This Week at BAS
Upcoming Week of June 10th
Second Grade Walkover Information
The 2nd Grade Walkover to OAS will be on Monday, June 10th at approximately 8:45 am! We are inviting all 2nd Grade parents to come chalk messages of support on Sunday, June 9th from 6-8pm on Wadsworth Terrace. Please bring your own chalk! If you are unable to make the Sunday time slot, you can chalk a message on Monday morning prior to the start of the walkover. Feel free to make signs, bring bubbles, or noise makers to cheer the children on during the walkover!
Please have your 2nd grader wear their BAS shirt.
We are hoping to have a great showing for our 2nd graders on Monday morning during the walkover, so make your way over to Wadsworth Terrace after drop off! If you have any questions, email Catherine Venditti (cevenditti@gmail.com) and Rebecca Gobbo (rebeccagobbo@gmail.com).
We look forward to seeing you on June 10th!
School Supply Sale - Orders Due by June 23rd
Our 2024-2025 School Supply Sale is up and running! The BAS PTA wants to make back to school shopping easy and convenient. Log onto schooltoolbox.com to purchase your child’s box and we will provide pick-up dates before school starts in September. There is also a ship-to-home option if that’s more convenient for you. Please note, your child will also need additional items such as a backpack, microphone-free wired headphones, etc. so please make sure to provide these separately. Also, make sure to purchase the box for NEXT school year (i.e., if your child is in Kindergarten now you would purchase a First Grade box). The School Toolbox school supply sale is one of our PTA fundraisers and runs through June 23rd. Reach out to Meredith Goldblatt at meredith.goldblatt@gmail.com or Naomi Carlson at snownaomi@gmail.com with any questions.
Molly Kellett, Megan Bell, Heather Rosen, and Rebecca Gobbo for all of their efforts coordinating today's Second Grade Celebration. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help as well. Such a fun culmination of the kids' time at BAS - everyone had a blast!
Kathryn Malone and Maura O'Connor and all of the parents who helped sell pretzels today for our last pretzel sale of the year!All of the parents coordinating the EOY Kindergarten Graduation parties and the first grade class parties!
Event Chair Opportunities for 2024-2025
The PTA is looking for people to chair some exciting events for the 2024-2025 school year. Previous chairs and/or PTA board members will be available to ensure a smooth transition. Chairing an event is a great way to get involved in the many fun activities that the students enjoy throughout the year. Know a friend you would love to work with? Ask them to co-chair with you!
1. Yearbook
2. Pretzel sale - AM and PM (ideally the AM is coordinated by someone in the AM Kindergarten class)
3. Spiritwear Sale
4. STEAM night
5. Kindergarten T-shirts and Pennants
6. Relay for Life
A mini summary of the available events is attached below. If you or someone you know is interested in more information about any of these events, please contact Stephanie Concannon at spconcannon@gmail.com.
Upcoming Activities
10 - 2nd Grade Walkover
TBD- Kindergarten Celebrations
23 - School Supply Tool Box Orders Due
Sponsorship opportunities for the 5K are available! Stay tuned for more info!
Teacher Wish Lists
Girl Scout New Member Open House Tea Party
Upcoming Kindergarten and 1st Grade girls are cordially invited to attend the Girl Scouts of Cranford New Member Open House Tea Party on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the Community Center from 6:45pm-7:45pm.
Learn all about Girl Scouts in Cranford, meet other young ladies with the same interest and hopefully find a new love in Girl Scouts.
Please complete this form: https://forms.gle/CbWGuwAaVHiPFvwM8 to RSVP for our event. RSVP by June 9th.