May 10, 2024
Dear Nederland Middle-Senior HS Families,
Our Seniors have one final week at Ned Middle-Senior High School. It is hard to believe that we are so very close to the finish-line. The graduation ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 18 at 10:00 a.m. here at the school. We have a number of other senior level events next week; please check the Panther Post calendar for dates and times.
A special thanks to the Panther Parents PTA for a great week of teacher appreciation!
Spring Final Exam Schedule
Sixth through 11th Grade final exams are scheduled for the week of May 20 - May 23 (Blue/Gold/Blue/Gold). See the schedule below.
Master Schedule and Course Selection - Extending Deadline to Friday May 17.
Please look for the school website to access the course selection forms for your students. We have extended the deadline for another week. We have made a few changes on conflicts that have been found and fixed.
Enjoy the weekend,
Upcoming Events
See all events on the NMSHS school calendar here.
- May 14 - AP Eng. Lang, 8am; AP Physics C, 2pm
- May 15 - AP World History, 8am
- May 15 - Senior Banquet, 5:30pm
- May 16 - Loquations to FTM Studios recording
- May 16 - 8th Grade to Elitch
- May 17 - Senior Breakfast, Rehearsal, Walk through halls at NMSHS and NES, 7:30am-10:30am
- May 18 - Nederland High School Graduation, 10am
- May 20-23 - Finals Week
- May 21 - Library at Lunch
- May 22 - 8th Grade Promotion, 2:30pm
- May 23 - Last day of school
Finals Week Schedule
It’s been a great week for Nederland Athletics! We have lots to celebrate.
For HS Track & Field, both the Boys’ and Girls’ teams placed 3rd at the Foothills League Meet. As only a freshman, River LeMaster was voted as the Foothills League Track Athlete of the Year by the coaches, winning both the High Jump at 4’8” and the 300 m hurdles. Everyone set a new PR, and Amika Begin even set a meet record for the 1600 m. Amika Begin, Abby Hess, River LeMaster, and Eric Thurston are all racing today for one more chance to qualify for the CHSAA State Championships. We may have a few qualifiers this year. Very impressive, Panthers!
For HS Girls’ Soccer, we finished the season last Saturday by beating Twin Peaks to place 3rd in the Foothills League. We had 5 separate athletes recognized with All League Honors. Coaches voted for Eva Wrobel, Trinity LeBlanc, and Echo Siglin to receive All League Honorable Mention, and Laila Waldron and Kyleigh McLaughlin to receive All League First Team. Additionally, Alberto Gonzalez was recognized by the coaches as Foothills League Coach of the Year, for I believe now the 6th time. Congratulations to all the ladies and Señor!
Finally, MS Track & Field finishes up their season this week at the BVSD Culminating Meets. All BVSD Middle Schools will be coming together for these meets, with the Girls’ racing Tuesday at Broomfield HS, and the Boys’ racing Wednesday at Centaurus HS. We’re excited to see how they do, and look forward to them joining our HS team soon to continue the good work that’s going on.
All the hard work and involvement is paying off. Nice job, Nederland!
Coaches Leventhal, LeFaiver and Cronan and Joyce will be conducting open weight room sessions for any athletes who want to get bigger, stronger, faster this summer! There is no fee for these sessions. We will be opening the weight room each MWF from 9-11am from June 10-August 9. The gyms will be available in June only. Any athlete who wants to participate will need to have a waiver/contact information form on file before participating.
Summer Weight Room Waiver/Emergency Information
We hope to see many athletes taking advantage of this program this summer.
Coach John
Here’s what’s happening from Nederland MSHS School Counseling:
AP Exams: Meet Promptly in the Nederland MSHS Library
Tuesday May 14 @ 8:00am - AP English Language & Composition
Tuesday May 14 @ 2:00pm - AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism
Wednesday May 15 @ 8:00am AP World History Modern
High School Concurrent College Courses build your college transcript while in high school. The credits are guaranteed to transfer to public universities in Colorado and BVSD covers the tuition costs! SUMMER & FALL offerings are listed below and you must sign up by the registration deadline. You should click the links for sign up instructions.
Summer Front Range Community College offerings - Runs May 28-August 5. Taught by BVSD teachers, consisting of BVSD high school students: SIGN UP BY MAY 10
ENG 1021 English Comp I - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
ENG 1022 English Comp 2 - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
LIT 1015 Intro to Literature - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr BVSD English)
PSY 1002 General Psychology II - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Electives)
COM 1250 Interpersonal Communication - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Electives)
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr Practical Exp AND Computer Science grad req)
BUS 1016 Personal Finance - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 credits of BVSD Practical Experience & the Money Management graduation reqs)
MAT 1240 Math for Liberal Arts - 4 College Credits - 5 credits of BVSD Math (synchronous online Tuesdays @ 10:00am)
HUM 1003 Introducción al Arte Cinematográfico (Spanish Cinema Arts) 3 College Credits (Synchronous M/W - 1:00-2:15) - 5 credits BVSD Electives
FALL Front Range Community College offerings - Taught by BVSD teachers, consisting of BVSD high school students: SIGN UP BY August 2. Runs August 19 - December 9.
ENG 1021 English Comp I - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
ENG 2021 Creative Writing - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD English)
COM 2300 Intercultural Communication 3 College Credits Asynchronous (5 cr BVSD Communication)
BUS 1016 Personal Finance - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 credits of BVSD Practical Experience & the Money Management graduation reqs)
MAT 1260 Intro to Statistics - 3 College Credits Asynchronous (Meets 5 cr of BVSD Math)
LIT 1015 Intro to Literature - 3 College Credits (Meets 5 credits of BVSD ELA Electives)
Families, learn about how students can earn one year of free college tuition after 12th grade, via the Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT) Program.
BVSD online: BVSD Online offers full semester courses to students looking to earn necessary graduation credits. Sign up for full semester summer courses which begin 5/30/2024 and end 7/24/2024. These courses are $300. Students with waived fees pay $50.
- When your student was hoping for a College admission, but received an application rejection: This is a helpful article on clues to what teens might experience through the college application process. Check it out for helpful insights.
- Mental Health Partners’ Nederland location offers family support and mental wellness services. Connect with MHP’s site: https://www.mhpcolorado.org/about/locations/nederland/
- Struggling with substance use, numbing? Denver Health has created a youth support site with several resources including mental health apps, coping skills, artistic creativity, breathing, self-care, activities and group support. Check out their site here to connect with several resources focused on a variety of areas of wellness: https://strongerwithout.com/
- Online support: Concerned for a teen who is experiencing substance misuse? An online support group for families of teens is starting soon. See registration details here: SUD NH.pdf
- Medicine Horse: This local equestrian group hosts several programs offering equine therapy services to teens and adults. See their flyer for details on their offerings.
Sophomore responsibilities for Senior Breakfast
Sophomores are responsible for providing food, serving, and cleaning up the senior breakfast on Friday May 17th @ 7:30am. Sign up NOW: Senior Breakfast Sign Ups See Ms. Chewens with questions.
The Panther Parents PTA and NMSHS Students & Families celebrated our staff all week to let them know how thankful we are to have them!
Mon – There were festive decorations of gratitude and yummy treats to enjoy for the NMSHS and bus barn staff!
Tues – The weather caused a delay in celebrating unfortunately…
Wed – The Bus Barn was provided a delicious breakfast! Wonderful and relaxing massages were available for the staff all day and they received a special gift of a scented glass jar candle with a personal message from the students!
Thurs – The NMSHS and bus barn staff all received a Camp Ned themed gift including a mug, handmade s’mores kit, inspirational message pocket notebook and pen, Mt Ear Coupon donated by The Mt. Ear, and local gift cards donated by NMSHS families!
Fri – There was a coffee cart and barista making warm and tasty coffee drinks for our staff to enjoy with some croissants BoBo bites to go with it – perfect for this cool day! Also, an email was sent to our amazing coaches & club leaders thanking them for all they do and letting them know we have the mug filled with goodies gift for them too!
What a fun week getting to treat our staff to things to enjoy as a heartfelt thank you for all they do!!
A big thank you to our NMSHS Students & Families for your contributions and for helping the PTA make this week happen!
Today was the last day of Staff Appreciation Week, but wait, there’s more…
The Kaleidoscope Kitchen food truck lunch has been rescheduled for Monday 5/13 – YAY!!
We hope our NMSHS Staff had an amazing week and knows how very grateful we are for them all!
Thank you so much for all you do!
- The Panther Parents PTA and the NMSHS Students & Families
Nederland Community Library
Town Clean Up Day Youth Volunteers
You can find everything on the Town page here: https://townofnederland.colorado.gov/town-clean-up-day
We would love to see youth participation in some way - volunteers or bake sales or other ideas.
Gilpin County Community Center
Nederland Celebrates 150 Years - Logo Contest
Boulder County Housing and Human Services
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900