Tiger Times
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Tiger Times is a monthly newsletter from the administration of Table Rock Elementary to families of TRE to keep them updated on the monthly learning and events at school.
From Principal Hamilton
Dear Parents, Families, and Guardians,
Welcome Back!
We are so excited to welcome back our Tigers and welcome our new Tigers to Table Rock Elementary! We are very happy to have school start back up again and see all of the smiling faces of our students.
Our goals for this year are to:
Provide a safe place for students to feel welcomed and that they have a sense of belonging
Provide a high quality education for all students
Maximize student achievement
Ensure students behave responsibly and respectfully
Teachers will work to ensure that students are learning, feeling happy to be at school, and that we are investing our time and efforts to helping students to be the best they can be.
We can do this with your support and help! At home, ensuring students are getting enough sleep (it's more than we might think), eating well, completing homework, and being held accountable at home will help your children to be successful. We know that we have the best students and families - with your support we can be the most successful we have ever been!
We are committed to ensuring that all students are safe, are learning, and are valued.
A little about me:
I am entering my fourth year at TRE. I was the assistant principal for two and half years, then moved to Eagle Rock Elementary/Lake Creek Learning Center as the Interim Principal for second semester of last year. I am excited to be back at TRE! I am in my 24th year in education. I was an elementary teacher of K, 1, 3, 4th grades, ELD teacher, Curriculum Coordinator and Assistant Principal. My background is English Language Development (ELD) and dual language programs.
I grew up in Boise, Idaho and moved to Denver, Colorado for 19 years. I'm happy to be a transplant to southern Oregon and enjoy hiking, the coast, and petting as many dogs as I can.
I look forward to working with you and your students!
Ms. Hamilton
From Assistant Principal Donarski
Welcome back!
I hope this letter finds you well and you have been enjoying the Summer Break. My name is Hollie Donarski and I am the Assistant Principal at Table Rock Elementary (TRE). I am thrilled to be a Tiger and work alongside our dedicated staff, students and families during what is going to be a wonderful 24-25 school year.
I have had the privilege throughout my educational journey of being a classroom teacher, instructional coach and now assistant principal. My passion for education is driven by my commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment where every student achieves at their highest levels. I believe that strong partnerships between families and schools are essential for student success and I look forward to collaborating with you to support our student’s growth and development.
Throughout the year, I will be involved in various school activities and events, and I hope to see you there. Together we can create a nurturing and engaging environment that inspires our students to reach their full potential. I am here to support you in any way that I can. Whether it be with developing a 504 plan, working through behavior issues or setting up meetings to help support our students' needs. Feel free to email or call me throughout the school week for guidance, questions or support.
I look forward to working together throughout this 24-25 school year.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Donarski
Calendar of Events for September
Sept 2 - Labor Day - No school!
Sept 3 - Family Orientation Day
Sept 4 - Grades 1-5 first day, Kindergarten Soft Start (A-M)
Sept 5- Kindergarten Soft Start (N-Z)
Sept 6 - Spirit Day - Wear TRE shirt or purple, First day with all kinders
Sept 10 - PTO meeting, 3-4pm - all are welcome!!
Sept 13 - Spirit Day - Wear TRE shirt or purple; EPHS Home Football Game vs Thurston
Sept 15 - First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
Sept 17 - Constitution Day - Wear red, white, blue to school
Sept 20 - Spirit Day - Wear TRE shirt or purple
Sept 22 - First day of autumn
Sept 26 - Back to School night and Title 1 presentation - 5-7pm
Sept 27 - Professional Development Day for teachers - NO school for students
Every Friday is TRE Tiger Spirit Day! Wear purple or TRE shirts. (TRE shirts are for sale in the front office)
Drop off and Pick up Procedures
TRE was built as a neighborhood walking school (formerly White City Elementary and Mountain View, respectively). Since then, our neighborhood has expanded, and we have a lot more students and traffic. We have over 700 students attending TRE!!
As such, we appreciate your patience and kindness when dropping off and picking up your students. Please know that we are working as fast as we can to release your students in the safest way possible, and that we have more traffic than our small parking venues were built for.
Morning Drop off begins at 7:20 (this is 5 min later than previously). Students are dropped off at lower (Maple Court) or upper (Hale Way) between 7:20 - 7:45am. Students enter the gym, and wait in the gym or can eat breakfast. Students arriving after 7:45am must be dropped off at lower campus.
Do not drop your students off before 7:20am - there is no supervision for students before this time.
Pickup begins at 2:25pm for Kindergarten and 2:30 for all other grades. Students can be picked up at lower or upper. Grades 1-2 wait in the lower gym, and grades 3-5 can be picked up at lower (with younger siblings) or upper. Kindergarten gets picked up at kinder parking lot (staff parking lot at the kinder pod gate). If you need an older sibling to wait with a younger sibling, please let both teachers know.
ALL drop off and pick up locations will need to have 2 rows of cars in order to move students and cars through quickly. Staff is on duty to ensure student safety leaving cars, at crosswalks, and entering gyms. Please ensure student safety by not crossing in between cars.
Character Trait of the Month: PBIS Lessons and Responsibility
Coming together to be in class, and school, with other students is very exciting for each and every child. There are usually between 20-28 students in each class, all coming from different homes and backgrounds. With this, comes the need to learn how to interact with our peers in a responsible and respectful way. This helps students to not only make new friends, play well with each other, but also to learn how to work through differences and overcome difficulties that may arise.
Our school, and district, follows the guidance and systems from PBIS - positive behavior interventions and supports. Teachers work with students to set up expectations for and support behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health (PBIS Lessons). When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives. Please see www.pbis.org for more information.
Our Character Trait for the month of September is: Responsibility. Check out this link for more information on Purposefull People's Responsibility overview. At home, you could discuss what responsibility looks like at home (ie- cleaning their bedroom) and what it looks like at school (ie- using technology responsibly).
We use Purposefull People's Character Strong Traits to assist our students in learning social skills and interacting with others. Here are our topics for the year:
- Be kind: respect, empathy, cooperation
- Be Strong: responsibility, perseverance, courage
- Be well: gratitude, honesty, creativity
PTO = Parent Teacher Organization
We are looking for some awesome (you!) families to join PTO. PTO helps to organize events at school, support and honor staff (teacher appreciation week), and sponsor fundraisers for the school such as Boo-grams, Valen-grams and other such events.
If you are interested in joining this fantastic group and helping out students and staff, please email Brandi at tablerockpto@gmail.com
PTO Fundraiser
Please see the following for a year long fundraiser for TRE:
Hello Parents, Be on the lookout for a colorful Parent Information Envelope coming on September 16! You will find important information about a safe and easy way your family can help our school get the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. It will also let you know how your child can win fun prizes just for helping! For more information about this fundraiser you can check out the link below.
Thanks, Table Rock Elementary PTO
Hola padres, ¡esté atento a un colorido sobre de información para padres que llegará el 16 de septiembre! Encontrará información importante sobre una forma fácil y segura de que su familia pueda ayudar a nuestra escuela a obtener las herramientas esenciales que nuestros estudiantes y maestros necesitan para tener éxito. ¡También le permitirá saber cómo su hijo puede ganar premios divertidos solo por ayudar! Para obtener más información sobre esta recaudación de fondos, puede consultar el siguiente enlace
Gracias, PTO de la Primaria Table Rock
Sweatshirts and Tshirts are for sale in the front office
Yearbooks from 23-24 are on sale in the front office!