PRSD Pulse

PRSD Pulse: First Edition of 2025
Superintendent's Update
Greetings Pearl River School District Families and Staff,
Welcome to the first edition of the PRSD Pulse e-newsletter for 2025! Upon returning from Winter Recess, our K-12 administrators, staff and students jumped right back into lessons, activities, projects, professional learning, and curriculum planning. Reflecting on the month of January, I am proud of the many accomplishments spanning academics, the arts and athletics. At the high school level, we celebrated a number of student successes including selection to perform in the Rockland County Music Educators Association’s Area All-State and Senior All-County Music Festivals, as well as county and league championships/record-breaking achievements across a number of our athletic teams and players. In addition, the Pearl River High School Class of 2025 debuted their performance of “Mean Girls: High School Edition” - working together to successfully put on shows for all to enjoy.
At Pearl River Middle School, fifth graders participated in an ‘Informance’ - an opportunity to perform live for parents and staff, and showcase their musical knowledge under the direction of the PRMS Music Department. In addition, sixth grade Science classes engaged in hands-on lessons delivered by instructors from Veolia Water - providing the opportunity for exploration of H20 conservation efforts, density, surface tension, cohesion and adhesion. Seventh grade English Language Arts (ELA) students also prepared their defenses for story villains of their choice, addressing their classmates with presentations of evidence and reasoning as part of their Fairy Tales as Cultural Clues Unit.
At the elementary level, K-4 students worked with school clinicians to hone executive functioning skills through activities both in groups and individually. Guided by Instructional Technology Coaches, various grade-levels also prepared for spring 2025 New York State Computer-Based Testing - exploring the features within the NYS Testing Program Question Sampler and learning to navigate various tools that they will experience during testing. Across our ELF buildings, students prepared for the Lunar New Year through classroom lessons, art projects, performances and parades. In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, teachers engaged learners in age-appropriate discussions and read-alouds enhancing Dr. King’s message of peace and equality. Kicking off February's PARP (Pick A Reading Partner) initiative, elementary students enjoyed introductory assemblies and learned about the month’s literacy focuses.
As 2025 begins to take form, I look forward to a new year of exciting opportunity and advancement. Our monthly PRSD Pulse e-newsletter shares the highlights throughout each month as we continue our ever-evolving work across the District. I look forward to sharing more throughout the year!
Marco F. Pochintesta, Ed.D.
Spotlights Section
Pearl River High School's Class of 2025 Debuts "Mean Girls: High School Edition"
The PRSD Celebrates Lunar New Year!
At Franklin Avenue Elementary School, students excitedly followed along as Mr. Price and Ms. Li acted out the story of The Legend of the Beast Nian - as K-4 Franklin Ave Stars learned that the reason for the display of lanterns, red colors, bright lights and fireworks first were used by Chinese villagers in an effort to drive Nian away. Throughout the evolution of time, these customs have spread across China and developed into the festival that's celebrated today! During a following Q&A session, Ms. Li answered inquiries about the ways in which she celebrates each year, and Mr. Price demonstrated a festive lantern art activity using yellow and red paper. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Prevention Education at Pearl River High School
Pearl River High School students learned about the dangers of nicotine and marijuana use as part of a school-based prevention presentation - led by the Rockland Council on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependence Inc. (RCADD) Prevention Educator Kayla Cabacungan. During their Physical Education periods, PRHS Pirates across grades 8-12 listened intently to Ms. Cabacungan as she covered topics spanning both nicotine and marijuana's effects on the body and brain, and the dangers of e-cigarettes and devices marketed towards teens and young adults. Writing their questions on a beach ball provided by Ms. Cabacungan and passing it around to their peers, the informational session concluded with debunking common misconceptions that those in attendance had prior to gaining insight. Thanks to this ongoing partnership with RCADD, PRSD students are being armed with the knowledge to make smart and informed decisions throughout their development and beyond.
Building STEM Learning at Pearl River Middle School
PRMS Pirates at Pearl River Middle School engaged in a Paper Ball Run Challenge during their STEM PEP (Personalized Education Period) class - building standing structures, along with their knowledge of engineering and physics! Led by teacher Deb Passman, students excitedly got to work strategically planning their course of action, and utilizing a methodical design process to develop a paper creation. The goal: to build a ball run from just paper and tape with an added challenge of ensuring that their ball travels as slow as possible. Through mazes, bumps and sharp turns all creatively formed with folded, cut and taped paper, learners expanded their collaborative and problem solving skills!
Musical Mentorship Bridges Connections
PARP Kicks Off Across Elementary Buildings
At Evans Park Elementary School, Tigers were visited by award-winning author Jason Edwards as part of "Destination: Inspiration StoryCrafting Adventure" as he introduced the elements of 'storycrafting'. Students learned about bringing written stories to life by drawing on their own inspirations and experiences - discussing the creation of characters, settings, plot and dialogue in their own stories. This story isn't reaching its ending yet..stay tuned for coverage of PARP celebrations at our elementary schools during the month of February! Very special thanks to the Evans Park, Lincoln Avenue and Franklin Avenue PTAs for your work, partnership and support... More on Facebook and Instagram.
Interactive Science Fun...Just Add Water!
Students Explore the Life and Legacy of MLK Jr.
Book Buddies Spotlights Student Mentorship Opportunities
Franklin Ave Stars Explore a Path to Rhythm
Instructional Literacy Coach Guides Reading Comprehension
Fifth Graders Showcase Musical Understanding During Informance
Fifth grade student-musicians at Pearl River Middle School took the stage this morning to showcase the collaborative work of the PRMS Music Department and the grade 5 Orchestra, Band and Choral ensembles for their 'Informance'! Joined by administrators, teachers and family members in attendance, PRMS Pirates. excitedly performed various musical selections that they've been hard at work rehearsing and preparing throughout the school year. With a purpose to both educate and entertain, the annual 'Informance' (informative performance) serves as an exciting opportunity for learners to demonstrate the knowledge and ability they've honed - thanks to the guidance of their teachers: Brianna Hensley (Band), Brian Evans (Band), Danice Claud-Desir (Orchestra) and Matthew Wilson (Chorus). Bravo, musicians! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Instructional Coach + Teacher Partnership = Math Concept Understanding
PRSD K-4 Instructional Math Coach Regina Zito is routinely working with second graders in Heather Reekie's class at Franklin Avenue Elementary School - to enhance understanding of Eureka Math² concepts and provide targeted supports! Throughout the week, Mrs. Zito visits these Franklin Ave Stars to collaborate with Ms. Reekie as the pair focuses on specific lessons and modules within students' workbooks - to develop conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Each working with small groups, both the teacher and coach have the ability to analyze learning gaps, address challenges and growth, and collaboratively plan best practices based on math learning outcomes. Through tailored learning sessions, Mrs. Zito and Ms. Reekie facilitate group work based on varying levels of math understanding and provide differentiated instruction based on students' needs. In remediation, enrichment and targeted skill groups, second grade Stars work with Mrs. Zito and Ms. Reekie to receive support on foundational concepts, and explore challenging problems and skills. More on Facebook and Instagram.
HS Students Take Part in RCC Application Day
Seventh Graders Present Defenses for Story Villains
Seventh grade English Language Arts (ELA) students (pictured: Jeanenne Verret's class) are preparing their defenses for story villains of their choice...addressing the jury (their classmates) with presentations of evidence and reasoning! Tying into their unit centered on 'Fairy Tales as Cultural Clues', PRMS Pirates began with delving into research – selecting a villain they used as a basis for their case. Individuals and groups then strategically selected a defense strategy - working to create their opening statements and final presentations to share with the class. Through this activity, learners craft their defense on both the facts of their story, as well as the creative ways they can prove their villains innocent or guilty on a lesser charge. Through combining critical analysis of fictional stories and characters with real-world application, ELA students create credible and compelling arguments, and improve their presentation skills, in preparation for their unit exam.
Third Graders Create Festive Snake Designs for Lunar New Year
ELF Students Prepare for Computer Based Testing
HS Counselors Visit Junior Classes to Discuss Post-Secondary Planning
Fifth Graders Delve Into IMSE Morphology
Student Musicians Selected for Senior All-County and Contemporary/Jazz Choir Music Festivals
Senior All-County Orchestra
Julia Kelly
Riley Cahill
Logan Jevens
Senior All-County Band
Fiona Loy
Maeve McGee
Meg Richards
Kaan Richardson
Lauren Seidel
Molly Stewart
Senior All-County Mixed Chorus + All-County Contemporary/Jazz Choir
Sammy Ares
Daniel Hussey
Danny Burns
Nathan Jo
Student Jacqueline Bachman Selected for RCMEA Area All-State Music Festival
The PRSD spotlighted Pearl River High School Chorus student Jacqueline Bachman, who performed in the Rockland County Music Educators Association (RCMEA) Area All-State Music Festival hosted at Suffern High School leading up to the holiday season! As we approached RCMEA's Senior All-County Music Festival held in January, we shined a bright light on music education, and the dynamic talents of our Chorus, Band and Orchestra students selected to showcase their skills alongside fellow performers hailing from neighboring school districts located in Rockland County. Bravo, Jacqueline! More on Facebook and Instagram.
Fourth Graders Hone Executive Functioning Skills
Executive functioning skills are key in ensuring students have the ability to plan, organize and make decisions - and K-4 learners are honing this understanding through activities, push-in lessons and small group instruction led by school clinicians! At Franklin Avenue Elementary School, school counselor Morgan O'Donohue worked with fourth graders to engage in a Backpack Relay - incorporating a focus on organization and its four 'C's': clean, categorize, customize and continue, to show students the value of staying orderly. During a timed challenge, these Franklin Ave Stars excitedly got to work unpacking a backpack (provided by Ms. O'Donohue) with an assortment of supplies inside including pens, markers, erasers, folders and binders. Using written checklists on the board, students worked carefully to organize papers within the folders and binders, as well as the other messy belongings. The group with the fastest time and the most accurately organized backpack, in alignment with the checklists, wins! This activity is just one of many that students will take part in as part of the grant-funded SMARTS (Strategies, Motivation, Awareness, Resilience, Talents, Success) Executive Function Curriculum that aims to transform learners' lives through addressing strengths and challenges in goal setting, cognitive flexibility, memorization, organizing/prioritizing, and self-checking/monitoring. More on Facebook and Instagram.
Molas Creations Take Shape in Art 5
Fifth grade Art students at Pearl River Middle School excitedly finalized paper molas - designing creations inspired by the elaborate embroidered panels that make up the front and back of a traditional blouse worn by indigenous Kuna women of Panama and Colombia. Beginning with a lesson led by Art teacher Erin Girling, PRMS Pirates learned about the detailed artistry that goes in to creating traditional sewn fabric molas - made by carefully layering and cutting to craft intricate, vibrant creations. Ms. Girling emphasized the importance of ensuring that students' molas incorporate the elements of art and principles of design as well as traditional features - including symmetry, linear and abstract patterns, flora and fauna, alphabets, legends and traditions, objects from other cultures, balance, line, shape, and variety. Student artists then used animal stencils to outline on contrasting construction paper before getting to work using scissors and glue. More on Facebook and Instagram.