Lenape Smoke Signals
September 25, 2023
Upcoming Events
- October 24 - 2:00 to 4:30 pm Cookie Pick Up
- October 25 - School Picture Retakes - Hand in Your Unwanted Photos
- October 31, 10:45 am - Early Dismissal
- November 6 - End of First Marking Period, Early Dismissal @ 10:45 am
- November 7 - No School for Students (Offices Open)
- November 15, 8:00 am - Grades Available on the Parent Portal
- November 22 - No School for Students (Offices Open)
- November 23 & 24 - CBSD Closed for Thanksgiving Break
- November 30 - Choir Concert
Click Here to View the 2023 - 2024 CB District Calendar
What's Happening at Lenape
7th Grade Science I &E Dissection of Owl Pellets
Owl Pellets are a record of what owls have eaten, and we can study them to learn more about the owl and the ecosystems in which they live. Dissection of owl pellets, enable students to see and identify the tiny bones from that owl's meal, and learn about the owl's diet and place in the food web.
Owl pellets also provide information about the approximate numbers of prey animals in the owl's feeding area, which is valuable information to scientists studying animal populations.
Minding Your Mind
Lenape Middle School had a Minding Your Mind assembly this Thursday. Minding Your Mind’s primary objective is to provide mental health education to teens and young adults, teachers and school administrators. Their goal is to reduce the stigma and destructive behaviors often associated with mental health issues. Treatment is available, yet only 3 out of 10 individuals needing help actually seek help. Minding Your Mind programs move away from crisis-based response to prevention through education.
Minding Your Mind's educational programs provide information regarding signs and symptoms of mental health issues, in addition to stressing that they are treatable, and treatment is available. Mood disorders have been identified by the World Health Organization as the third leading cause of disability worldwide. Research studies have demonstrated that over 90% of people that die from suicide have one or more psychiatric disorders at the time of their death. The second leading cause of death of individuals between the ages of 14-23 is suicide. Since the age of onset of most psychiatric disorders is typically during adolescence, it is essential that the proper information be brought to the attention of secondary school educators, counselors, students and their parents.
Ask your child their thoughts on the Minding Your Mind assembly. It could be a great conversation starter!
National Junior Honor Society
Our 9th grade NJHS students had the opportunity to be inducted last Spring and several students have already started their community service hours! Some students are spending their I&E peer tutoring in their Spanish classes, some helped during our 7th grade orientation, while others spent their summers being CITs. Students in NJHS can find more opportunities on our canvas page to complete their ten service hours that are due in May. We are hopeful to have our first meeting in the next few weeks.
Shrinky Dinks
Created in I & E.
"Me Tiles"
Created by 9th grade 3D Design students.
Unglazed Red Clay Pinch Pot Lanterns
Created by 9th grade Ceramics students.
Mr. Menta's Class Taking the Inside Out!
Lenape Virtual Gallery
The first 2023/24 edition of the Lenape Virtual Gallery is available now! Click the link to view the show, and email Mrs. Dunst at rdunst@cbsd.org if you would like your artwork to be included in the next edition.
Important Information
Halloween Costumes
Students are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31. They are not permitted to wear masks or full-face coverings or bring in real or look-alike weapons, even if they are part of their costume. Please keep in mind that students will be wearing their costumes for the duration of the school day, so we discourage blow-up costumes or costumes that students can't sit in. In addition, we expect students to follow our standard dress guidelines for clothing that contains drugs/alcohol or is too revealing.
CB Realign
In anticipation of the grade level realignment for the 2025-2026 school year, the district extends an open invitation to parents, guardians, students, and community members to provide their questions and feedback here. We greatly value your input as it plays a vital role in our decision-making process, ensuring that our choices are in the best interest of our entire community. To learn more about this initiative, please visit our website: www.cbsd.org/cbrealign.
Lenape Winter Sports
Winter Sports Registration opens up on October 1. Registration details are found on the Lenape athletic website under the Family ID/Registration tab.
Young Buck Wrestling
There is a possibility that cuts will need to be made especially in girls' and boys' basketball. This will be determined by the number of kids that register and tryout.
Tryout schedules will be posted on the athletic website as we get closer to the start of each season.
Game schedules can be found on the Lenape athletic website by Mid-October. Practices typically run Monday through Friday from 2:30-4:30 for winter sports. Some teams may practice from 4:30-6:00 if there is a home game with another team on that date.
From the Nurse
October 31st is the hard deadline to complete the Annual Student Information Update (OLR) on the Parent Portal. Please ensure this emergency form is completed and submitted, so that the Health Office can administer medications to your child such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), Benadryl (in emergencies), and Tums during the school day, should they need it!
7th grade dental exams: Please submit a copy of your child’s most up to date dental exam. This is a state mandated screening that the health office must have on file for all 7th graders. Any exam date after September 1, 2022, is acceptable. Thank you in advance!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, or any of the information above, please do not hesitate to contact the health office and/or school nurse.
Lara Harley, School Nurse ~ LHARLEY@cbsd.org
Health Office (267) 893-2814
Worth Mentioning Again
Lenape Activities Guide 2023-2024
We're excited to be able to offer a wide range of clubs and co/extracurricular activities to our students here at Lenape. Click Here to view the activities and extracurriculars that are offered. Check back often, as the list will be updated as new activities are added!
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
The use of cell phones/electronic devices during the school day is prohibited, unless directed by a teacher for academic purposes. All cell phones/electronic devices should be in the “power off” position and kept out of sight from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. It is recommended that they stay in the students' lockers. The use of electronic imaging devices associated with cell phones/electronic devices or any similar type of communications technology is strictly prohibited at all times.
If a message needs to be given to your child, please call the office and we will get the message to them as soon as possible. If your child is ill or has another issue, they may ask to see the nurse or guidance counselor at any time. If a student calls or texts a parent to pick them up, that is a cell phone violation.
The inappropriate use of cell phones/electronic devices or cell technology features will be addressed through disciplinary procedures, as follows:
1st Offense – Electronic device placed in envelope and held in the Main Office for pick up at the end of the day.
2nd Offense – Electronic device placed in an envelope and held in the Main Office for pick up at the end of the day. A detention is issued.
3rd Offense – Electronic device placed in envelope and held in the Main Office for pick up at the end of the day. A Saturday detention is issued.
After 3rd offense, students will be asked to leave their phone in the Main Office upon arrival to school for a set period of days.
Important Attendance Information
As we begin the 2023-2024 school year, we want to remind you of the specific procedures regarding attendance.
Parent/Guardian Alert About Student Absences: When your child is not in school, you will receive both text message and email notification. The purpose of this is to ensure that you are aware that your child is not in school on a given day(s).
Excused Absence: Parent/guardian must notify the attendance office by 10:30am for elementary and 9:00am for secondary via Parent Portal. Emails are not accepted. Absences submitted through the Parent Portal will also serve as the excuse for the absence. For extenuating circumstances in which a parent/guardian does not have internet access and must excuse their student by phone, within 3 days after returning to school, the student must present a written excuse note signed by the parent/guardian, clearly indicating the reasons for the absence.
Consistent with state attendance law, the school will classify an absence as “excused” for one of the following reasons only:
· Illness
· Death in the immediate family
· Exceptionally urgent reasons
· Religious observances with prior approval
· Tutorial work
· Educational tours or trips with prior approval (not to exceed five days per year)
· Health care (must present a doctor’s note for the absence to be medically excused)
Any absence that can be anticipated beforehand should be brought to the attention of the building principal well in advance of the absence.
Secondary students who are absent more than twenty days from any year-long course may be denied academic credit for that course. Credit for semester courses may be denied if ten days of absence are exceeded. In addition, students who are absent for more than twenty days may be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities and/or compete in PIAA sports. Special consideration will be given to those students who are seriously ill.
Religious Observation: For full or part-time absence of a student to observe a religious holiday, it is necessary that the request be put in through the Parent Portal prior to the religious holiday(s).
Educational Tours or Trips: Requests by parents/guardians for permission to have children absent from school for educational tours or trips must be made to and processed by the principal or his/her designee. The request must be received by the principal at least ten (10) days prior to the anticipated absence. The total number of approved days of absence shall not exceed five (5) days in a given school year. Days exceeding these guidelines shall be considered unlawful and/or unexcused. The student shall be held responsible for making up missed assignments.
Unexcused or Unlawful Absences: All absences for reasons other than those cited above will be considered as “unexcused.” All “unexcused” absences for students under the age of eighteen are also recorded as “unlawful.” When a student accumulates three days of unlawful absence in a school year, the principal shall send an official “first notice” to the parent/guardian. In addition, a “School Attendance Improvement Plan” will be developed to improve student attendance. For each incident of unlawful absence after the sixth unlawful absence, the principal or designee shall do one or more of the following: refer the child to an attendance improvement program, refer to Children and Youth or file a truancy citation with the District Magistrate. Importantly, for students aged 18 and older, absenteeism may result in credit denial as outlined in sections above.
Cumulative Absences: Whenever a student accumulates ten (10) or more absences in a school year, the parent guardian will receive an official letter stating that every absence thereafter must be medically excused by a doctor. Failure to do so will then result in unexcused absences and potential truancy proceedings.
Consecutive Absences: Whenever a student has ten (10) consecutive absences and there is no evidence that these absences are “excused”, the district will begin the process to remove the student from its active membership roll.
Tardiness and Early Dismissal: Whenever students arrive late or depart prior to the end of the school day, parents must enter that information into the Parent Portal. These incidents are recorded as “excused” or “unexcused” applying the same criteria as those for full-day absences. Students arriving after the midpoint of the morning or departing before the midpoint of the school day will be recorded as ½ day absent. At the secondary level, this will affect the student’s ability to participate on the day of an extracurricular activity. Minutes accumulated due to tardiness or early dismissal will count towards overall attendance accounting. If significant minutes are missed, this will result in truancy proceedings and, at the secondary level, may impact the awarding of credit for a particular course missed.
CB West Spectator Decorum
Many of our students enjoy supporting our CB West teams. The CB West administration expects the following from spectators at their sporting events:
- Bags and backpacks are NOT permitted into the stadium during athletic events. Small purses or clutch bags are acceptable but are subject to search. Spectators will not be admitted with a bag or backpack.
- Middle school aged students (7th & 8th grade) must be accompanied by a parent. 9th grade students must bring their student ID.
- Outside food and drink is prohibited. Bottled drinks and food should be discarded prior to entering the stadium.
- No glass bottles, open containers or coolers allowed in stadium without authorization by the athletic director or game manager. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate during cold contest will be permitted.
- No artificial noise makers, whistles or sound producing devices (horns, cow bells, etc.).
- Taunting will not be tolerated by demonstrating / celebrating or running by opposing teams' bleachers upon a big play or touchdown.
- No banners, pictures or hand-held signs carried into the contest. All signs need prior approval from the athletic director and need to be fixed or attached to fencing in a designed spot prior to the start of the contest.
- No foul language or indecent gesture will be tolerated, especially towards players, coaches, and officials.
- Tailgating is prohibited without prior approval from the athletic director.
- No throwing confetti, toilet paper rolls or other objects in the stands, stadium or on the field.
- No menacing actions or gestures by groups towards opposing players, coaches, or officials.
- The use or throwing of balls inside the stadium is prohibited.
- No one can run onto the field or to play ball during halftime or after the game. Exceptions: ball boys for extra points, field goal kicks, etc.
- At no time, before, during or after a contest should spectators be permitted to enter the competition area.
- Access to the competition area is limited to participating student-athletes, coaches, officials, and game personnel.
Laptop Breakage
We have seen a rise in the amount of screen breaks for student laptops. Our policy covers for 2 broken screens per device. If your child’s laptop screen breaks 3 times, we will be required to send you an invoice for the repair and labor. The current cost for this is $200. Please remind your child to care for their laptops. Some simple steps to assist are:
- Use two hands when holding or moving the device.
- Use clean hands while using the laptop or iPad.
- Use only the provided digital pen or finger on the screen.
- Use only the power adapter that came with the device.
- Use a microfiber cloth to clean the screen.
- Keep device stored in the provided case. This includes traveling through the hallways, on buses, or anytime the device is not being utilized.
- Make sure nothing is on the keyboard, close the lid, and remove all cables if any are plugged into the laptop. Place laptop in your bag carefully.
- Be careful when placing your case on the floor. Keep the device off the floor so screens do not get stepped on by others.
General inquiries:
- Main Office - 267-893-2800
- Ms. Loudenslager - Admin Assistant to Mrs. Saullo - 267-893-2801
- Ms. Hackman - Admin Assistant to Mrs. Robtison - 267-893-2802
Student-specific inquiries (scheduling, transition questions, support, etc.):
- School Counselors
- Ms. Marykate Schrack (Last names A-L): mschrack@cbsd.org / 267-893-2813
- Ms. Kate Mallon (Last names M-Z): kmallon@cbsd.org / 267-893-2811
Free & Reduced Lunch
Visit Food Services / Free & Reduced Lunch Application (cbsd.org) for more information and to apply for free or reduced lunch.
Recursos Para Padres Hispanohablantes
Abajo se encuentran recursos en Español para padres y guardianos de los estudiantes de Central Bucks.
Information and Resources
Lenape Middle School
Heather Robtison, Assistant Principal
Website: www.cbsd.org/lenape
Location: 313 West State Street, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2800
Twitter: @CBLenapeMS