wednesday May 22, 2024.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 08:45 AM
Our National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Induction Ceremony will be held on
Wednesday May 1, 2024! Eligible students and invited family members will attend.
Eligible students will participate in Drama Rehearsals on Sunday May 5 from 8:30am until 12:30pm. On Tuesday May 7 from 3:45pm until 8pm, eligible students will participate in their Drama Rehearsals. And on Sunday May 19, 2024, at 8:30am until 4:30pm, eligible students will participate in their Drama Rehearsals, in preparation for our performance of High School Music Jr. on Tuesday May 21, 2024.
On Saturday May 18, 2024, eligible students will participate in a Choir Rehearsal at 11am until 3pm. On Tuesday May 28 and Thursday May 30, 2024, eligible students will also participate in a Choir Rehearsal from 2:45pm until 5pm.
Spring Show at Miramar Cultural Center
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 06:30 PM
Athletic Program
Current Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 students are eligible to participate in our tryout events for our 24-25 athletic program. All information relevant for our families is included in our GRADES 5 - MYPY3 ATHLETICS newsletter.
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Male Soccer Tryout Event
Monday, May 6, 2024, 03:30 PM
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Male Soccer Tryout Event
Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 03:30 PM
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Female Soccer Tryout Event
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 03:30 PM
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Female Soccer Tryout Event
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 03:30 PM
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Cheer Tryout Event
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 03:30 PM
Grades 4-7/MYP Y2 Cheer Tryout Event
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 03:30 PM
Interim Progress Reports Issued
Interim Reports will be sent electronically on Tuesday May 7, 2024, to parents/guardians listed in PowerSchool. Families can also access the report card in their PowerSchool account and download the document.
Grade 5 Glow Party
Mark your calendars for this year’s Grade 5 Glow Party! We will have neon decorations, glow games, and plenty of surprises to make this day unforgettable for our eligible students.
Friday, May 24, 2024, 10:00 AM
Happy Mother's Day! | May 12
Enjoy your Mothering Sunday on May 12, 2024, with your loved ones.
Spirit Stick Dress Down Day | May 13
Eligible students may dress down appropriately on Monday May 13, 2024!
Magic Kingdom Parent Night
Invited Grade 5 families only will be in attendance for this event.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
- On Wednesday May 15, 2024, eligible Grade 6/MYP Y1 students will participate in a field trip to Kennedy Space Center!
- On Thursday May 16, 2024, eligible Grade 5 students will participate in a field trip to Magic Kingdom!
- On Friday May 17, 2024, eligible Grade 8/MYP Y3 students will participate in their Gradventure field trip!
- Our eligible Kindergarten students will be going on a field trip to Butterfly World on Wednesday May 29, 2024!
- Our eligible Grade 3 students are scheduled to visit ZOO Miami for a filed trip on Friday May 31, 2024!
Mandatory Attendance
Our Grade 5 to MYP Transition Parent Night is scheduled for Monday May 20, 2024, at 6pm. This event is vital for parents to learn about the MYP program and changes they will experience in the school year as their children transition to middle school.
Monday, May 20, 2024, 06:00 PM
Living Museum (3)
Invited Grade 3 families will be in attendance for this event.
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 08:45 AM
Clubs - Quarter 4
The last day Q4 Clubs will be on Thursday May 23, 2024.
No more clubs will be held for students for the 23-24 school year.
- On Monday May 27, 2024, there is NO SCHOOL for students and our OFFICES CLOSED, as we observe Memorial Day.
- Classes resume on Tuessday May 28, 2024, and our offices will reopen.
Enchanted Evening Prom
Eligible Grade 8/MYP Y3 students will enjoy an Enchanted Evening at the Prom on Friday May 31, 2024, at the Floridian Ballroom! This is a formal event to celebrate our MYP Y3 students matriculting to 9th Grade/High School!
Friday, May 31, 2024, 07:00 PM
- We are excited to announce the recent introduction of parent tutorials on our Franklin Academy website!
- The tutorials can be easily accessed from the campus homepage by clicking on the yellow question mark icon in the bottom right corner.
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. The link provided below will give you access to our specific webpage on our website for more information and direct links.
Yearbook Distribution
As soon as we receive our 23-24 yearbooks, they will be distributed to students that purchased them. If we have additional copies available for purchase, we will alert our families that did not purchase during our presale time. payment will only be accepted via a money-order.
Kindergarten Bulldog Bash
The annual Kindergarten Bulldog Bash will take place on Friday June 7, 2024, from 9am to 12pm. We will be celebrating our Kindergarten students' achievements with classroom awards ceremonies followed by an outdoor event packed with fun activities.
Friday, Jun 7, 2024, 09:00 AM
- Quarter 4 Ends | Early Release | Last Day of School | No Aftercare | Monday June 10
- Summer Break Begins | Tuesday June 11
- Juneteenth Observed | Offices Closed | Wednesday June 19
- Report Cards Issued | Friday June 28
- Personal Checks Accepted | Monday July 1
Franklin Academy - Pembroke Pines
Building Better People, Every Day
Website: https://ppk8.franklin-academy.org/
Location: 18800 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
Phone: 954-703-2294
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter
Twitter: @FranklinCharter