Te Pānui o Te Kura o Puketapu
Term 4 2024 - End of Year 2024
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Kia Ora - Be Well
From the Board
Tēnā koutou e te whānau whanui o Puketapu kura,
He hōnore he korōria ki te atua, he maungārongo ki te mata o te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa, tihei mauri ora!
As the year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the school board, to reflect on what has been an extraordinary year at Puketapu. Our shared journey has been marked by growth, resilience, a new leadership and a renewed commitment to fostering excellence in education and behaviour for all our students.
This year, our students have continued to excel across academics, sports, arts, and community initiatives. From excellent results in weekend sports, interschool challenges, and Tatarakihi and Puanga, they have made us all proud. Equally important has been the focus on character development, with students demonstrating kindness, leadership, and a sense of responsibility.
We farewell an awesome group of Year 8 students! Over the years, we’ve seen you grow into kind, responsible, and thoughtful young leaders. We’re so proud of everything you’ve achieved, not just in reading, writing, and math, but in understanding the world around you and asking curious and important questions. Moving on to high school might feel like a big step but remember that you have a whole community cheering you on. We wish you all the best as you start this exciting new chapter! Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui!
To our wonderful parents of Puketapu Home and School, you are awesome! From Bake Sales, Golf Tournaments, Noodle Head Fundraisers and supporting things like SoMADD and Fluro Fun Runs your efforts don’t go unnoticed and allow our school to do extraordinary things for our kids.
On behalf of the board, I wish to extend my gratitude to our new and wonderful principal Mrs Pascoe, you have bought a new vibrancy and energy to our school, and we appreciate your steadfast commitment to the pursuit of excellence. To the senior leadership team, our teachers and support staff and the board for their unwavering dedication to our school and learners, you are amazing! Our school continues to deliver on our strategic aim of growing and developing the health and wellbeing for all and we are thankful for the manaaki you show to our children.
In closing, have a great Christmas holiday everyone – and remember kids, stay off the screens, play outside and go easy on your brothers and sisters!
Have a safe and happy break and see you all back again in 2025
Paora Rauputu
Presiding member Puketapu School Board.
Mouri ora!
Your Board of Trustees: From left: Katherine Pascoe (Principal), Steph Julian, Paora Rauputu (Presiding Member), Hayley Adams, Doug Keith, Meg Corin
From Mrs Pascoe
It has been a privilege to join the Puketapu School family this year and to be part of your child/rens journey. I have loved getting to know your children, love all the hugs I get in a day and the way they share their learning and lives with me.
Rocky has loved his cuddles at school and is going to miss everyone over the holidays!
A huge thanks to all of you for your support and working with us for the best possible outcomes for your precious tamariki.
We look forward to 2025 as we re-vision our school and work closely with MAC- Maori Achievement Collaborative (Damon Ritai) our hapu and you, our community, to move forward in an authentic and positive way to see all our tamarki thriving.
A huge thank you to our incredible staff who do there very best for our tamariki every day. Thank you! We see you and we appreciate you very much.
To our Home and School - you are small but you are mighty. Thank you for all you do to give our kids the opportunities they have at our kura.
To our Board, I appreciate your support and I love how much you care about our students and put them first in all our decisions.
To you all, thank you for making our kura the special place that it is. Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you back in 2025!
Welcomes and Farewells
This year was also time to farewell some of our own and we acknowledge the passing of Fiona Warring and Te Omeka Akariri Buckley and Rangiatua Hoeta.
We say farewell and good luck to:
Brody Lindsay - Brody has been with us for almost ten years! He started with us as a teacher aide, trained as a teacher, grew into a school leader, led camps, sport, trips and so much more. We have loved watching him grow as a teacher and we wish him all the very best for his new adventures in Australia.
Jess McLeod - Jess joined us as a newly qualified teacher two years ago and we have loved being part of her journey to become fully registered.
On behalf of their students, both this year and previous years, parents, colleagues and everyone they have worked with, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU and ka kite ano - we very much hope to see you both again.
We also say thank you and ka kite ano to several staff who worked with us in 2024 and are heading to other adventures next year. We may well see them again!
Thank you to Sammy Love, Jo Goldsmith, Priya Prasad, Sarah Greenfield
Thank you all for your contribution to our school and we wish you all the very best in the future.
We have many people to thank...
To our Kai team - Teresa Julian, Charlotte McGoldrick, Sharron Arbuckle and Kayla Mason - who have kept our tamariki well fed with delicious and healthy kai made with aroha.
To our Home & School for all they do for our school including their incredible fundraising efforts and support of our teachers and families.
In particular, their support with the Colour Run which allowed us to fund a counsellor at school, the golf day, cross country and more.
All your fundraising activities take many hours of preparation and we are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of parents to help bring to life many projects around our school.
To Northpoint Church - for all the support they have offered us throughout the year, including the use of their awesome venue. In the last week alone Northpoint have hosted us for our Year 8 Graduation Dinner and our Final Assembly.
To all the sports coaches, managers, parent transport, supporters who have supported our tamariki in many competitions and codes throughout the year.
To all those who have volunteered in classrooms, on trips, in gardens and in multiple other ways to support out students, staff and school.
And to the wider community and whānau for everything they do THANK YOU.
Final Assembly 2024
Trophy Winners
Donated by former Principal, Mr Alan Smith, first awarded in 2006 to Misikei Fonoti.
This award is offered to the boy and girl, or boys and girls, in Year 8 who meet the following criteria:
They exhibit a respectful attitude towards themselves, and in their dealing with others
They exhibit high standards of personal conduct and of personal effort in their learning and in their social relationships
They are an excellent role model to other students in the school
They have evidence of strong school involvement
They have a positive attitude towards the philosophies of the school and to the people they work with, teachers and students
They exhibit the principles of ‘fair play’ in all sporting and cultural activities
They prove to be a ‘good friend’ to their peers
Congratulations... joint winners Adelle Robinson and Rhys Warring
Adelle consistently demonstrates a respectful attitude toward herself and others, exemplifying the value of Kia Manawanui. Her high standards of personal conduct and effort in learning and relationships make her a true role model for her peers. With strong involvement in school activities, she shows dedication to both academics and extracurriculars, embracing our Kia Kaha and Kia Maia values. Her commitment to fairness in sports and cultural events and her ability to be a loyal and caring friend highlight her remarkable character. Congratulations Adelle on your positive contributions to Puketapu School.
Rhys consistently demonstrates respect for himself and others, maintaining high standards of conduct and effort in all he does. He is an exceptional role model, actively involved in school life and embodying its values. Rhys exhibits fairness in sports and cultural activities and is a kind, supportive friend to peers. Congratulations, Rhys, on your outstanding contribution to our school community!
Excellence in Sports (School, Provincial, National Representative Teams)
Participation in and out of school
Team member – acceptance of rules and other persons
Attitude - Giving back to sport (e.g. coaching), determination, self-drive
Leadership qualities
Role Model
Fair play
Individual commitment
Pride in achievement
Congratulations to... winner Tyreece Joines
Tyreece is a born sportsman. He exhibits strong leadership skills in sports and is able to transfer these through into the classroom. He was selected as the school sports leader and has fulfilled the role very well. Tyreece has gained positive success through sports this year. As well as engaging in various school events from interschool rugby, to touch, basketball, and even as a team member for the road relay event, Tyreece has also managed success outside of school. U14 NP Basketball, Ross Brown Rugby, Maori’s Rugby League, U14 Taranaki League, and City Touch, Tyreece continues to display his leadership in this area.
He is a team player and supports others around him to be successful. Tyreece leads by example. He is encouraging and passionate about sports and always gives his best efforts. Ka Pai Tyreece - well done!
Mainfreight Duffy Award for Academic Excellence
Donated by our Duffy major sponsor Mainfreight. First awarded to Jeremy McMillan in 1997.
The purpose of this award is to encourage academic success in the classroom. It will be awarded to the highest achieving Year 8 student based on their educational and academic achievements. This award is based on the following criteria:
- Achievement in school-based assessment and evaluation
- Results of standardised testing
- Demonstrate commitment to learning in all academic areas (i.e. all seven learning areas)
- Demonstrate high motivation, initiation, integrity, intellectual depth and leadership judgement
- Participation and success in external curricula events
Congratulations to... Emma Lane
Emma epitomises what it means to be a positive and hard working student. She displays a great sense of self and has a positive learner mindset, actively engaging in learning across all curriculum areas. Emma demonstrates resilience when in the learning pit and will consider new information, question, challenge, discover, and apply new knowledge quickly. She is reflective in her learning and is willing to accept and consider constructive feedback, never afraid to challenge her thinking. Emma takes pride in everything she does. She is a learner who acknowledges that in order to seek reward – effort must come first. Ka Pai Emma - well done!
Kapa Haka & Tikanga
Mataatua Taonga
Tamariki must
Be secure in the knowledge of his / her ancestral links
Positively model leadership in Maori Culture through a variety of opportunities, eg tikanga, te reo Māori, Kapahaka etc.
Demonstrate self-worth, self-esteem and personal pride in his or her attitude, behaviour or demeanour
Display physical, spiritual and emotional well-being and knowledge and respect for him/herself and others
Congratulations to... Kallana Bradnock and Kupa Hoskin
This award recognises excellence, growth, and leadership in Kapa Haka.
Throughout the year, both of these students have shown exceptional commitment to Kapa Haka, demonstrating pride in their ancestral links and a deepening understanding of tikanga and te reo Māori. Their passion and dedication were evident in their consistent practice, and outstanding stage presence during performances. Their tutors commented on their growth and how much improvement they have made over the year.
Their ability to stand tall and represent their kura and whānau with confidence and dignity at competitions is a testament to their growth.
Ka pai tō mahi Kallana Bradnock and Kupa Hoskin, on this well-deserved recognition of your achievements and leadership.
Technology Trophy
- Always comes to their Design Technology (DT) class open to learning
- Enthusiastic about DT and learning DT through a variety of methods
- High interest in Food Technology
- Goes above and beyond - continues to learn and practice cooking (and/or other technologies) at home
- Helps others in class
Congratulations to...Adelle Robinson
Adelle has excelled in Design Technology this year, consistently demonstrating a positive approach and a willingness to tackle every challenge. She is an excellent collaborator, always eager to help and support her peers, contributing positively to the classroom environment. Adelle has shown particular strength in Food Technology and Soft Materials, where her sewing skills are exceptional. Her attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality work have been evident in every project she has undertaken. Congratulations Adelle on your outstanding contribution to Design Technology for 2024.
Values Cup
The purpose of this award is to acknowledge and recognise the involvement in the corporate life of the school and the contributions these students in these year groups make.
- Excel in modelling and living all our school School Values (Kia Manawanui, Kia Māia, Kia Ora, Kia Kaha)
- Demonstrate intrinsic behaviours in Class, Whānau Groups and School opportunities.
Congratulations to... Lucy Nicholas and Hamuora Adams
Lucy demonstrates all values every day, is a driven learner both in and outside the classroom. Takes every opportunity she can with pride and enthusiasm, supporting those with her kind and caring nature.
Hamuora is a deserving recipient of this award for his exceptional commitment to living our school values: Kia Kaha (Do your best), Kia Ora (be well), Kia Māia (Be courageous), and Kia Manawanui (Have a heart). He leads by example, showing strength in his academic efforts, bravery in taking on challenges and leadership roles, and steadfastness in supporting his peers and building a positive school community. He consistently contributes to our school, inspiring others through his actions. Hamuora embodies the very essence of this award, making him a truly deserving recipient.
Rather than "Head Boy" and "Head Girl" our Kaitiaki Tama and Kaitiaki Kotiro are our elected student guardians for the school.
Other leadership opportunities are also available.
If they are keen to take the position, aspiring leaders apply to the senior leadership team, detailing how they live our school values and what they will do for our kura if they are successful.
Early in 2025 we will be letting our Year 8 tamariki know what oppourtunities they can apply for!
Values Awards
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Aria Marshall * Aurora Meijer * Avery Phillips
Bailey Takerei * Cecilia Green * Cortez Stevens
Fergus Luke * Isla Hayden * Isla Johnson
Judy Green * Levi Murphy * Mallory Leaf
Reeve Hunt * Rhys Warring * Roman Judd
Roshika Tadikonda * Sophie Morrison * Tyde Simpson
Yulla Te Kura
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Amalia Engebretsen * Amira Azad * Arana Wall Colvin
Carter Robinson * Channing Rajput * Claire Asai
Evie Roberts * Goo Pham * Horizon Scott * Leah Ratford
Leysa Wall-Colvin * Losa Fonoti * Marlo Harris
Marni Hekenui * Preston Cooper * Ruchita Medasetti
Shayleigh Macioce * Sophie McGovern * Summer Greenfield
Vidyasri Vathada
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Adelle Robinson * Aubrey Clegg * Braxton Vile
Divyasri Vathada * Douglas McCormack * Emma Lane
Ezra Longworth * Faith O'Brien * Hadleigh Waldon
Hamuora Adams * Kobie Wilson * Kohana Marris * Kupa Hoskin
Lily Ponting * Lo Tuipulotu * Lucita McNarama
Maria Wano * Ruby Tadikonda * Zoe Jones
Zoey Haylock
Kia Ora - Be Well
Aiden Terrill * Bentley Murray * Brynley Smith
Daisy Pascoe * Eden Lucinsky * Erika Asai
Hayzyn Ruakere * Isla Dondaldson
Jada Graham-Moore * Joel Purdie
Kiah-jayne Wylde-Prestney
Kaylee Lepper * Kyan Hoskin * Leo Jeffrey * Madie Cadman
Maia Brider * Mia Terrill * Quinn Murrell
Summer Wilkinson * Tyler Kenny
Graduation Dinner
We farewelled our Year 8 Graduates at a formal dinner with whānau
What an absolute blast!
It was wonderful to see so many past, present and future students and whānau join us to celebrate. It was a lovely evening.
Open your Hero app to view your child's 2024 report and learning.
(You can still see previous years' reports via Hero.)
Getting a Head Start on 2025
Our first day of school in 2025 is Monday 3 February 2025
On this day we have our Head Start Hui
These are short meetings for every student, when the student, parent(s) and teacher meet together to get the school year off to a great start:
- To build a partnership of learning between whānau and school (whanaungatanga)
- For our families to share the strengths and dreams for their tamariki
- For our teachers to listen to and get to know their akonga
Each hui will last about 15 minutes. Book a time that suits you through Hero - bookings open in January - parents keep an eye out for the Hero notification that bookings are open.
The purpose of these meetings is whakawhanaungatanga - building strong relationships together. Children come to school with their whānau for their meeting then go home for the rest of the day. The purpose of these meetings is to get to know each other, establish great lines of communication, set some learning goals and get the year off to the best possible start for your child.
What a great way to start the new year!
Students should make sure they have all the stationery they need before the first day of school.
This year, stationery lists are all online with OfficeMax MySchool
It is really easy to order!
Go to OfficeMax MySchool (https://www.myschool.co.nz/puketapubb) to view the requirements.
Enter your child’s details, select their year level and check what they need.
If your child already has an item, you can remove it from the list.
If they want additional items or an upgraded item, you can add it here too.
Reasons to order with OfficeMax MySchool:
Order now, choose when you want to have the stationery delivered.
Pay in 4 interest free installments or all at once!
Every order earns School Rewards points for our school and helps us keep the cost of stationery down later in the year.
Free delivery on orders over $70 (so if you have two children or more, delivery is free!)
You can also get a WINZ quote if you need one.
Order in December and you could win $1000!
Note: If you choose to purchase from elsewhere, please contact the school office for a list.
If you buy from anywhere other than OfficeMax MySchool, please make sure you have the correct line and page sizes. Please do not substitute the Warwick books for a cheaper alternative
* Terms & Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details.
Game Changer Hoodie & T-Shirt Orders OPEN!
Hoodies and T-Shirts
Game Changer:
Order over the break, select “collect” and your order will be delivered to school ready for you to pick up in Week 1.
Our New Website
We are delighted to launch our updated school website!
As well as updated staff and strategic information, please check out our new A-Z for parents. We hope this will be a useful source of information for everyone going forward.
If you think of anything that should be added to the A-Z, please email the office.
See you Next Year
Pre-season office hours will be:
Monday 27 January 10:00-2:00pm
Tuesday 28 January 10:00-2:00pm
Wednesday 29 January 10:00-2:00pm
Thursday 30 January - CLOSED for Staff Training
Friday 31 January - CLOSED for Staff Training
Monday 3 January - open as normal 8:30-3:30pm
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: 15-25 Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973