King Liholiho Elementary School
August 7, 2024
Pick Up/Drop Off
- Please follow our established traffic pattern. Drive Mauka (towards the mountain) on 8th avenue and Makai (towards the ocean) on 9th avenue. This
- Help us to be good neighbors! Please do not block driveways, move when other cars need to pass, and obey all traffic laws!!
- We do not have a crossing guard at the corner of Maunaloa and 8th ave. If your children walk home, please speak to them about safety while navigating our streets and sidewalks.
Wednesday 1:30pm dismissal
Today is our first early dismissal day. Every Wednesday we end school at 1:30pm. Please make sure to adjust your plans accordingly!
The school has partnered with Kula Threads for our school shirts. If you are interested in ordering, please visit the website below. Orders must be completed by August 24, 2024. The company will not take any orders after that date!
Please note that this is completely optional - you do not need to order a shirt for your child to participate in any school activity.
Reporting Absence
There are two ways to report your child absent:
1. Call the front office at (808-733-4850)
2. Complete the Google Form on our website (see image below)
In the past we may have encouraged parents to email absences to the teachers and the office. This suggestion has been replaced with the Google Form. When you select your child's teacher and submit the form, the teacher and office will automatically be notified.
Registration & Geographic Exceptions
Students born between August 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019 are eligible for Kindergarten. If you haven't done so already, please register your child with the office as soon as possible!
The school is still accepting Geographic Exceptions for this school year. If you know of any families interested in sending their child to Liholiho, in any grade K-5, please ask them to contact our office. We can be reached at (808) 733-4850.
First Day Photos
Upcoming Events
8/5/24 - First day for students in Grades 1-5
8/5/24 - First day for Kindergarten students in Group A
8/6/24 - First day for Kindergarten students in Group B
8/7/24 - All Kindergarten students in school (Both group A & B)
8/16/24 - Statehood day
8/19/24 - First day of specials
9/2/24 - Labor Day
About Us
Email: alan.lee@k12.hi.us
Website: liholiho.k12.hi.us
Location: 3430 Maunaloa Avenue, Honolulu, HI, USA
Phone: (808) 733-4850