RHJ Weekly Update
October 25 Update
Hello RHJ Ravens!
Welcome to the end of another great week of learning. You may now select your 8 minute time slot per teacher for student/parent/teacher interviews on November 5 and 6 from 3:30-7:30. Please see our website to book your slots now. These are in-person interviews in our gym. If you are unable to book a desired time slot, please email the teacher you wish to see directly and they will work to find an alternate time or format.
Please see below for your weekly update.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, concerns via email at gregory.cruickshank@eips.ca.
Greg, Glenda, and the RHJ Team
Upcoming Dates
October 28: Grade 9 Ski Trip Meeting 5:30, School Council 6:00
October 31: Halloween! Afternoon activities
- November 5 and 6: Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30-7:30
- November 5: Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair
- November 5-11: Veterans’ Week
- November 6: Early dismissal
- November 6: Take Our Kids to Work Day
- November 8: RHJ Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:45-11:10
- November 8: Indigenous Veterans’ Day
- November 10-16: Métis Week
- November 11-15: November break (schools closed to staff and students)
- November 11: Remembrance Day (Central Services closed)
- November 13: World Kindness Day
- November 18-22: Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- November 20: National Child Day
RHJ Halloween Activities
RHJ is pleased to host an afternoon of fun activities for our students on October 31st! Please see the details below.
A few important reminders about costumes:
- Costumes that interfere with learning should be kept in your locker until lunch time. We still have classes in the morning. (face masks, oversized, needing lots of readjustment)
- Fake guns and imitation weapons must stay at home. Foam swords are permitted.
- Drug and alcohol paraphernalia or advertising are not permitted.
- Costmes must refelect the basic standards of attire for junior high school.
- Feel free to ask Mr. Cruickshank or Mrs. Gray if you have questions about whether or not your costume meets the above criteria.
· Find the pumpkin decals in the hallway. Students will bring the decal to Mrs. Essington for a prize.
This will start in the morning and end when all the 10 pumpkins are found.
· A colouring contest in the library. Candy bag prizes for best coloured Halloween pages.
· A costume contest in the Band room. There will be a prize for best costume in each grade (a $10 gift card).
· A Mummy Wrap competition in the Drama Room*. The team who best wraps their "mummy" in TP will win a $10 Bucky's card.
· Halloween Bingo in Mrs. Christopher's Room. There are candy bag prizes!
· Zombie Chase in the blue Mat room. Collect the glow sticks before being "caught" by the zombies.
· Three Movie rooms:
o Casper in Reid's room
o Monster House in Charlton's room
o Goosebumps in Best's room
· The Dance in the gym with DJ Hughes
Foods 8 Dinner Parties
Is you student in Foods 8 this trimester?! Next week starts our week (or so) of dinner parties. Dinner parties are being hosted AFTER SCHOOL on the following dates: Oct 30th, Nov 1st, Nov 4th, Nov 7th, Nov 8th. Please check with your student about when/if they are hosting their dinner parties and what their parties timelines are! If you have any further questions please reach out to Mrs. Bayes (Katelynn.bayes@eips.ca)
City of Fort Saskatchewan Launches Family Violence Prevention Month Campaign
This November, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, alongside the Fort Saskatchewan Family Violence Prevention Coalition, will lead a campaign to bring attention to the often-overlooked issue of family violence. The theme, “The Elephant in the Room,” aims to break the silence surrounding family violence and empower the community with resources and support.
“Family violence is a subject many are reluctant to discuss,” said Melissa Kondro, Community Development Coordinator for the City of Fort Saskatchewan. “Our goal is to bring it out of the shadows, create awareness, and encourage those affected to seek help.”
Key Events and Public Installation
Throughout November, the City will host a series of workshops and a public art installation, including:
- Public Workshop: Immigration Resources (Nov 6)
- Lunch & Learn: Protecting Your Employees (Nov 12)
- Workshop for Support Services: Navigating Family Court & Civil Orders (Nov 19)
- “The Elephant in the Room” Installation: Featuring a life-sized Paper Mache elephant at City Hall and crocheted purple elephants contributed by locals.
For more information on events and to register for workshops, visit fortsask.ca/FVPM.
Get Involved
Residents are encouraged to participate by attending a workshop, visiting the installation, or contributing crocheted elephants for display. Family Violence Prevention Month is part of a larger province-wide initiative to raise awareness and offer support to those affected.
Community Activities in November
BGC, Families First, the Bridge, the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library, Creating Hope and FCSS have been planning various events during the month of November to promote and create connection, each organization is offering something a little different but with the same goal of connection.
The month kicks off with Families First offering a Dazzling Dinner in the Dark on November 4th for ages 8-18 and their families. To register call 780-998-5595 ext. 221
BGC is offering BINGO on November 7th and Free Falling Rock Climbing on November 13th , contact them at 780-992-0103.
Creating Hope is hosting Tobacco Ties and Bannock Kits on November 13th, 1-4pm @ Families First
The Bridge is hosting a Family Feud game night and Food Frenzy for ages 11 and up and their families at the Bridge on November 15th . Call 780-589-0224 or info@thebridgewhy.com to register.
BGC is offering a Be Our Guest Pie Edition on November 28th aimed at all ages contact them at 780-992-0103.
And all month long the Library is offering a colouring station, a great way to connect and add your colouring creativity to a community piece.
And lastly FCSSS and Elk Island Public schools are offering Brain Architecture on November 29th from 1-4pm, register here: Brain Architecture Registration
Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair
Thinking about attending post-secondary school after graduation? Not sure on the career or sector? Plan to attend this year’s Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair.
Event Details:
Date: Nov. 5, 2024
Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Strathcona County Agora
401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park
Did you know?
Research shows sustained, collaborative and job-embedded professional learning significantly enhances teacher efficacy and student achievement. Simply put, the more times teachers get to learn from one another during the year, the better it is for student success. Professional learning doesn’t mean a day off for staff—they improve upon their knowledge using time dedicated for collaboration, growth and relationship-building. This ensures students continue to receive high-quality education throughout the school year.
Inclement Weather
With the winter season almost here, we have a few reminders for families:
- Ensure students have clothing appropriate for expected weather conditions.
- If weather conditions are bad enough to impact student transportation, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises families directly, as well as posting on social media and eips.ca as early as possible.
- Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by an EIPS administrative procedure that states, “school bus service may be suspended…when there is a forecast or current temperature of -40 C, including wind chill factor, in one or more regions.”
- Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road conditions.
- When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students.
For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.
Rudolph Hennig has joined with LunchBox to offer lunches for our students! Parents can order and pay online through the link below, and students pick up the lunches in the Raven's Nest Store in the first half of lunch.
LunchBox also bring some additional items to sell to students.
About Us
Welcome to the home of the Ravens! We support personal development and academic growth for all of our students.
Rudolph Hennig Junior High School honours Treaty 6 territory and welcomes students from Metis settlements and First Nations communities throughout Western Canada and the Northwest Territories. We strive to build a safe and caring environment where cultural practices and traditions are honoured and celebrated. We work closely with community Elders to bring the truth of Canada’s history to our students as we work towards shared reconciliation.
We hope your year with us will be an enjoyable, rewarding, and memorable experience. Rudolph Hennig’s staff are committed to ensuring all students achieve success.
Email: general.rhj@eips.ca
Website: www.rudolphhennig.ca/
Phone: 780-998-2216
Twitter: @RHJRavens
Principal @ RHJ