New Albany Primary School
September 30, 2024
What an exciting September at the Primary School! All grade levels celebrated Spirit Week with a lunchtime campout last week. They were excited to have a pajama day, bring their towels to the lunchroom, and eat around the campfire with friends. We look forward to making even more memories in October as we welcome fall weather. Thank you for taking the time to read through our newsletter and please don't hesitate to reach out with questions!
Primary School student fees for the 2024-2025 school year were posted to student PowerSchool accounts earlier this month. The $16.25 school fee includes a District Technology fee and covers consumable items such as Scholastic magazines. Payment can be made online at PaySchoolsCentral or mail a check made payable to the New Albany Primary School to:
New Albany Primary School
87 North High Street
New Albany, Ohio, 43054
Students in second grade will be taking the InView Cognitive Ability Test in November. Second grade students will take the test in two parts on November 12 and 13. To learn more about the InView test, click here.
Third-grade students will be taking Ohio’s English Language Arts exam on October 22 and 24. The testing will begin in the morning, so students who arrive late to school will need to attend a retesting session because teachers are not allowed to interrupt the testing once it begins. Please make sure to avoid appointments on these two days so your child can be at school for the tests.
This year, we have seen a significant increase in the number of students that are riding electric scooters or bikes to campus. These new vehicles move at much greater speeds than traditional scooters and bikes creating the potential for unsafe situations or accidents. We would like to invite all of our families to please have a conversation with your student(s) to make sure that everyone remains safe on our school campus and while traveling to and from home.
Stay on Sidewalks: Students should always ride on sidewalks where available to keep themselves and pedestrians safe. Students should not ride on the road or through parking lots.
Stop at Crosswalks: Remind them to stop at all crosswalks and look both ways before crossing to ensure it's safe.
Watch for Traffic: Encourage students to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings, especially when navigating through busy areas.
Speed Limit: Students should not exceed 10 miles per hour on campus to maintain control and react quickly to obstacles.
Wear a Helmet: A properly fitted helmet is crucial for protection. All students under the age of 18 are required to wear helmets in New Albany when operating a bike or scooter.
No Doubling Up: Only one rider per scooter or bike is allowed to ensure stability and safety.
Secure Your Ride: Remind them to lock up their bikes and scooters when not in use to prevent theft.
By following these guidelines, we will be able to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for our students, staff, and community. Let's stay safe, Eagles!
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held the week of October 14th. Please sign up with your classroom teacher. If you would like to schedule a time to meet with your student's Related Arts teachers, please email them individually.
Conferences are an opportunity for families and teachers to share successes, progress, and growth opportunities. Our goal at the Primary School is to meet with every single family to discuss each child’s progress!
The month of October is now SOCKTOBER at the Primary School! We are taking donations of brand-new socks to distribute around the community to the local food pantry, churches, school clinics, and shelters. The biggest need is thick, tall adult socks, but we will take any type you can donate. Have your child drop them in the boxes at the end of the hallways. This will go on all month long. Thank you for your support!
Picture Retake Day is Monday, October 7. All retakes and absentee pictures will be taken in the morning. If you would like your child to have their picture retaken, send in their original picture packet that you no longer wish to keep. If you did not originally order pictures, or your child was absent on picture day, please email your classroom teacher to let them know that you would like your child to participate in Picture Retake Day.
Regular attendance is critical for school success. We hope to see your students at school everyday. However, we know there may be days your student will be out due to illness or scheduled appointments. Please call or mail the attendance hotline for any absence reason .
If your child misses school for an ill or planned doctor's appointment, always request a note from the doctor. These notes should be turned in to the Eagle Office or emailed to the attendance hotline. This allows the absences to be considered medically excused.
If your family has a planned absence, please fill out and submit the district's pre-planned absence form. This form must be returned in 7 days prior to the absence date in order to excuse the absence.
We have quite a few sweatshirts that have accumulated in our Lost and Found area. If you believe your student has a missing item, please ask them check in with their teacher about a time to look. You may also contact Sara Peterson at peterson.2@napls.us to look for specific items.
October 3- Teacher Professional Day (No School)
October 4- Teacher Work Day (No School)
October 7-Picture Re-take Day
October 22- 3rd Grade OST test
October 24-3rd Grade OST test
NAPS PTO is kicking off the year with our annual 'Fall Into Reading' Fall Festival THIS SUNDAY 10/6 3-5pm, promoting our largest fundraiser, the Read-A-Thon.
Our Read-A-Thon is a fundraiser where students read as many books or pages as they can between Oct. 7th - Oct. 21st to raise money for the PTO.
Family fun event! ALL ARE WELCOME!
SUNDAY Oct. 6th 3-5pm @ Marx Library Garden (behind NA Library)
See flyer below!
Teresa Smith, Building Principal
Colleen Masters, Assistant Principal
Dr. Sara Peterson, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Primary School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/primary
Location: 87 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyPrimarySchool/
Twitter: @napls_ps