The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: October 9, 2024
Accolades for AHS
Dear Atholton Community,
Happy October! As we roll along in our 2nd month of the school year and quickly approach the end of our first marking period, I wanted to take a moment to share some school, program, and individual accolades for AHS:
- Atholton was recently recognized for earning Silver Status on the College Board's AP School Honor Roll for the 2023-24 school year! The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools that have done outstanding work to welcome more students into AP courses and support them on the path to college success.
- The Atholton Band won first place in the 3A competition and best band at Bel Air last weekend. They compete again at the HCPSS showcase on 10/16 and at Guilford Park HS on 10/19.
- Many of our students received notification that they were selected as National Merit Semifinalists or Commended Students. Congrats to our Semifinalists-Annabella Du, Joel Ihm, Arun Kuruvilla, and Samuel Li. Kudos as well to our commended students-Radhik Ampani, Nihar Ayinala, Tristan Carter, Ehren Casto, Jason Chen, Isabel Cowperthwaite, Nathan Li, Kiren Mahadevia, Muhammad Monib, Abha Nagaraj, Cole Ostrowski, Sean Qin, Kavya Shah, Lily Shen, Riley Smalowicz, Mollie Thomas, Bryan Wang, Timothy Wright, and Angel Zhou.
With our athletics teams starting their playoff seasons soon, I'm sure we'll have more accolades to share soon. Thanks for supporting our students, staff, and school. Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information
Underclassmen Picture Make-Up Day
Thursday, October 10th is the underclassmen picture make up day. We only have 172 students remaining who have not been photographed. Pictures will take place in the wrestling room and during the periods indicated below according to last name.
Period Last Name
1 A-B
2 C-F
3 G-J
4 K-M
5 N-R
6 S-Z
Students will receive passes from their teachers. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Thanks.
Join Model UN
Are you interested in world politics and current events? Do you love debate and diplomacy? If you answered yes to any of these questions you should join the Atholton Model United Nations Club! We'll be meeting on Wednesday, October 9 after school in the Career Center. Come learn more about Model UN and how you can join us for upcoming conferences.
Halloween Costume Clothing Drive
Key Club is partnering with Reservoir's Volun-teens for a "Halloween Costume Clothing Drive". Bring in any old Halloween costumes or accessories (preferably ages 1-17) until this FRIDAY (October 11th) and place them in the bin outside of the front office! Email atholtonhighschoolkeyclub@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thank you!
Food Pantry
Our food pantry will be opened next Wednesday (10/16) from 3-4pm. We usually have about 30-40 families that we serve monthly. Please consider supporting our food pantry. We are COMPLETELY run on donations. Use the link below to have items sent directly to Atholton.
Learn How to Find Careers in Health Care and Biosciences
This year’s first Career Cluster Monthly Spotlight is the Health and Bioscience Career Cluster. This month you will have the opportunity to learn more about careers and related pathways in this cluster. This cluster includes Paramedics, EMTS, Dental Assistants, Doctors, Nurses, X--Ray Techs, Athletic Trainers, and more. Be sure to check out the Monthly Spotlight Site to learn more about opportunities to explore this pathway.
Below are 2 opportunities to learn from local industry professionals:
Virtual Panel Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 7PM
In-School Career Cafe: October 23, 2024 Time:4th period
Important Information-Reposted
Flu Clinic
Each year, the Howard County Public School System partners with the Maryland Partnership for Prevention to bring flu immunizations into our schools for students. This year, they will also be offering the latest Covid vaccine if it is available at the time of the clinics. The clinic at Atholton will be held on October 28th during school hours. If you would like your child to be vaccinated against the flu and/or Covid at this clinic, please register at this link: https://www.marylandvax.org/appointment/en/reg/3012852769 . You are not required to provide your child’s insurance information. If you have any concerns about the new Covid vaccine, you are advised to speak with your child’s pediatrician. The clinic registration will be closed on 10/16 to allow our health room staff time to review and prepare the consents and make sure enough vaccine is ordered. If you wish to cancel your child’s appointment after then, please call the nurse at your child’s school. If you have any questions, please call your school’s health room at 410-313-7913.
MCAP Score Reports
Students in grades 9-12 who participated in the Spring 2024 Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) will be bringing home score reports on September 24the and 25th.
The reports show the prior grade level’s understanding in math, science, social studies and English language arts. These assessments are just one measure of your child's performance and provide you with insight into your child's level of proficiency. Federal accountability requires that students assess annually in grades 3-8 and once in high school.
Please visit HCPSS MCAP for more information.
College Essay Workshop-Save the Date
On October 16th, 10th and 11th grade students will be participating in the PSAT. The 9th grade team is planning an activity for our freshmen and the English department & student services are hosting their annual college essay clinic for seniors. See the flyer below for more details.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates and check out the full school calendar on our website:
10/10 Underclassmen Picture Make-Ups
10/14 PBSA Meeting
10/15 PTSA Meeting
10/16 PSAT Day
10/17 POPS Concert
10/18 No School for Students
10/18 Senior Pictures
10/30 End of 1st Marking Period
10/31 No School for Students