W-W Virtual Academy Newsletter
May 17, 2024

VIRTUAL PROGRAM NEWS - November 1, 2024
Contact Information
- WWIA Address: 5400 Fourth Street, Wayne, MI 48184
- Email - swansonc@wwcsd.net,
- Text - 734-965-0561 or
- Call - 734-713-4355.
When corresponding please make sure to include:
- Your name
- Your student's name
- Your question or quandary
Please reach out with any questions you have.
November 5 - No school for in-person students due to a staff professional development day.
November 15 - 8:30-11:00am Picture Retake Day at WWIA.
January 3-10 - Target End Date for all Quarter 2 and Semester 1 classes - work steadily on your lessons to ensure completion
Winter Break - December 23 - January 3rd
Mid-Winter Break - February 17-21
Spring Break - March 24 - 28
Did you know that students attending Wayne-Westland Community Schools can earn college credit, up to an associates degree, for free while still in high school?
WWCSD has partnered with Madonna University to combine the high-school and college experience - Wayne-Westland Early Middle College. Upon completing this program, students will graduate with their high school diploma and up to 60 college credit hours, potentially earning an associates degree.
Current 8th, 9th, and 10th grade WWCSD students are eligible to apply. The application will be open October 31, 2024 - February 14, 2025. Information sessions will be held to support families in exploring this opportunity and answer questions.
Thursday, November 7th - 6:30pm in person at WWIA - 5400 Fourth Street, Wayne
Thursday, November 14th - 6:30pm - via Zoom
Thursday, January 16 - 6:30pm in person at WWIA - 5400 Fourth Street, Wayne
Wednesday, January 22 - 6:30pm - via Zoom
For more information, please visit www.wwcsd.net/earlycollege
Weekly two-way communications with your mentor teacher are a requirement of the program and count for your student's attendance for the week. Failing to complete the 2-way communication is equivalent to 5 days absent.
6th - 12th GRADERS
After completing the orientation and when logging into your Graduation Alliance Account remember the following:
- Make sure you are logged into the computer with your school Google email and password.
- Website: app.gradally.com
- Click on Login with Google
- Choose your class to work on. You can work on one class at a time until completion or the set week's lessons in each class.
- Look at and watch the Target End Date. All lessons MUST be completed with a 60% or higher before that target end date.
For more tips and trick consult your orientation packet.
If you have not yet participated in the orientation reach out to me to set up a time.
- If you are new to Graduation Alliance, or if you have been stumped so far about a part of the dashboard watch the Student Dashboard Tour.
- If you have a question about a concept in a class you can text, email, or schedule a tutoring session with your Graduation Alliance Teacher. The information for instructors can be found under the "Need Help" tile on the dashboard.
- If you text make sure to include your name, the class, and the lessons you have a question about.
- If you are emailing include your name, the lesson, the class, and the question you have.
- If you are making a tutoring appointment check to make sure your email is spelled correctly and you add the meeting to your google calendar. The Meets Link, meeting date and time, will be sent to your email and your Google Calendar (your calendar can be found in your Google Waffle.)
- Reminder: You can retry any assignment as many times as you need to achieve the minimum 60% to pass the assignment. You can redo any assignment to earn the highest percentage you desire.
- Make sure to complete and redo all quizzes and activities for higher scores before submitting the last assignment. You MUST complete all assignments to get a grade and close the class.
- Is your Chromebook telling you the disk is full and you can't download anything. Complete the following steps to update Chrome OS
- Click on the button on the bottom left of the screen - it looks like a donut.
- Click on the Settings button
- Click on Choose Chrome OS
- Click on Update Chrome
- Reboot the computer
- Only students can contact Graduation Alliance teachers. Teachers will not respond to parent emails per Graduation Alliance rules.
- Plagiarism/Academic Honesty: Graduation Alliance Program has a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Cheating (giving or receiving information), using AI to write an assignment, and plagiarism on class work may result in a 1% grade for the assignment. At the teacher’s discretion, students may have the opportunity to complete an additional assignment to make up lost points:
- First offense: teacher will allow student the opportunity to retry the assignment after successfully completing a plagiarism quiz.
- Second offense: student is only allowed to retry an assignment following the GA teacher intervention.
- WWIA counselors and administration are alerted to the incidents and will reach out to the student and families regarding the expectation for redoing assignments and regaining academic trust.
- Grade Codes: Certain grade codes are used as an indicator for students and program administrators. These grade codes are intended to be attention-grabbers for students to correct work.
- 0% = automatically assigned for missing work past the due date
- 1% = plagiarism, use of AI
- 3% = significantly incorrect work or blank attachment
- 4% = unreadable link/incorrect file type
- All other percentages are the grade earned.
We just received another delivery of non-perishable food for our pantry. If you or someone you know could benefit from some extra food or hygiene items please call the office or stop in to visit the pantry!
Retake/Second picture opportunity will be Friday, November 15th from 8:30-11:00am.
Website for ordering: mylifetouch.com
Picture Day Code: EVTVRSRQR
Please read this message from Acting Superintendent Jennifer Curry with information regarding the Wayne County Enhancement Millage that will be on the November 5th ballot.
Complete the Electronic Benefits Form to Secure Additional Funding for Students
Wayne-Westland Community Schools is proud to continue participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year as part of the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. This ensures that ALL enrolled students receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE to your household!
To help us maintain this program, we ask parents and guardians to complete and sign the Education Benefits Form (available on the Meal Magic Family Portal) and return it to your child's school as soon as possible. Please note: the information is used for administrative purposes, not to determine eligibility.
This form is crucial for your child's school to receive important funding from state and federal programs like Title I A, At-Risk (31a), and more. Your help makes a big difference!
For any questions or assistance, contact our Food Services Department at 734-419-2118.
For those interested in playing sports or participating in clubs at their school of residence I will include links to the middle and high school newsletters as they become available. If you are not sure what would be your school would be you can look it up at LOCATE MY SCHOOL
Some schools may not yet have a newsletter out to families. I will add and update schools as they become available.
Please see the information below that can help you and your family have a smooth start to the new school year.
Family Resource Center
Wayne-Westland Community Schools has a Family Resource Center (FRC), offering free services to all students and families within our district. Among the services provided are basic needs assistance, access to over 700 local resources, and a Laundry Assistance Program. Additionally, the FRC offers essential items, such as emergency toiletries, socks, underwear, hats, gloves, and scarves, to those in need. School supplies and backpacks are also available year-round for any district student.
Please contact our Family Resource Center at 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net. A Digital Request for Services Form is also available. If you have additional questions about their services, please contact the Family Resource Center directly.
OK2SAY Celebrates 10 Years of Contributing to Safer Schools
Wayne-Westland Community Schools is proud to participate in OK2SAY, and to recognize their decade of serving as a resource for students, school employees and schools.
Since its launch in September 2014, OK2SAY has received over 56,000 tips identifying students in crisis and helping to prevent school violence. The top five cumulative tip categories have been suicide threats, bullying, drugs, other (anxiety, depression, harassment), and planned school attacks.
OK2SAY is available 24/7, and tips can be submitted in the following ways:
- Call: 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
- Text: 652729 (OK2SAY)
- Email: OK2SAY@mi.gov
- OK2SAY website: Michigan.gov/OK2SAY
- OK2SAY mobile app: Available for download in the app store for iPhone and Android.
Do you or an adult you know still need to finish high school? The Michigan 23+ Adult Diploma & Training Program is your opportunity to earn a diploma and a career certificate — for free!
- 100% online and flexible — Work on classes anytime and anywhere.
- Personal support team to help you stay on track.
- 24/7 virtual tutoring so you can get homework help anytime you need it.
Learn more and see if you qualify at Michigan23.com.
Both cities of Westland and Wayne offer programming to support youth and their families struggling with challenging and/or negative youth behaviors, truancy issues and more. Some of the services offered through their programs include, but are not limited to: youth support groups, parent support, case management, referrals and more. Exact services will vary by program. To learn more, please reach out to these programs directly or let your child’s school know you would like to be connected through a school referral.
Westland Youth Assistance: 734-467-7904
Wayne Youth and Family Services: 734-721-7004
Wayne-Westland Community School District has partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of our community. If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of the circumstance. This is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service provided by Wayne-Westland Community School District. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a mental health care provider:
Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/wwcsd and either search on your own or click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Did you know we have 2 comprehensive clinics in our District, through Corewell Health? These clinics are open and able to offer services to students such as: sports physicals, sick care-acute illness visits, asthma evaluations and care, school immunizations, mental health/wellness and more. We have a clinic located at John Glenn High School (for students ages 10-21) and Adams Middle School (for students ages 5-21). Please reach out to our clinics to learn more, or make an appointment today!