Dads and Daughters!
Kia ora koutou parents and whānau.
What a wonderful turn out there was for the Dads and Daughters breakfast today. This unique occasion was an opportunity to celebrate the important role that fathers and other significant males have in the lives of children, including that of our daughters.
The atmosphere was vibrant with plenty of smiles and interaction throughout the morning as they worked together to learn a hand game, complete the quiz, and eat breakfast.
While this was about getting dads into school, we are super keen to have all parents and and caregivers involved in the learning of our tamariki. The affirmation, strong sense of identity and belonging, and the development of behaviours and values that comes from quality interactions between the child, school and home has positive effects for children.
I'd like to acknowledge the work that has gone on behind the scenes to make this happen. Laura Seed has put in considerable effort and time planning, seeking sponsorship, organising food, and setting up. She has been well supported by our wonderful team of teachers, our Home and School Committee, Ben Sifflett with the Taranaki rugby players who attended, plus Brent Parker and the New Plymouth Police.
Well done to those children recognised by their class teacher for a principal's award last week. It was great to hear stories of resilience, perseverance, progress, and kindness being recognised! The latest principal award recipients were:
Zander Hintz, Tyler Rosser, Theo Allen, Aubree Ardianta, Marlee Shotter, Isabella Soffe, Noah Benton, Joshua Erne, Franco Viljoen, Emmeline Penberth, Vanna Erickson, Chloe Miller, Eli Rawhiti, Iylah Brown, Jackson Cowley, Siddansh Swamy, Noah Jones, Maddie Green, Azalea McDonald, Madisyn Baker, Kahleesi Stubbings, Kai Takahashi, Carla Visagie, Fergus Stevenson, Viviana Navas Daal, Hannah Froome, Bella King, Lealyn Coombe, Delaney Popata, Vinny Bumbesevic.
Ka mau te wehi!
Our children wrapped up warm on Wednesday for day of Rippa Rugby at the racecourse. There were plenty of teams entered - so many that some old sports uniforms made a comeback for the day! The great thing about the day was seeing all children out there giving it go. It was lovely to see high levels of encouragement and support for each other, with games played in good spirit. All of the children managed themselves really well during the day, even despite tiredness creeping in towards the end. Once again, thank you to the teachers and support staff involved in getting this organised and supervising teams on the day - Nathan Ransfield, Dayna Lewis, Celeste Broderick, Eloise Hay, Brent Bishop, Laura Seed and Matt Goodwin.
Turning around the day after Rippa Rugby was a big ask and we were really proud of the resilience and sportsmanship shown by all of the children during their matches.
Results were as follows:
Netball A
Yesterday we played Welbourn at interschool and faced a tough team. We pushed through, but unfortunately, we didn't get the result we were looking for and lost 9-5. Raine Donnelly
Netball B
Our Netball B team faced Welbourn in a very tough game. We all enjoyed it, and the score was 6-6. Kahleesi Stubbings
We played against Welbourn yesterday. It was a fun game, they were a tough team, and we unfortunately lost 17-50. There were some hard hits and tackles. Manawa was our player of the day. Eldon Price
On Thursday, we played Welbourn. They were pretty good, but we won. The score ended up being 2-1. Millie Wilson
We walked to Welbourn on Thursday for interschool and played basketball against them. We lost 18-45. Our team started slow and our defence wasn’t the best, but we got better in the second half. Our passing was great, and our player of the day was Juval. Cotto Rapira
On Thursday, we played Welbourn, but we didn't do so well. Welbourn had some very skilled chess players, and we lost 7-14. It was still a good day, and the player of the day was Wulf. Charlotte Bailey
The team showed really good intent, trying to play a passing game, but things just didn't come together. The team battled right through until the very end, defending hard, and making some runs at goal (and were unlucky to score). Player of the day was Jackson. Mr Hunt
Our hockey team played against Welbourn at Highlands Intermediate. We lost 8-0. It was a tough game and our first game ever as a team. Our player of the day was Mila D. Emma and Zoey Flay
A big thanks to all those supporters who came out to cheer us on!
It is important that we know if you have a child starting school sometime in the remainder of this year. This will allow us to put organisation in place for new students - especially those starting school, and to understand our predicted roll throughout the year.
You can do this by contacting the office to confirm that we have your child on our records, or by completing an enrolment form (which can be collected from the school or downloaded off our website).
If you know of anyone else living in zone that may be looking to enrol then please share this message with them.
Put all these dates in your diary or your phone! Remember we will put all updates on Facebook, Skool Loop and Seesaw.
25 June - BOT meeting, 6 pm
26 June - Starting School the VS Way, 5 pm, Junior School office
26 June - Interschool vs Woodleigh @ Vogeltown
27 June - Vogeltowner Assembly
28 June - Matariki Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
1 July - Vogeltown School's birthday!
1st July - Enrolments open for Highlands Intermediate for 2025
3 July - Pizza lunch day (note: new date)
4 July - Paetoki speech finals
5 July - Term 2 ends
22 July - 27 September
24 July - Learning Conferences, 2:30pm to 7:15pm
25 July - Learning Conferences, 2:30pm to 6:15pm
7 August - Highlands Intermediate Info Evening, 6pm at Highlands
9 August - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
23 August - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
30 August - Highlands Intermediate Out of Zone enrolments close
6 September - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
20 September - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
14 October - 13 December
1 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
15 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
29 November - Four Year Old Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am, Junior School
Our school policies, like many schools, are now in an online system through a portal called 'Schooldocs'. Any time you want to bring up a school policy, just log in to schooldocs and you can access the policies.
The login is: vogeltown
The password: huatoki
The website link to Schooldocs is below.
Stay safe and be kind to each other. Thank you for the ongoing support of Vogeltown School, we really appreciate the efforts everyone makes to ensure our kura is such a great place to learn and work!
On behalf of the Vogeltown team, ka kite ano!
Ryves Hunt and the VS team
Email: office@vogeltown.school.nz
Website: www.vogeltown.school.nz
Location: Vogeltown School Huatoki Street, Vogeltown, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: (06) 753 6843