March 2024
HS Academic Newsletter
This newsletter is to provide an insight to what is happening in our High School classes each month. To introduce staff and to provide their background as well in hopes to become more familiar with everyone in our Panther Family!
*Any/All Athletic Information can be found at
or on our APP under Athletic Newsletter
Mrs. Shawna Farr- FACS
Students are finishing up on their food truck project. They are designing a logo for their truck, and attaching it to their truck that they designed as well. They have designed a menu with at least three items to sell and the pricing for each. Each student will choose one of their items to make in the classroom.
Interpersonal Relationships:
We just finished up a chapter that we discussed how to strengthen positive attitudes. We talked about different defense mechanisms some people choose to use when dealing with conflict, and how they can handle those situations in a healthier way. Students learned different causes of stress which opened up great discussion in the classroom. We are watching The Pursuit of Happyness right now. I felt it was a good movie to show that at the end of the day, what's most important is to pursue things that make you happy. The main character’s happiness was to offer a better life to his son. He never stopped visualizing his successes, and his persistence and smart work paid off in the end. Next unit will be focusing on setting and reaching life goals.
Students are working on a room remodel project. They had to draw up a blueprint of their room design. They could choose between a master bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or living room. Once they got their blueprint completed they started making their room with materials I have in my classroom. They are working hard and I am enjoying being able to see their creative brains at work.
We are starting a unit on understanding and avoiding hazardous substances.
Nutrition and Wellness:
Students will be planning meals in a group setting. They will be teaching the “lesson” to the class while they are preparing and cooking their meal. Students will learn how to properly set the table for a meal and they will learn the different serving styles. We will go over table etiquette and manners while sitting at the dining table. At the end of the chapter, students will plan a party from start to finish. Our elementary friends will be coming over to participate in minute-to-win-it games on Friday’s last hour.
Child Development:
Students will be taking home the the real care babies after spring break. They are anxious for this assignment, but it’s one of those assignments they will always remember. We will be starting a new chapter talking about the child from one to three years of age.
Joslin and Kiley will be inducted into the regional chapter office in Maryville this month. Shortly after that, Mrs Ungles and I will be taking 8 students to Tan Tar A to State Leadership Conference, where they will be competing in their State STAR events competition.
Mrs. Thersea Jordan- HS English Department
Freshmen: Our anchor text for our fourth quarter is A Monster Calls. We will focus on how words and phrases are used in text, including figurative and connotative meanings using context, affixes, or reference materials. RL1B. Our writing focus is continuing with sentence structure especially on combining sentences using commas and conjunctions and/or semicolons. W3A.
Sophomores: Our anchor text is Fahrenheit 451. We will also use informational texts to analyze how multiple texts reflect the historical and/or cultural contexts as per RI3C.
Juniors: Our anchor text is The Great Gatsby. We will also incorporate informational texts to analyze how multiple texts reflect the historical and/or cultural contexts as per RI3C.
Seniors: We will be evaluating how effectively two or more texts develop similar ideas/topics to articulate the complexity of the issues as per RI3B.
Mrs. Katie Dougherty- Physical Education
Elementary - Kicking/Soccer Unit
Middle School - Wiffle Ball
9th Grade - Badminton
Lifetime Sports - Badminton
Mrs. Payton Boswell- K-12 Art Department
Kindergarten is starting a project about texture and will be drawing bunnies for spring. First grade is currently working on a flower project and will draw self-portraits next. Second graders are wrapping up an owl project that incorporates weaving and abstract art, they will start a clay project with mushrooms afterwards. Third graders are learning about the artist Wayne Thiebaud. He was part of the Pop Art movement and many of his artworks incorporated cakes and other desserts. They will make clay cupcakes inspired by Wayne. Fourth graders are finishing a self-portrait in the style of Romero Britto. Britto is a brazilian artist that uses bright colors and patterns in his artworks.
Middle School
Fifth graders are starting a clay pizza project and will paint those next week. They will follow with self-portraits in the style of lego characters. Sixth graders are working on a Japanese Koi fish project with crayon resist. Eighth graders are finishing a tissue paper stained glass project and will move on to a paper quilling project after our march madness break.
High School
Art Design students are finishing quarter 3 with a project that incorporates drawings of No.2 pencils into one large drawing. Visual Design students are currently learning about form and how different color values can be used to make a 2D image look 3D.
Mrs. Cammy Ungles- HS Science Department
Biology- We will be finishing up cell cycles (mitosis and meiosis) and then begin our genetics unit. Students will be working on family pedigrees and tracing three traits through at least 3 generations.
Integrated Science- We will begin our Chemistry unit, starting with the development of Atomic Theory. By the end of the month, students will be working on a Periodic Table project.
Human Anatomy- We will be working on the Circulatory System and begin dissections with a dissection of a sheep heart.
Chemistry- We just started to learn how to name Covalent Compounds and how to determine their formulas. From there we will be working on balancing chemical equations and how to classify different types of reactions.
Mr. Connor Dignan- AG Department
During March, the FFA is starting to gear up for CDE's and LDE's (Contest Teams.) Each class will have a few days where we review for these CDE's as we have 2 CDE Contests in March along with 3 LDE Contests this month.
Ag Science 1 has finished up learning about Cattle Breeds and is Moving into Pig Breeds along with "the life of a pig" along with touching on other livestock as well
Ag Science 2 has finished up general shop safety and wood working safety. They will move into Metals Shop safety in the coming week.
Greenhouse has finished 1 of 4 units over Greenhouse Plant ID. We will continue forward with ID along with having hands on learning when our plants come in that need planted and grown for our plant sale in late April or early May.
Ag Construction students are still working on personal projects in the Metals shop.
Animal Science students have been talking about Gestation Periods and the Parturition process (labor/giving birth) in livestock. We also went on an educational field trip to Russel Angus where AMVC demonstrated Embryo Flushing and Artificial Insemination in live Angus cattle at their open house on February 27th.
Mrs. Nichole Hux- Business Department
Business Skills: In our business skills class, students are learning Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft PowerPoint which are essential skills vital for effective communication and professional presentations. Through comprehensive instruction, we explore the intricate features and functionalities of these powerful software tools. In Microsoft Publisher, we learn to craft visually stunning materials such as brochures, flyers, and newsletters, mastering layout design, text formatting, and graphic manipulation to convey information with precision and flair. Meanwhile, in Microsoft PowerPoint, we are mastering techniques for creating engaging slides, incorporating multimedia elements, and delivering compelling narratives to captivate audiences.
Accounting: Students are learning how to input data into an accounting worksheet. Accounting worksheets serve as indispensable tools for managing finances in a service-based business, facilitating tracking and analysis of financial transactions and organizing revenue and expense data.
Personal Finance: Planning for life after graduation is a big part of high school. Students are trying to decide if they should go to college or choose another path. Students are learning about student loans and the dangers of going into debt to pay for college. Students are exploring the variety of educational options available after high school. They are learning how to pay cash for college and avoid student loan debt.
Mass Media:Students are working on their yearbook pages. Students are using their skills by creating memorable and engaging pages. They have been working on their organizational skills which helps them meet deadlines. Their end goal is to produce a successful yearbook for all to enjoy.
Mr. Taylor Standerford- HS Math Department
Algebra 1 - We are using what we learned in February to solve quadratic equations.
Pre/Calc Trig - We will start working with limits and using them to evaluate different scenarios which will lead into finding derivatives.
Geometry - We will finish up with quadrilaterals and then begin to start discussing our trigonometric functions.
Mr. Jason Tenney- Math/English/Social Studies Departments
Criminal Justice - Judicial aspect of our justice system & the Court system
Psychology - personality theories, testing, & psychological disorders
Stats / Research - Observational Research
Composition - finishing their Analytical research paper
English Presentations - persuasive speeches
Mr. Chandler Wilson- History Department
This month will be a busy one in the Social Studies Department. In World History we have been discussing the early phases of World War II and will look at both the European and Pacific theaters of the war. In Government, we will examine the relationship between the branches of government, as well as the relationships between federal, state, and local governments. Finally, in Sophomore Leadership students are making preparations for their service project that they will be implementing towards the end of the semester while continuing to learn about aspects of quality leadership.
Mr. Jake Shipman- HS Principal/Athletic Director
FBLA State Qualifiers:
- Mackenzie Brown (Job Interview)
- Lilli Barnes (Intro to Public Speaking)
HS Girls Bball Record- 15-12 overall 5-5 conference (Tied 5th)
- Maggie Osburn 1st Team All Conference
- Kadee Crider 2nd Team All Conference
HS Boys BBall Record- 9-17 overall 6-4 conference (4th)
- Keaton Zembles 2nd Team All Conference