ICCSD Online Learning Program
Sync ~ March 8, 2024
About Our Program
The Iowa City Community School District’s K-12 Online Learning Program (ICCSD Online) offers an exceptional learning experience for students in grades K-12. ICCSD Online is open to all students in Iowa and provides a high-quality, at-home alternative to the District’s traditional classroom setting. Designed and taught by District teachers and administrators, the program provides students the ability to engage in rigorous coursework offered through a supportive online environment. ICCSD Online provides families the ability to choose the academic setting that is best for their students without having to sacrifice the traditional benefits of working directly with teachers and classmates.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICCSDOnline
Website: https://iccsdonline.iowacityschools.org/
Location: 2255 North Dubuque Road, Iowa City, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 688-1370
Message from the Principal
How do we learn? How does our brain work? How do we grow emotionally or personally? Academically or professionally? The answers to those questions can be more complex than at first thought. The amount of educational research for these questions is outstanding. There are learning styles, learner preferences, best practice teaching techniques, high quality curriculum, explicit instruction, growth mindset.... the responses are varied and each important in their own right. The answers also continue to evolve.
In education and in life, we often encounter tasks, learning, or environments which challenge us. They challenge us emotionally, personally, academically or professionally. The challenge us so much that we think maybe we might want to give up. Or that it can't possibly be this hard for anyone else. The growth is happening within the those moments, not in spite of those moments.
We are going to embark on a new virtual learning platform this spring. It might challenge us and it might not go smoothly some days BUT we will grow because of it. If we don't take on this new learning challenge, how will we ever know what we are truly capable of in a virtual learning environment? I want our program students to continue to grow with us throughout the rest of the spring. I hope you will seek to understand with us even if it's frustrating or cumbersome at first.
Laura Mayer
ICCSD Online Principal
Spring Updates
- Week of March 18th - Student Materials distribution --Students and families pick up all Tri 3 materials; including additional math and reading materials for core and/or intervention, teacher determined materials, science experiment kits, art supplies, and musical instruments.
- Week of March 25th - Ms. Abbott's class will have an opportunity for an in person field trip to the Stanley Museum of Art. This event is sponsored by ICCSD Foundations Any Given Child.
- Week of April 11th - Ms. Young's class will have an opportunity for an in person field trip to a Riverside Workshop hosted in our online program building location. This event is sponsored by ICCSD Foundations Any Given Child.
- Week of April 15th - Grades 3-11 students will completed ISASP. These are REQUIRED statewide assessments that must taken in person. All testing will be done at our online program building locations.
- Week of April 22nd - Make up testing for ISASP
- Week of May 1st - Ms. Abbott's class will have an opportunity to participate in HyVee KidsFit at Kinnick event. This event is sponsored by HyVee.
- Monday, May 13th - Ms. Cabrera's students will have an opportunity to compete in the Annual ICCSD 5th/6th Track and Field day. The event will be hosted at City High Track stadium.
Class for Zoom Update
Our staff has completed our trainings on a new interactive tech platform; Class for Zoom. Students will not have to download any new apps or software to access this platform. There are similarities between Zoom and Class for Zoom. The new features increase opportunities for engagement and interaction within teacher -student relationships and student-student relationships. It will report back data metrics related to attendance, teacher talk time, student talk time, and off track behaviors. With the launch of Class for Zoom we are going to reset rules and procedures for student engagement. Our teachers will be focusing on the (newly identified) Success Criteria for our synchronous and community expectations.
Stay tuned for more information about Class for Zoom and its impact on student routines after spring break! Check out the company's short demo video below!
PBIS Core Values
Through PBIS, our program has developed success criteria for our expectations. Success criteria are explicit statements in student friendly language that can be use to reflect and compare our learning against. Students will know if they know it because they can meet the success criteria. Student will know where they might need to grow based on the success criteria. We will be introducing these success criteria to students and using this language with students as we implement the Class for Zoom platform into our learning environment.
Updated Attendance Excusals
In an effort to ensure the safety of our students, the online program will continue to utilize Automated Attendance Notifications. These notifications will consist of an automated phone call, email, and text message notifying the parent/guardian that their student has been marked absent, and to contact the school as soon as possible. If you receive one of these notifications, please contact the school right away to avoid follow up calls, and potentially calls to your emergency contacts.
If your student is going to be absent or late to class, please enter an absence request using the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, emailing olpattendance@iowacityschools.org, or call the attendance office at 319-688-1370 before the start of the school day to prevent absence notifications.If you have any questions please contact the Program Secretary Miranda Walker at (319) 688-1370.
Instructions for entering an absence in Infinite Campus can be found HERE.
Best Practices for Chromebooks
Best Practices for Chromebooks
Charge the device regularly and allow the battery to expend itself to support functional battery life. It is not necessary to leave it plugged into the charging cord daily. Report charging issues, such as not being able to hold a consistent charge, to our librarian and media secretary to replace or exchange items.
Perform a regular shut down and restart of the device; could be daily or weekly. This allows the system to complete the full updates as they are pushed out.
Close your apps and browser each day before shutting down the Chromebook or closing the screen. Note: Closing the screen is not the same as performing a “shut down”
Clear the cache and cookies stored from the browser; this could be every six months to a year
Check to make sure the chromebook is operating with the most updated ChromeOS version
Basic Troubleshooting for Chromebooks
Close apps, tabs and browser and then log in again.
Shut down and restart the Chromebook; this action should be performed regularly so the device can complete any updates that are available.
Clear the cache and cookies from the browsing history of the device.
Check for any updates in the ChromeOS that need to be completed.
Check the login pathway for accessing established teacher/course Zoom links.
Review the ClassLink or Canvas login pathways to make sure you are using the pathways synced with the icstudents.org provided for student use on district devices.
For Mr. Krause
Who setting up individual student meetings on Friday afternoon during office hours.
For Ms. Pruess, Mr. Cornett, Ms. Walker and Ms. Chelf
For registering and enrolling several new students during the month of January!
For Ms. Kreinbring
For organizing additional art supplies for the Arts 7th grade students so that they can follow along with art techniques at home!
We are WISE. We are POWERFUL. We are DIVERSE.
District & Program ~ Important Dates Ahead
- March 11th - March 15th ~ Spring Break, District Offices Closed
- Monday, March 25th ~ Tentative Launch of Class for Zoom with students
- Wednesday, April 10th ~ No School; EID holiday
- TBD April ~ 1 day ISASP Testing for Open enrolled families, multiple siblings and/or transportation concerns; must be completed in person
- April 15-18th ~ ISASP Testing; assessments must be completed in person
- April 22-26th ~ ISASP Make Up Testing
- April 23rd ~ High School Parent Teacher Conferences
- April 24th ~ Junior Parent Teacher Conferences
- May 6-31st ~ Spring FAST Reading and Math Screening assessments
- May 27 ~ No School in honor of Memorial Day
- May 30 ~ Seniors Last Day
- May 31st ~ ICCSD Online Virtual Graduation ceremony
- June 5th ~ Last day of Trimester 3
Ombuds Office
Students, Families, and Employees - The Ombuds Office is here to help!
The Ombuds Office is a general concern office and conflict resolution resource for District constituents, including students, parent/guardians, and employees regarding school and/or District-related matters. The Office is a critical component in the District's efforts to raise awareness of concerns; promote a civil, equitable, and inclusive organization; and improve organizational culture. My educational background is in psychology, human resources, and law. I am a trained mediator and currently teach dispute resolution as an adjunct professor. I am a member of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) and practice in accordance with IOA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.
Visit www.IowaCitySchools.org/Ombuds to learn more!
Safe Gun Storage
The Iowa City Community School District Board of Education directs the superintendent to explain the importance of secure gun storage and legal obligations to protect minors from accessing irresponsibly stored guns. Iowa Code § 724.22(7) makes it a crime to store or leave a loaded but unlocked or unsecured firearm where the person storing or leaving the gun knows or has reason to believe that a child under the age of 14 is likely to gain access to the gun without the permission of the child's parent or guardian. Please find the entire Iowa Code section here:
724.22 Persons under twenty-one--sale, loan, gift, making available--possession.
Non-Discrimination Statement
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact Eric Howard, Director of Equity and Employee Relations, 1725 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52245, 319-688-1000, howard.eric@iowacityschools.org.