Liberty High Newsletter 2-2-2025
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Principal's Message 2-2-2025
Dear Liberty High Community,
Students have been working very hard in the month of January. Progress reports have been received by their teachers and will be sent home this week. Please, take the time to review your students progress report with them and call your student's teachers with any questions or concerns. Remember, the end of the 3rd quarter is on March14th, 2025. So, our students have approximately 6 weeks to rectify any issues in their classes.
Students with poor attendance have been contacted and we are working with them. Attendance and effort are two of the most important aspects for student success at Liberty High School. Please, discuss with your students their attendance and effort. Make sure that they are encouraged to do their best, so, we can all get them across the graduation stage with a diploma!!!!
Credit Recovery Classes are in full swing both before and after school. Please, discuss this opportunity with our school counselor. Mrs. Wood. We also have multiple teachers offering Tutoring both before and after school. So, every student has plenty of opportunities to improve their grades and credits earned.
Have a blessed day, Dr. Christmas
District Kindness Week 2025 - February 10th to February 14th
Monday- Be Kind to Your Family
Tuesday- Be Kind to Your Friends
Wednesday- Be Kind to Our Hero’s
Thursday- Be Kind to Your Environment
Friday- Be Kind to Your School - School wide clean up - clean up your school campus and/or surrounding areas
We have multiple teachers staying after school to assist and tutor students. Please, talk with your teacher about getting extra help if you need it. Help us, help you succeed!!!!
College and Career Field Trips
We have a few field trips planned for the spring to visit select colleges. Please, see your counselor Mrs. Wood to discuss these opportunities. The field trips will also be announced in your classes and are great opportunities to see what your options could be after high school.
Upcoming Minimum Days, Holiday's and other important dates
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 - minimum day.
Friday, February 7th, 2025 - no school - Lincoln's Holiday.
Monday, February, 17th, 2025 - no school - Washington's Holiday
Friday, March 14th, 2025 - last day of the third quarter.
March 17th - 28th, 2025 - Spring Break
Guitar Club
Interested in playing guitar? Details: Guitar, Bass, and Drum lessons - 1:45-2:40 in Room B-2. All skill levels welcome. Some days will include Band, Free Play, and Maintenance.
Liberty Thursday Thrift Store
Does your student need a coat or warmer clothes for the winter season? Mrs. Lewis runs the Liberty Thursday Thrift store that offers clothing items and more to students at no charge. Students are welcome to shop and find something they can use. We are currently welcoming donations of hooded sweatshirts, jackets and dark colored graphic t-shirts. Thank you!
Article for Parents and Students on Vaping
Picking Up and Dropping Off Students at School
Please respect our neighbors and the quiet area that we live in. Drive the speed limit, turn down your music, and refrain from blocking driveways. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Parents and Guardians,
To report an absence, please call our office at 209-331-7633. If leaving a message, please remember to include your name, your child's name, and the reason for the absence. Uncleared absences will become unexcused absences after ten days without a parental excusal. For medical appointments, please remember to get a doctor's note and have you or your child bring it to the office as soon as possible.
District Information and Links
School/Office Hours and Important Numbers
Just a reminder that school hours are 8:30AM - 1:45PM on regular school days. Office hours are 8:00AM - 4:30PM.
The main school number is (209) 331-7633. The attendance number is (209) 331-7622. Dr. Christmas, the principal, Mrs. Wood, the counselor, and all of our teachers are here to assist you and your student.
We are all here to partner with your student and family to ensure their success at Liberty High School. We look forward to making this a great school year for your student.
School Site Council
The next School Site Council Meeting will be held in February 18th, 2025 @ 2:30 pm. All parents, students, and staff are encouraged to attend.