Family Weekly Update
MVHS- 5/17/24
Moving forward senior fees will need to be paid in cash.
Erin's Law
Mount Vernon High School will be presenting this material during HIVE on Monday, May 20 and Tuesday, May 21.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope this letter finds you well. We want to inform you about an important update in Ohio's education curriculum that affects your child's school experience. Ohio’s 134th General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 288, which updated the prescribed curriculum for health education, adding requirements related to child sexual abuse prevention, dating violence prevention, and sexual violence prevention.
The law, Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.60 includes requirements for student instruction, parent and legal guardian notification, and training for school personnel.
- Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, schools are required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention to students in grades kindergarten through six.
- Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, schools are required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in dating violence prevention education and sexual violence prevention education to students in grades seven through twelve.
This instruction will take place in the coming weeks. Mount Vernon Middle School and High School students will be utilizing a video series from Fight Child Abuse.Org, an Ohio Department of Education-approved curriculum that fulfills the requirements of Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.60.
You may preview preview the series that will be presented to your child by going to the following website: https://fightchildabuse.org/Please make sure that you select the age-appropriate videos for your child. 6th-grade students will watch the ‘4-6’ series and 7-12 students will watch the ‘Teen’ series. There will be seven video lessons shared with students with a brief introduction and follow-up as necessary. The ‘Teen’ series videos are listed below. The 4-6 Series is slightly different..
- Teenagers and Sexual Abuse
- Online Sexual Abuse Can Happen
- Friends Can Help Stop Sexual Abuse
- Say No to Prevent Sexual Abuse
- Grooming and Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse in the Family
- Don’t Let Pressure End up as Sexual Abuse.
We understand that every family is unique, and the educational needs of each student may vary. As a result, the law allows parents and legal guardians to request that their child be excused from taking instruction in child sexual abuse prevention. Please complete the Google Opt-Out Form if you wish to opt your child out of this particular instruction. Your child's opt-out status will remain active through the 2023-2024 school year.
We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or require further information regarding this new legislation or the curriculum changes it brings. Our staff is available to assist and address any concerns you may have.
William Seder Jr.
Chromebook Turn-in
Congrats Lucy!!!
Lucy Peterson has received the Best of SNO award for her passion project. We are so proud of her and the work she has put into our class this year. Close to 16,000 stories have been submitted and just over 2,000 students have received this distinction.
Congrats to MVHS Chorale
The MVHS Chorale recently received a Superior rating at the OMEA Large Group State Competition at Watkins Memorial!!!
OCC Champs!!!!
Congratulations to Coach Hunt and the Mount Vernon Varsity Baseball team!!!!
Fall Drama Club Production
Next fall, MVHS Drama will present the classic Agatha Christie mystery Murder on the Orient Express. Auditions dates are August 28th and 29th, and rehearsals start in late September.
Questions ? Check with Mrs. Loveland or visit the Drama Club web page for information.
National Honor Society Information
Sophomores and Juniors who have a GPA of 3.5 and above are academically eligible to apply to NHS, and will receive a letter in the mail in late June informing them of a mandatory informational meeting (should they wish to apply) and providing important dates in the application process. Be on the lookout for email from an organization called the “National Society of High School Scholars” (NSHSS), which is not affiliated with the school and is not the same organization as the National Honor Society. Any communication from the MVHS chapter of NHS will come from Mrs. Loveland on school letterhead. If you have questions prior to receiving an eligibility letter, you may find some answers on the NHS website, or stop and talk to Mrs. Loveland (rm 219).
Awards Banquet Season
If you received an invitation to one of the awards, please attend and be honored for all of your hard work!!!
- Senior Awards Banquet
- Thursday, May 23- 6:30 pm
- MVHS Theater
Digital Hall of Fame
Check out the MVHS Digital Hall of Fame
The hall of fame now contains Forums and/or Jacket Journals from as far back as 1905 in the MVHS History section.
New Class Offering- 3D Modeling & Printing
Does 3D modeling and printing sound interesting to you? If so, we are offering a new course next year that you will want to sign up for. This 3D modeling and printing course will delve into the fascinating world of 3D design, utilizing industry-leading software tools such as Blender, Autodesk Inventor, and SketchUp. Whether you want to pursue a career in industrial design, architecture, animation, 3D game development or simply want to explore the endless possibilities of 3D design and printing, this course will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in this rapidly evolving field. To join the class, contact your guidance counselor today! For more information, you can visit Mr. Wiles’s class webpage at www.kenwiles.net.
Forum Books
Parents of Seniors!
Order of your 2024 Forum Book now! Go to the link below or use the QR code to buy the yearbook online. The last day to order the book is June 1st.
Immunizations for Juniors
Parents/Guardians of current 11th grade students,
The State of Ohio law requires all students to have a Meningococcal ACWY (MCV4) vaccine before entering 12th grade or they will be withheld from school until the requirements are met. If your child has already had this vaccine, please disregard this message. If your child has not yet received this vaccine, or other school-required immunizations students can receive their immunizations at the Nationwide Children's Hospital School-Based Health Center. Click here to indicate your interest in your student receiving the immunization at the Nationwide Children's Hospital School Based Health Center and a member of their team will be in contact with you to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be conveniently scheduled during the school day during a time that limits an interruption to their learning. There are also times available outside of the school day and they will be open throughout the summer.
If you do not choose to participate in the immunization clinic please make sure your child receives their vaccines before next school year. You can visit the following locations to get the immunizations:
- Your child’s doctor/healthcare provider, call ahead for verification
- The Knox County Health Department Immunization Clinic, call (740) 399-8008 to make an appointment
- Local pharmacies often provide them for ages 13 and up, please be sure to call ahead for verification
There are two exemptions to the state law:
- If your child has a medical condition that prevents him or her from receiving the vaccine, a statement from the student’s health provider (Immunization Exemption Form) is required and must be provided to the school.
- If you object for good cause including religious reasons, fill out the Immunization Exemption Form by clicking the link or by stopping into the school office. The form must be signed by a parent/guardian and turned in to the school office.