PGES Pride Press February 2024
A Message from Dr. Erickson
Greetings Families,
The hard work and focus of all our teachers and students is paying off. Below you will see the increase in percentage of students who are proficient and advanced in reading and math based on various benchmark assessments from August to December. As the school year progresses, the benchmark increases so these gains are certainly something to be proud of and we have already begun strong action plans in the areas we need to target some additional support.
Kinder- 70% → 79% AIMs Letter Word Sound Fluency
1st- 41% → 61% AIMs Oral Reading Fluency
2nd- 66% → 63% iReady Reading (influx of new students just before the midyear benchmark)
3rd- 53% → 63% iReady Reading
4th- 64% → 69% iReady Reading
Kinder- 63% → 75% AIMs Number Naming Fluency
1st- 40% → 83% AIMs Math Fact Fluency
2nd- 73% → 71% iReady Math (influx of new students just before the midyear benchmark)
3rd- 64% → 59% iReady Math
4th- 59% → 59% iReady Math
Together in Education,
Alisha Erickson
Early Dismissal and President's Day
February 16
February 19
No School February 19 in observance of President's Day.
MAC News
On Friday, February 16th MAC will be open until 6:00 PM after early dismissal. There is only room for 20 students. Sign up sheets will be available in the PGES office.
There will be NO MAC on Monday, February 19th due to President's Day.
Notes from Nurse B
We are excited for the Tennessee Department of Health's School Based Dental Prevention Program to return to Poplar Grove Elementary. All students are eligible to participate in this free program. We do not have exact dates, but we anticipate the program will take place at Poplar Grove in March. The program happens during school hours. A consent form with more information will be coming home with all students soon. If you would like your student to be seen by the dental hygienist, please complete the consent form and return it to school by the date noted on the form. Feel free to call Nurse B at 615-472-3906 with any questions.
Mr. Welch's Counselor's Corner
For the month of February, we will be learning about individual personal strengths and positive
qualities that shape our character. We will focus on how these traits can help us work through
challenging situations. We will also be discussing safe and unsafe touch and how to advocate
for ourselves. To show self-advocacy we must be honest with ourselves. Being honest with how
we feel can help us accept our feelings and encourage us to overcome challenges we may face.
The Paws Report
You may be wondering what are some of the positive behavior interventions provided at school? With our talented and caring teachers and staff… we are able to meet the behavioral needs of our students with our school-wide PBIS program, Check In / Check Out (CICO), and Parent Partnerships. You know better than we do that our children thrive when we set routines, expectations, and boundaries. Who couldn’t use a little extra support these days? If you are interested in learning more about any of these interventions, please reach out to Mrs. Carroll (Assistant Principal) at or 615-790-4720. We love partnering with you in your child’s academic and behavioral education!
Learn how you can be an informed parent in the digital world - use the QR codes below.
TOPIC: Raising a Reader - tips to develop a love of reading
Just text the word KIDS to this phone number 21555 to receive message tips about how to practice healthy media habits at home with your family!
Arrival and Dismissal
Morning Arrival
A few reminders regarding Morning Arrival:
Please pull up all the way to the car in front of you. There should only be a few inches in between each car. This allows more cars to enter the drop off lane and prevents backup on the main roads.
Students need to remain in their cars until the doors open at 7:00.
Dismissal Thank You
We want to say a HUGE thank you to the volunteers who diligently work to enter names into our dismissal spreadsheet each afternoon. They are here rain or shine though the heat and the cold. We are so grateful for their reliable help. If you are willing to sign up to help you can email Meghann Markie at and she will get you the information you need.
Snow Days
Stay in the know on school closings or late starts by making sure your contact information stays updated in our front office. Contact 615-790-4720 if you need to make any changes. You can also get up to date information by following us on twitter@fssdPGES or liking us on Facebook. Remember when looking for school closings in the news to look for Franklin Special School District, NOT Williamson County or Franklin County.
Read Across America Week
Mark your calendars for Read Across America Week, February 26th - March 1st. Read Across America is held each year to motivate students to read while also promoting engagement and community.
We are fortunate to also have the Used Book Sale during this time, which allows students the opportunity to purchase books for home. We will celebrate with Spirit Week Dress Up Days. We will also have a Family Literacy Night on February 29 as well as having our computer lab open for 24-25 School Year Registration. See all of the details below.
Used Book Sale
February 26 to March 1
7:30 AM - 2:00 PM
- Hardbacks $2
- Paperbacks $1
- Books for all ages (parents too!)
- Proceeds to benefit PGS Media Centers
Remember to send money with your student to shop at school.
Please continue to donate gently used books. Collection bins are located in each school lobby.
We would love your help at the Used Book Sale. Click this link to volunteer:
Any questions, please contact Jenny Baer ( or Gracie Bowman (
Spirit Week
Monday, February 26 - March 1
Monday, February 26: Wear your favorite destination/vacation t-shirt - Reading takes you places!
Tuesday, February 27: Dress in your favorite color - Reading colors your world!
Wednesday, February 28: Wear your favorite cozy socks - Reading knocks your socks off!
Thursday, February 29: Wear a t-shirt with words - Reading colors your world!
Friday, March 1: Wear your pajamas to school - Reading is relaxing!
Family Literacy Night
Thursday, February 29th
Open Your Mind and Eyes to the Joy of Reading! Please join us for a Family Literacy Night to be held on Thursday, February 29th from 5:30-7:00. Shop the Used Book Sale, Play the LU, Science Experiments, Journal Making, and MORE!
Early Registration for 2024/2025 School Year
Thursday, February 29
Sneak Peak! On Thursday, February 29 As a part of our Family Literacy Night we will also have our Computer Lab open from 5:00-7:00 with plenty of help for families who would like to register for the 24-25 school year that evening. Check this chore off your list early!
Green Team
PE Updates
Tennis Shoes vs Boots, Sandals, and all other shoes
Skating is Coming...Are You READY????
Kids Heart Challenge
Please be on the lookout for Kid's Heart Challenge Packets in February! Students will learn jump rope skills, how to keep their hearts healthy, and also help boys and girls with sick hearts by donating to the American Heart Association. Our donations/collections will be completely ON-LINE again this year. Prizes will be awarded just before or after spring break. You are also invited to come and Jump Rope or turn ropes during our Kid's Heart Challenge! The event will take place during the related arts block on Friday, February 16. Please note the schedule below as PE times are different on early dismissal days!!
Related Arts Schedule for Early Release Days
Kindergarten 8:50 - 9:20
1st grade 8:20 - 8:50
2nd grade 9:20 - 9:50
3rd grade 9:50 - 10:20
4th grade -10:20 - 10:50
Ordering Yearbooks!
Time to Order Your Yearbook!
Yearbook sales begin February 5th.
The last day to order will be March 20th.
Price is $35 +tax
Two easy ways to order:
1. Go to this link or scan the QR code.
2. If you want to pay with cash or check, forms will come home February 6th.
Upcoming Events
School Counselor Appreciation Week
We are so thankful for all of the ways that Mr. Welch impacts our students, staff, and families. February 5-9 is our opportunity to say thank you for all he does. We love you Mr. Welch!
Spirit Night
Be on the lookout for a flyer with additional information about our Spirit night at La Hacienda on February 6th from 4:00 to 9:00 PM.
Valentine's Day Parties
Valentine parties will be held on Wednesday, February 14th. Parents are welcome to attend.
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade 1:30-2:15
4th Grade 12:35-1:20
SRO Appreciation Day
Let's all plan to show our appreciation to Deputy Byram on Thursday, February 15th! Cards, hugs, and high 5's are more than welcome. We are so thankful for his calming presence, helpfulness, and for keeping us safe!
Pride Time
Friday, February 16th is a Pride Time Friday. Families are welcome to join us in the MS Gym. We'll get started right at 7:35. If your child is receiving a Pride Award you will be contacted by his or her teacher.
Kids Heart Challenge
Friday, February 16 we will hold our Annual Kid's Heart Challenge during the related arts block. Families are invited to come and Jump Rope or turn ropes during our Kid's Heart Challenge! Please note the schedule below as PE times are different on early dismissal days!!
Related Arts Schedule for Early Release Days
Kindergarten 8:50 - 9:20
1st grade 8:20 - 8:50
2nd grade 9:20 - 9:50
3rd grade 9:50 - 10:20
4th grade -10:20 - 10:50
Faculty/Student/Alumni Basketball Game
Come and watch the current 8th grade basketball players take on the faculty & alumni in a “completely fair & unbiased” game of basketball. This is a longstanding tradition and a very fun family night. Thursday, Feb. 22 from 6:30-7:30 pm
Black History Month Musical Celebration
On Friday, February 23rd at 1:00 the 2nd Grade students of PGES will present a musical celebration in our Performing Arts Center (PAC) of many African American musicians and ensembles. These musicians have contributed to modern music history and will be recognized and celebrated during this program.
Featuring songs from:
Louis Armstrong
The Jackson 5
Aretha Franklin
and more!
Parents are welcome to come and watch the program. Please sign in directly at the PAC.
Fourth Grade Choir Festival
FSSD middle school choir directors are excited to invite current 4th graders to participate in a Choral Festival at our new Performing Arts Center on Saturday, February 24!
Participating students will receive a t-shirt, spend the morning learning and practicing arrangements with middle school choir directors, enjoy a pizza lunch, then meet and practice with current middle school choir students before an afternoon performance for parents.
Registration information is coming soon!
Read Across America Week
Monday, February 26 - Friday, March 1 from 7:30-2:00 Used Book Sale & Dress up Days
Thursday, February 29 from 5:30-7:00 Family Literacy Night
Thursday, February 29 from 5:00-7:00 Computer Lab open for the 24-25 School Year Registration
2024-2025 School Registration
FSSD will begin the Registration Process for the 2023-2024 School Year on February 29 running through March 31st.
- Out of Zone applications (FSSD residents) will be accepted from February 15-March 30, 2024, and notifications will be made by March 31, 2024
- Out of District applications (tuition families) will be accepted from February 15-March 30, 2024, with notification as to acceptance by April 8, 2024.
More information will be coming soon but for now, start saving 1 proof of residency: Electric, Water, Gas, and Cable Bills dated Feb. 1 or after are great. Other options are a copy of your lease or a mortgage statement.
February Calendar
FSSD Vision Statement
Excellence in Teaching and Learning for All
PGES Mission Statement
We are a community of creative and passionate learners committed to continuous improvement.
Contact Us
1030 Excellence Way
Franklin, TN 37069