Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

September 27, 2024
Stay tuned for more BVTV on Tuesdays & Thursdays!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Doug Grush – sub Scott Cunningham
Shawlene Pal – sub Jennifer Hoback
Matthew Kirkwell - sub Forrest Krogh
Heather Hawkins - sub Michael Weight
David Burbridge - no sub
Darcie Mahlke - no sub
Jessica Cokinos - no sub
Deborah Carpenter - no sub
Vicki Jenks, IA - no sub
*Terry Carlson: sub Campus Monitor
*Lindsey Morgan: subbing in Attendance until position filled
Student Body
All students must have an Early Dismissal Pass prior to leaving campus early. We cannot clear absences after the fact if you leave without a pass!
- Academic Decathlon wants you on the TEAM! Aca Deca is looking for a Scholastic Level Student (with 3.2 - 3.79 unweighted GPA) and Varsity Level Students (with 3.2 - 3.79 unweighted GPA). Be a part of the Bella Vista’s Legacy of Excellence. See Ms. Aymeric in room C9 to learn more.
- The College & Career Center has an updated list of College & University Representatives visiting BV. Stop by the CCC to sign up for these presentations. Juniors/Seniors have priority. Students must sign up at least 24 hours in advanced. No last-minute walk-ins permitted.
- Attention AP Students: Students interested in taking AP Exams in May must sign up No Later than Wednesday, November 6 at 11:59pm. All exam registrations must be completed through Total Registration, cost is $105 per exam. If you have any financial concerns, please email Mrs. Sowa.
- Attention Juniors & Seniors! Are you interested in taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test? Testing will be Thursday, November 14 from 11:00am - 2:00pm in the BV Library. Please sign up in the College & Career Center for a pass to attend.
Upcoming Meetings
- HOCO Tickets go On Sale: Monday, September 30 - GoFan.co $20 w/SB card & $25 w/o
- College Application Workshop #1- in Library 5th/6th period: Tuesday, October 1
- No School - Friday, October 4
- BV Craft Fair - Saturday, October 5 from 8am - 3pm
- Homecoming Week (Daily events/Spirit dress) October 7 - 12
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- Wishing Varsity Girls Water Polo Good Luck at Today’s Grizzly Classic. Go Broncos!
- Tonight JV & Varsity Football head to Ponderosa. Go show your support. JV Game begins at 5pm and Varsity at 7:15pm.
- If your looking to challenge yourself, work with a team, and have a coach who sets achievable goals? Then joining the BV Wrestling Team is for you! We have both Girls and Boys Wrestling Teams! For more information see Coach Lane in room i-6.
On going Reminders...
- Homecoming Guest Pass Applications for Non-BV students are available in the front office. Completed applications are due Tuesday, October 8 by 3:30pm, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Attention SENIORS! Don't forget to Schedule your Senior Portraits appointment with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- SB Cards ($50), class t-shirts ($13 - limited sizes available) and student planners ($5 - quantities limited) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash or check.
- Attention Seniors! Do you need help with the ins and outs of applying to college. The Library will be hosting several College Application Workshops. Workshop #1 will be held on Tuesday, October 1 during 5th & 6th period. Students who have a 5th/6th period need to see Mrs. Sloan in the library for a pass.
- Student/Parent Volunteers are needed for BV's upcoming Arts & Craft Fair! Shifts are available on Oct. 04 and Oct. 05. See the flyer for signups at the office student bulletin board or see Mrs. Sloan in the Library.
- SB Cards ($50), class t-shirts ($13 - limited sizes available) and student planners ($5 - quantities limited) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash or check.
- Pre-order your yearbooks now while they are at the lowest price of $70. You can purchase them online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or in the finance office with Cash/Check.
- Students wanting to play sports, including conditioning, tryouts and practicing, must be cleared through Sports Net before you can start! Physical Forms are available in the front office.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters