Crusader Times
March 4, 2020
Bonita Vista Middle School
Welcome to Bonita Vista Middle School - Home of the Crusaders! Thank you for visiting our newsletter. In this edition we bring to you our school highlights and a glance at events coming up. Additionally, we are now accepting newsletter submissions. If you have any content you'd like to be featured, please submit by clicking here. Enjoy this edition of the Crusader Times. Go Crusaders!
Words from our Principal
We are just a few short weeks away from spring break. You should have received progress reports from your students last week and students should be focused on improving grades through AEC, Saturday Scholars, and tutoring. My goal is for EVERY 8th grade student to participate in promotion. In order to be eligible, students must pass all 6 classes in June.
Mark your calendars! The promotion date has been set! 8th grade promotion will take place on Friday, June 5th at 2:30pm at Otay Ranch High School. I can't wait to celebrate the success of our students.
On Tuesday, some of our students participated in a walkout to demonstrate their support for their teachers during this time of district budget cuts. The walkout was peaceful and orderly and no students attempted to leave campus. The walkout wasn't planned in advance and unfolded very quickly Tuesday morning. I would like to encourage our students to plan purposeful ways of voicing their opinions in the future by working with administration and promoting their events to students. By doing this, we can be prepared to teach our students how to be activists and how to have their voices heard in a meaningful way.
I am proud to announce that on March 15th, ten of our staff members will be running in the San Diego Half Marathon and Padres 5k. If you would like to come out and cheer for us along the route, we would love to see you!
We are in the final stretch of the year. I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and communication. If there is anything I or my team can do to support you in these final months of the year, please let me know.
Thank you,
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
School Highlights
Middle School 101
Future Crusader Night was a huge success. We welcomed hundreds of new 7th grade students to BVM. Thank you to all of the students and staff who helped make this an amazing event and a positive experience for our future Crusaders.
Science & Athletics
Two paralympic athletes shared their stories with our 8th grade science students today in preparation for their prosthetic limb projects. Such incredible athletes and inspirational stories!
Always here, always on time
straight A crusader
Crusaders vs. Tritons
BVM School Spirit
Mr. Dougherty went all out for meme day!
BVM Cheer remembered Kobe Bryant on 2/24 with gold and yellow ribbons.
These students were E-Girls for a day.
Staff Members of the Month
Congratulations to Ms. Santa Cruz and Ms. Molina for being the staff members of the month! Your hard work and dedication is truly appreciated.
Wifi Troubles? Try this:
Home Wi-Fi connection tips:
Clear Safari history daily!
Go to Settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Website Data -> clear
Student iPad home Wi-Fi instructions:
1. You must connect to your own home Wi-Fi first
2. Tap on the iBoss SUHSD Login app
3. Login with-
Username: student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
4. Successful login will take you to sweetwaterschools.org (keep this page open)
5. Safari and apps will now work from home
Print here.
School Information
Parent/Community Information
Now Accepting Newsletter Submissions!
Bonita Vista Middle School
The mission of Bonita Vista Middle School, a dynamic learning community with a tradition of academic excellence, is to empower students to succeed in middle school and beyond through a system of learning distinguished by:
- A rigorous and relevant curriculum.
- A broad range of opportunities that support student success.
- A climate that promotes strong parent, community, staff and student collaboration.
- A safe and nurturing environment that embraces diversity.
- A school culture that promotes personal integrity.
Email: teresa.kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: bvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook
Twitter: @WeAreBVM