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Hancock Elementary Husky Herald
Back to School Edition 8/18/23
Dear Hancock Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Hancock Elementary! I am excited to launch another new beginning and am looking forward to a year filled with opportunity and excitement for all members of our Hancock School Community! The teachers and staff have been preparing for our student's return and the custodians have done a tremendous job getting the school ready. We are excited to get the year started!
During the year, team members will be utilizing evidence based best practices and student data to help each child reach their potential. I ask for your support as part of the team by sending your child to school each day, and helping them to connect their classroom learning with the real life experiences. You can do this by encouraging reading for pleasure, discussing their school activities and sharing your use of skills in your work and homelife. Other ways to strengthen the connection between home and school are to attend special events, join the Parent Teacher Organization or volunteer.
Communication is a vital part of fostering a positive and effective home-school connection. Each week you will receive updates via the Husky Herald sent directly to your email. You may also receive individual electronic reports that will address academic concerns, unmet behavior expectations and commendations. Please also know we welcome communication from home via emails or phone calls should questions or concerns arise. Below is some important information to help make a smooth transition back to school.
I am anticipating a fantastic school year. I am particularly looking forward to meeting and working with each of you. By using the simple idea of teamwork, the students, parents, and staff of Hancock Elementary School will create an outstanding school year.
Warmest regards,
Jessica Vezina
Drop off and Pick up procedures
The school day begins promptly at 8:40. Drop-off is between 8:20-8:40. We ask parents to please stay in their cars and not walk your student into the school. Please note: Supervision of students is not available until 8:20 AM so please refrain from dropping your student off prior to 8:20.
All car and bus drop off will be done via Elementary Lane.
Walkers and bike riders should come to school via School Street. Bike riders must wear a helmet.
Children being dropped off by car or bus will pull around the circle to the walkway where they will be greeted by a staff member and will head into school.
Dismissal begins at 3:25.
Buses and car pick up take place on Elementary Lane. Parents can help by following these safety routines:
Buses are loaded and dismissed as they arrive. NEVER PASS WAITING BUSES. Occasionally the teacher on duty may need to board a bus to speak with the driver or the students – please be patient in the event of a delay, and remember that safety must come first.
Cars wait in a single line by the guardrail until signaled by a staff member to pull up. DO NOT PARK IN THE PICKUP LINE OR LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE UNATTENDED. Please stay in your vehicle until the teacher on duty dismisses your child. Students will be dismissed by the side door facing the parking lot. Please note that car pickups are only permitted in the main parking lot (no School Street car pickups). It is critical to know which children have been dismissed and which are still awaiting pickup, and it is not possible for our staff to monitor both areas at once. Children may not run between buses or cars waiting in the pickup line.
Walkers and bicycle riders exit down School Street after being dismissed by the teacher on duty. Parents can help by discussing the importance of bicycle and pedestrian safety with your child. Bike riders must wear helmets. We recommend that children not ride bicycles to and from school when road conditions are snowy, icy or rainy.
Do not leave the school grounds with children without telling the teacher on duty. He or she has a daily checklist of dismissals and needs to know who has departed. Thank you for our help with this.
Important: Please remember to input your child’s dismissal plan in PickUp Patrol daily. It is a way we can work together to make sure every child arrives home safely.
School Communication
The Husky Herald will be sent out via email every Friday and will be posted on our website. Any news or updates will be listed there so please read carefully.
Classroom News
Instead of monthly teacher newsletters, all classroom news will be shared via the Husky Herald each week. This way all parents can see what is happening across the grade levels.
Teacher Meet & Greet
August 29: Come and meet our amazing teachers and tour the school from 3:30-4:30.
Handbook and Paperwork
An updated handbook will be sent home. Please note there are forms that will need to be filled out.
School Supplies
ConVal has made a commitment to make sure all students are prepared for school. Your child will not need additional supplies.
Message from the PTO President
The Hancock Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) would like to invite you to join our group. Our PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Hancock Elementary by fostering relationships among the school, parents, teachers, and our community. Throughout the year we hold a variety of fundraisers and activities to support our school.
Our meetings are held monthly at the school with a remote option available, we also plan to offer childcare this year. We'll have a meeting date set for the year soon. You don't have to attend meetings to be involved! We need volunteers throughout the year! Volunteer opportunities are a great way to connect with the school community and support your child.
-Sadie Harper, President
Specialists Schedule
8/30-9/8: Music
9/11-9/15: Health/PE
9/18-9/22: Art
9/25-9/29: Health/PE
Upcoming Events
8/30: 1st Day of School
9/4: No School, Labor Day
About Us
Email: jvezina@conval.edu
Website: https://hes.convalsd.net/
Location: 10 Elementary Lane, Hancock, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 525-3303