Dragon Blast
August 2024

January 8, 2025
We hope everyone had a restful and joyful holiday season! As we kick off the new year, we are excited to reconnect and refocus on the months ahead. Our PBIS theme for January is Courage—a perfect way to start fresh and embrace challenges together.
This week, we are rebooting our PBIS lessons to review important expectations for the playground, bus, hallway, and bathroom. On Friday, we’ll celebrate with a Pep Rally to energize and inspire us for the upcoming months. Make sure to wear your MCH gear to show school spirit!
Next week, we’re hosting a cereal drive to support the Chester County Food Bank, where cereal is the most needed item after the holidays. We encourage everyone to participate in this meaningful cause. Additionally, our 5th graders will honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy with two special acts of service on their day off—organizing cereal donations and making blankets for a local nursing home.
Finally, save the date for our 2nd Annual Family Bingo Night, hosted by the PTO, on Wednesday, January 24, from 6–8 PM. Some of our teachers will be calling numbers, so it’s sure to be a fun-filled evening for all!
Important Dates
January 10 - PBIS Pep Rally
January 13-17 - Cereal Drive
January 20 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 24 - Family Bingo 6-8pm
From our Design Lab
Please consider nominating one of Mary C. Howse's finest!
Citadel Credit Union is committed to serving those who work every day to build a better future for all of us. That’s why every year they honor outstanding teachers across the Greater Philadelphia area in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Lancaster and Philadelphia counties with the Citadel Heart of Learning Award. This year, winners will be awarded a total of over $80,000 in grants and prizes, along with a treasured glass heart trophy. Grand prize winners will be selected from each of the six counties, so be sure to spread the word and submit your nominations by January 15, 2025.
How to Submit a Nomination
All too often, teachers are unsung heroes. If you know a teacher who goes above and beyond the call of duty, share their story and how they’ve impacted your life or a student’s life. You can submit a written nomination form online, a video nomination, or email us at CitadelHeartofLearning@CitadelBanking.com. To submit a video nomination you can create a post on TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook and tag us @citadelcreditunion on TikTok or @CitadelBanking on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #CitadelHeartofLearning. Just make sure your video shows us exactly why your teacher should be nominated.
PTO Pit Stop
Mark your calendars! Family Bingo Night is on Friday, Jan. 24th, with registration opening Monday, Jan. 13th via email. Last year’s event sold out, so register early! Consider donating duplicate or unopened gifts as prizes—drop them off at the main office before Jan. 24th.
The Scholastic Book Fair runs Jan. 31–Feb. 7, with shopping days from Feb. 4–7. Volunteers are needed—sign up today!
Also, update your PTO Directory account to organize playdates easily and join the new "MCH Parents" Facebook group for updates and community discussions.
Finally, the PTO is seeking a Communications VP, Treasurer, and Secretary—great roles to get involved and make a difference!
Mary C. Howse Elementary School
Email: jpavlo@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/mch
Location: 641 West Boot Road, West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: 484 266 1300