Principal’s Weekly Update
January 16, 2025

Upcoming Events
January 17th: Music Of The Night 7:00 pm
January 20th: Martin Luther King Day School and Offices Closed
January 21st: Course Selection Night 6:30-8:00 pm
January 31st: Mr. East 7:00 pm
February 17th: Presidents Day School and Offices Closed
How to Choose High School Electives
Starting January 29th, students will be able to go into Infinite Campus and complete their course selection. Important information pertaining to this process can be found at: https://de.dasd.org/deresources/east-course-selection , located in the Backpack feature under Resources on our homepage.
High school is valuable time for discovering interests and passions, but it can be hard to decide what to focus on- especially when choosing elective classes. These classes outside the required curriculum may include subjects such as: art, music, theater, creative writing, computer programming, engineering, tech ed, family and consumer science, and business. With so many choices, please consider coming out to Course Selection Night on January 21st from 6:30-8:00. Meet the teachers who are familiar with your child’s options and see some of the amazing work current students are producing.
Considering personal interests, career goals, and potential college requirements will help your student make good decisions when choosing electives. Here are some tips to share with your kids:
1) Choose something you're interested in. Electives are a chance to learn more about a particular interest or hobby of yours. Find something that sparks your curiosity and can give you time in your day to tap into the things you enjoy.
2) Choose classes that may help you plan out future career goals. Some colleges consider your choice of electives when evaluating your transcript in relation to your desired major. Select electives that allow you to learn about something you may want to study in college like Engineering, Computer Science, Publications, Broadcasting, or Accounting. You'll be better prepared, and colleges will see that have an interest in the subject.
3) Be aware that just meeting DEHS’ graduation requirements may not be enough to satisfy college admissions. For example, some colleges may wish to see that you studied fine art or have taken three years of a world language in high school. To determine specific requirements of a particular university, it is best to go directly to their website and review the admissions requirements.
Additionally, your electives can show that you have wide-ranging interests or that you like to tackle challenging work, ultimately strengthening your transcript. Next school year may seem a long way off, but gathering information now and making good choices will help ensure students schedule classes they like, resulting in a more enjoyable future school experience.
Course Selection Time Line
January 14th : High School Counselors visit LMS 8th grade students
January 17th : Dr. Podell presenting dual enrollment information in the Auditorium during Lunch and Learn
January 13th thru January 24th : Teachers present course information to students
January 13th thru January 24th : Teacher Recommendations for Course Selection
January 21st: Course selection meeting for 8th, 9th, 10th, & 11th grade students & parents: 6:30-8 p.m.
Week of January 27th: Directions will be posted on 2025-2026 Course Selection Schoology Page
January 29th thru February 7th: Students complete on-line course selection
February 10th thru February 19th: Counselors will meet with students to finalize course selection
February 19th: Final date for students to make request changes through their counselors
May 29th: Student verification will be available to students via portal
*More Information can be found on our website under resources in the backpack.
Job Opportunities
Pelican’s SnoBalls in Downingtown is hiring for the season!!
If you are 14 and will turn 15 during the season, you may apply! Interviews begin soon, so see the flyer and application attached for more information, or email james.pelicans@gmail.com.
- Application: https://pelicanssnoballs.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025_Employee-Application.pdf
- Generous Starting Wage (Average $12-$14/hr)
- Flexible hours and Time off requests
- No Experience needed
- Fun atmosphere
Other Opportunities
Attention JUNIORS…
The Horatio Alger Scholarship has been posted on Naviance with a deadline of March 1, 2025. This scholarship criteria includes financial need, and students must exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree. Students may start at a two-year institution and then transfer. For more information visit: www.horatioalger.org/scholarships.
Financing Your Future – Alvernia University
Financing Your Future – Alvernia University’s Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) will host this event on Sunday, February 1, 2025, to assist families and students with FAFSA completion and/or financial aid options. Appointments are available in person and virtually. Contact Info: Email - sfs@alvernia.edu | Phone- 610-796-8201 to schedule an appointment!
2025 Be an Actuary Day event at Temple University
2025 Be an Actuary Day event at Temple University, co-sponsored by the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society, will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. This event is designed for junior and senior high school students interested in using math and statistics in a business environment to learn more about actuarial professions. There is tremendous current demand for actuaries! The day will include mini case studies led by industry professionals, opportunities to chat with actuaries and Temple students, and a fun math game with prizes at the end. Breakfast pastries and boxed lunches will be provided. An optional campus tour will also be available.
Students are invited to attend individually, but must have a chaperone, and must RSVP by Friday, February 7th, 2025. RSVP form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdv2oeA5dKArfRKMHpE8gYZCMyOgLge3GKJ2OzL42On_fjFnQ/viewform?scrlybrkr=e17255c5
Revolution Prep will be hosting a webinar on “Affording College
Expert Advice from NYU’s Financial Aid Leader”, on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 8 p.m.
Scott Wallace-Juedes, the Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid at NYU (and former Director of Financial Aid at Yale), will share actionable insights on navigating financial aid for college. Families will learn about the latest FAFSA and CSS profile updates, scholarships, grants, and strategies to make college affordable. Register at this link: https://www.revolutionprep.com/webinars/foundations-of-financial-aid-with-guest-speaker-scott-wallace-juedes-of-yale-university/
Interested in AI?
Inspirit AI is a 25-hour pre-college program that introduces students in grades 6 to 12 to fundamental artificial intelligence tools to create impactful projects across different domains. Students join a small-group capstone course taught by Stanford, MIT, and Ivy League grad students and will learn about fundamental AI concepts and tools and complete a mentor-led socially impactful AI project in a domain of interest such as healthcare, finance, psychology, or art, among others. Applications for Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 AI Scholars Live Online are being accepted and the deadline is January 15th, 2025. For any questions, please contact jaredgreene@inspiritai.com. Visit the site for more information: https://www.inspiritai.com/
Bradford Heights BRIDGE Program
Be a positive mentor to elementary students! Volunteers are needed for the Bradford Heights BRIDGE Program (Building Relationships in Downingtown to Grow Education) to assist with tutor time, buddy reading, board games, and fun activities. The program runs on Thursdays, starting January 16-May 22, 2025, from 4-4:45 p.m., and students do not have to commit to all dates. If you can assist, please complete this form:
Join the Teen Advisory Board at Chester Springs Library and make your voice heard!
- This is your opportunity to shape future library programs, explore exciting volunteer roles, and even create new clubs that match your interests. Whether you want to help run fun events or come up with fresh ideas, your input will make a real impact.
- For more info or to get involved, contact Ms. Sam at sheckleroconnor@ccls.org. Don’t miss out on the chance to make a difference and connect with other passionate teens!
- The Teen Advisory Board allows students to gain leadership experience, develop organizational skills, and build connections with peers who share their passions. I believe it would be an excellent fit for many of our students who are eager to contribute and grow. Thank you so much for your time and please let me know if you need any additional information.
JUNIORS….The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) is a rigorous, highly selective, summer enrichment opportunity focused on science with instruction in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and more. The application is now open to current JUNIORS, and the deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. The program is free to students, and students live on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University. For more details on the program, visit https://sciences.pa-gov-schools.org/. Application link: https://pgss-applications.pa-gov-schools.org/users/sign_up.
A Message from the Home and School Association
Please join us to continue planning for the All Night Senior Celebration/Post Prom event!
- We are meeting from 6:30-8pm on the following dates, location TBD: 1/22, 1/29 (you are welcome for some or all of the meeting).
- We are also planning a work day 1/26 10am-2pm. Hope you can join us. All grades welcome!!
- Any questions, please email Lauren Crocker laurencrocker46@gmail.com
- If you have a certain skill set that may be helpful we would love to have your input and assistance!
- Please sign up if you are interested in helping with future planning of this event!
- Scan the QR code in the flyer or visit this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfggXm_KeC3VOguisrr6Oe2Kq4G4vLX3w0GwAfHK0FSQ-E6hA/viewform?scrlybrkr=673c5e57
Yearbook Sales
The yearbook order final count is due to the publisher at the end of this month. Order your book now to ensure a copy. A few copies will be ordered for in-person sales in late May.
- Please visit https://prod.yboc.varsity.com/ to purchase a yearbook.
- Yearbook purchase center Access code: 4846
Varsity Games- Go Cougars!
- 1/17: Wrestling at Heebner Invitational 4:30 pm
- 1/18: Boys Basketball vs. Oxford 12:15 pm
- 1/18: Girls Basketball vs. Radnor 3:30 pm
- 1/18: Indoor Track at Kristian Marche Invitational 2:00 pm
- 1/21: Swimming vs. Garnet Valley 2:30 pm
- 1/21: Bocce at Rustin 3:00 pm
- 1/21: Boys Basketball vs. West 6:45 pm
- 1/21: Girls Basketball at West 6:45 pm
- 1/22: Wrestling vs. WCE 7:00 pm (Senior Night)
- 1/23: Bocce vs. WCE 3:00 pm
- 1/23: Boys Basketball at Henderson 6:45 pm
- 1/23 Girls Basketball vs. Henderson 6:45 pm
Cheer on the Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team!
The Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team would like to invite you to watch their games!
Come out and show your support to our team!
- Friday 1/24: DE vs. WCE 9:45 PM Ice Line Rink 1
- Friday 1/31: DE vs. Avon Grove 6:15 pm Ice Line Rink 1
- Monday 2/3: DE vs. Kennett 8:00 pm Ice Line Rink 1
Beats N' Eats to Support the DE Marching Band!
** This is a 21+ Event **
When: Saturday February 1st from 6-10pm
Where: St. Anthony's Lodge 259 Church Street Downingtown PA 19335
- Tickets are $50 which includes 3 raffle tickets. Advanced tickets must be purchased by Sunday January 19th.
- To purchase please use this link: https://dhsmpa.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/192947446 or scan the QR code in the flyer below.
- Buffet
- Silent Auction
- Live Band!
- 50/50 and other Raffles!
Support the Class of 2026!
When: January 21st and February 14th from 4-8pm
Bring a copy or a picture of the flyer with you!
Support The Boys Basketball Team!
50/50 Raffle!
- Raffle tickets are $5 each
- Cash or Venmo accepted. If using Venmo please send payment to @DEHSBoysBBall and put 50/50 raffle in the subject line.
- Drawing will be held January 31st!
- The winner will be contacted via phone/ or email and announced on the Boys Basketball social media pages. Facebook: @Dowingtown East Boys Basketball and Instagram: @deast_hoops
Other Events
Downingtown East Choir Presents Music Of The Night !
When: January 17th
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Downingtown East High School
- $5 a ticket sold at the door
- $1.00 per vote
- There will also be a basket raffle
Free Admission! Watch The DE Girls Basketball Team Play!
Come out and cheer on the DE Girls basketball team tomorrow against Radnor!
When: January 18th at 3:30 PM
Where: Downingtown East High School
Admission is FREE!
Hey everyone! Downingtown East's Desi Student Union (DSU), would like to invite you to our Bollywood Dance Night
DSU is a student-led organization representing the diverse south Asian region. We set up events, such as the Heritage Day in November and the upcoming Dance Night, to share our traditions and culture with the rest of the community!
The Bollywood Dance Night will take place at Downingtown West High School from 6:00-8:30 pm on February 7th. It's going to be a fun evening with energetic Bollywood music, dance performances, and tasty snacks! Tickets are $10 in cash at the door and free snacks are included with your ticket! Fill out this form to come: https://forms.gle/LevGGeGxgZDNYtWy9 Can't wait to see you there! Help us spread the word by talking to friends and follow our Instagram at dehs_dsu. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at adande01@student.dasd.org or dsolanki01@student.dasd.org!
Administration and Other Staff Contact List
Counselors Contact Information
Ms. Kristina Cole: 9th - 11th Grade Students: A to Col
12th Grade Students: A-Cov; krcole@dasd.org- Ext. 41041
Ms. Stephanie Chupela: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Con- Gan
12th Grade Students: Cox-Gl; schupela@dasd.org- Ext.41040
Ms. Katherine Dill: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Gar- Ke
12th Grade Students: Go- Ke; kdill@dasd.org- Ext. 41042
Ms. Angela Hanna: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Ki- McD
12th Grade Students: Ki- Mar; ahanna@dasd.org- Ext.41043
Mr. Michael Matta: 9th - 11th Grade Students: McE- Ras
12th Grade Students: Mas-Pl; mmatta@dasd.org- Ext. 41045
Ms. Caroline (Gregory) Hallam : 9th - 11th Grade Students: Rat- Sta
12th Grade Students: Po-So; cgregory@dasd.org- Ext. 41046
Mr. William Davis: 9th: 11th Grade Students: Ste- Z
12th Grade Students: Sp-Z; wdavis@dasd.org- Ext. 41044
Prevention Specialist
Athletic Director: Corey Sigle – csigle@dasd.org
Associate Athletic Director: Michael Semar- msemar@dasd.org
Assistant Athletic Director: Renee Harty – rharty@dasd.org
Administration Contact Information
Paul E. Hurley III, Principal – phurley@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Lakesha Costello: 9th grade and 10th grade: A thru Ha – lcostello@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Eric McComsey: 11th grade and 10th grade: P thru Z – emccomsey@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: (Frances) Jill Whalen: 12th grade and 10th grade: He thru O– fwhalen@dasd.org