Argyle Weekly Newsletter
Argyle Week of February 10, 2025 Schedule
- 6th Grade Outdoor Ed Session #1: Wednesday February 12 - Friday February 14, 2025
- AMS Basketball Game vs. Shady Grove MS: Thursday February 13, 2025 3:15pm - 4pm
- AMS SGA Red, White, and You Dance; Friday February 14, 2025 3pm - 5pm
- Presidents Day Schools & Offices Closed; Monday February 17, 2025
- AMS Basketball Game vs. Forest Oak MS: Wednesday February 19, 2025 3:15pm - 4pm
- AMS SGA Meeting; Wednesday February 19, 2025 3pm - 4pm
- 6th Grade Outdoor Ed Session #2: Wednesday February 19 - Friday February 21, 2025
- 6th Grade Outdoor Ed Session #3: Monday February 24 - Wednesday February 26, 2025
- Early Release for Students Dismissal at 12:30pm; Friday February 28, 2025
AMS Sports
Basketball News
Come out and cheer on our Argyle Eagles at our basketball game Thursday, February 12. The Boy's team will be home and Girl's team will be away at Shady Grove MS.
Time: 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Location: Argyle MS Gym
Please take the moment to read our guidelines:
- Students will use their PBIS points (75 points) to purchase tickets on the day of a basketball game during Advisory class.
- AMS Basketball Games are free for all parents and/ or guardians. All non Argyle students should be accompanied by an adult at all times. Only students from opposing school will be allowed to attend.
- Students and spectators must sit in the stands during the course of the game. While there will be potential gatherings at halftime and postgame, gatherings will not be allowed during the game.
- Separate entrances, staggered exits, and additional support and security coverage in high traffic areas will be utilized, as gymnasiums allow.
- There is no re-entry to events. Spectators will not be admitted after halftime. Parents of participating student-athletes may be admitted after halftime.
- Spectators are allowed - home and visiting members. Students are NOT allowed to attend AWAY games. That goes for opponents as well, with the exception that if a sibling is playing on the team and they are accompanied by a parent/guardian, then they are able to attend the game.
Soccer News
Registration is done ENTIRELY through ParentVue! ALL paperwork should be completed online! If you have any questions please see Mrs. Harrison (RM 235) or send an email at Rebekah_R_Harrison@mcpsmd.org
SGA Meetings
Red, White, and You Dance 🎶
Come join the SGA at our Red, White, and You Dance Friday, February 14th afterschool from 3pm - 5pm. Tickets cost $2 (CASH ONLY) and go on sale February 12th - 14th before school in front of the Media Center and February 13th and 14th during ALL lunches. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Be sure to come out for what will be a fun time and make sure bring money to purchase yummy treats at our bake sale!!
Grade Level Message 🔉
6th-grade will be attending the first session of Outdoor Ed from February 12-14th! Students will have the opportunity to explore nature through hands-on activities, including investigating microorganisms, navigating maps, making s’mores, and much more!
EBB Upcycle Art
For additional questions, contact our EBB site coordinator Ms. Emani Davis at emani_davis@mcpsmd.org or the EBB Rec Department at: EBB.Argyle@montgomerycountymd.gov
🎠Drama Director Needed đźŽ
Summer Camp Registration Opens Tuesday, Jan. 21
Montgomery County Recreation is hosting safe, fun and exciting summer camps. Camp registration begins at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21 for county residents. Explore the digital program guide ahead of registration day.
Applications are being accepted for 2025 Rec Assist, which provides eligible residents the opportunity to receive a scholarship for recreation programs. For more information about summer camp registration, visit the website or call 240-777-6840.
Arrival Time for Students; Doors Open at 7:50am
We kindly ask that students arrive at the time the doors open, which is at 7:50 AM. We do not have staff available to supervise students before that time, so if they arrive earlier, they will need to wait outside. As we are currently experiencing extremely cold mornings, we want to ensure students are not waiting in the cold for extended periods of time.
In the event of a 2-hour delay announced by the county, the doors will open at 9:50 AM.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us ensure a safe and comfortable start to the day for all students.
Car Riders Expectations
We expect that families dropping off and picking up students will adhere to the same expectations. These expectations are:
- Follow directions from Argyle staff, including stopping when indicated
- Pull as far forward as possible so that cars can fill in along the drop off and pick up line next to the school grounds; do not stop in the middle of this space near the handicap parking spaces
- Be prepared to drop off and pick up so that cars can move quickly
- Do not use parking spaces for drop off or pick up at any time
- Stay in your vehicle at all times
- Students should only exit and enter their car from the side of the parking lot next to the school building; students should not cross through the parking lot
Drivers who consistently disregard these expectations may be asked not to use the drop off and pick up areas. We appreciate your support in keeping our parking lot safe at all times.
Dismissal Policy
Any requests for early dismissal or dismissal changes for your child cannot be accommodated after 2:45 PM. This cut-off time is necessary to ensure the safety and efficient operation of our school dismissal process.
We understand that there may be occasions when you need to make changes to your child's dismissal plan, but after 2:45 PM, it becomes increasingly challenging to implement these changes without causing disruptions. Please make sure to communicate any changes or early dismissal requests to the school's office well in advance of this time to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.
Student Attendance
Parents or guardians should handwrite or email student excuse notes to Ms. Patricia Hernandez, Argyle's attendance secretary. Phone calls will not excuse any absences until a note has been turned in to the main office.
If you have any questions or need to email an excuse note, please get in touch with Argyle's attendance secretary Mrs. Patricia Hernandez at patricia_v_hernandez@mcpsmd.org
For more information on the attendance policy, please click here
Message from our Health Room
Parents and caregivers - Please send your students with a refillable, reusable water bottle every day. Hydration is an important part of learning and staying healthy. There are refilling stations throughout the school to ensure your student has access to water all day. Please ensure your student is eating breakfast and lunch whether it is a meal from our school cafeteria or a meal packed from home.
Stay Informed About Weather-Related Changes
With winter weather just around the corner, updates to school schedules and operations may sometimes need to be made. To receive the latest information on delays, closures and operational changes, Stay Connected, subscribe to Alert MCPS, and monitor our color-coded status system.
Keep Your Contact Information Current
To ensure you receive timely notifications, please update your contact details via the ParentVUE link on the MCPS Community Tech Support website.
Learn more about the color codes.
MCPS Operating Status Inclement Weather, 2024-2025
MealViewer: New Menu Tool Rolling out for Breakfast and Lunch
MealViewer, the new interactive menu platform for Montgomery County Public Schools breakfast and lunch menus. Students, caregivers, school staff, nurses, and community members will have digital access to menus and meal information. MealViewer launched on Sunday, December 8, 2024. MealViewer can be accessed via a browser or the MealViewer app on Android or iPhone. No signin or passwords are required to view menus. As of January 1, 2025, PDF menus will no longer be available.
Please use this link to view Argyle MS: https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/ArgyleMS
SchoolCash Online
Montgomery County Public Schools has transitioned to a new online payment system called SchoolCash Online as its preferred method of payment for all school-related fees.
SchoolCash Online helps parents/guardians and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. SchoolCash Online will help increase efficiency and security at schools by making payments directly into schools’ bank accounts and eliminating the need for teachers to handle money. In addition, once registered, you will be immediately informed about school activities!
The new system puts all of the school-related fees online for purchase so users can make purchases online using a credit card or e-check. A processing fee will be included on all items available for purchase, regardless of the type of payment used on SchoolCash Online or at the school.
Parents/guardians can register now at - Click here
Below are emails and phone numbers for the following departments:
Administration (240) 740-6370
School Principal - Mr. Allrich | James_K_Allrich@mcpsmd.org
8th Grade Administrator - Ms. Lee | Edith_U_Lee@mcpsmd.org
7th Grade Administrator - Ms. Turner | Hannah_D_Turner@mcpsmd.org
6th Grade Administrator/ Magnet Coordinator: Ms. Chao | Cortney_E_Chao@mcpsmd.org
Main Office (240) 740-6370
Administrative Secretary - Ms. Chavarria | Johana_M_Chavarria@mcpsmd.org
Front Office Secretary - Ms. Molina | Karin_G_Molina@mcpsmd.org
Attendance Secretary - Ms. Hernandez | Patricia_V_Hernandez@mcpsmd.org
School Financial Specialist - Mr. Magruder | Timothy_W_Magruder@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Office (240) 740-6380
Resource Counselor/ SSL Coordinator - Mr. Lilja | Email: Matthew_J_Lilja@mcpsmd.org
Counseling Secretary/Registrar - Ms. Ramirez | Email: Araceli_P_Ramirez@mcpsmd.org
8th Grade Counselor - Ms. Andich | Email: Kristen_M_Brinker@mcpsmd.org
7th Grade Counselor - Ms. DeWItt | Email: Genevieve_A_Dewitt@mcpsmd.org
6th Grade Counselor - Ms. Ford | Email: Miyah_M_Ford@mcpsmd.org
Argyle Magnet Middle School
Website: www.argylems.org
Location: 2400 Bel Pre Road, Aspen Hill, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Argyle-Magnet-Middle-School-102726228178724/
Twitter: @ArgyleMagnetMS