Talawanda Middle School
E~News 12/6/24
This Week at TMS
Saturday, 12/7 ~ Wrestling @ Valley View 9am
Monday, 12/9 ~ Girls Basketball vs. Madison @ 5:30pm
Monday, 12/9 ~ Boys Basketball @ Madison 5:30pm
Tuesday, 12/10 ~ Wrestling @ Wilson 5pm
Wednesday, 12/11 ~ Boys Basketball vs. Pleasant Run 5pm
Wednesday, 12/11 ~ Girls Basketball @ Pleasant Run 5pm
Thursday, 12/12 ~ Boys Basketball @ Preble Shawnee 5:30pm
Thursday, 12/12 ~ 6th Grade Chorus Concert @ THS PAC 6pm and 7:15pm
Want to hear about the great stuff our students and staff are doing every day? Check out our Facebook page or Instagram @talawandams
Inclimate Weather:
With inclimate weather quickly approaching us please know that delays and closings will be posted on our website. For your convenience please follow this LINK!
Medical Forms:
If your student has Vanderbilt forms or other medical forms that need to be completed for evaluations, please submit those forms to the guidance office. This helps ensure that your information is kept private and is submitted in a timely manner. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Tuesday/Thursday Help Sessions:
If your student has missed any assignments during the week, their teacher will hand them a "green slip" on Friday that shows which assignments still need to be turned in. The student will also automatically be scheduled for a help session after school the following week to finish the work. Parents will receive an email notification.
The student can either complete the work prior to the help session date, or attend the session and get help from a teacher. Better learning and higher grades begin with work completion, and we want to help.
If you want to gain more from ProgressBook and use ProgressBook to stay on top of your kids homework and assignments CHECK THIS OUT! It is a quick video on how to set up notifications for missed work and low grades.
Important TMS Links
Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE
FINAL FORMS – Remember, if you have any changes to your information (phone number, address, who can pick up your student, etc) throughout the school year, change it in Final Forms!. The office is notified of these changes and will update our information.
School Fees - You can view and pay your fees via EZPay. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 513.273.3305.
~* Chorus Concert Information *~
The 6th grade chorus is presenting “A Christmas Carol.” on Thursday December 12th at the Talawanda High School auditorium.
Things to know:
There are 2 shows - The first is at 6 pm and the second is at 7:15.
All choir members should be present for both productions.
The 6 pm performance stars the 2nd period cast
The 7:15 performance stars the 4th period cast
The production is approximately 45 minutes long
It is free and open to the public.
Costuming and Props:
All choir members will wear black. Actors will be mostly responsible for costume pieces, but be patient, as this is a somewhat student-led adventure. We will do our best to keep it simple and encourage students to find costumes from within their current wardrobe.
A few pieces I anticipate needing:
6 black masks (could be ski masks, but prefer them to look like “Zorro” masks.
Gray tutus for our ghosts of christmas present.
A Greek god or goddess costume for our ghosts of Christmas Past
A grim reaper costume for our ghosts of Christmas future.
Plastic “strong man” chains for Jacob Marley
Red velvet drapes for Scrooge’s bed curtains.
(I have a black photo backdrop stand that I can hang them from).
If you can help with any of the above items, please email me.
We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Kelly Case
Choir Director
Talawanda Middle School
We never expect families or community members to donate to TMS, but we are always grateful when you are able. We have two events coming up that benefit from community support. If you would like to contribute to either, please see below to help out. Thank you!
Brave Buck Day Donations Needed
If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:
This is a fundraiser to support the Coalition for a Healthy Community. Store deadline is Sunday, November 24th.
The district Diversity and Equity Committee is seeking representatives from the following areas: City of Oxford, Reily Township, Hanover Township, and Milford Township. The purpose of this committee is to develop, maintain, and uphold the district's Diversity Action Plan. We hope you will consider joining us for this important work! Please contact Beth Arnos at arnosb@talawanda.org or 513-273-3307 if interested.
About us
Email: theurerp@talawanda.org
Website: talawanda.org/talawanda-middle-school/
Location: 4030 Oxford Reily Road, Oxford, OH, USA
Phone: 513.273.3300
Facebook: facebook.com/TalawandaMS