Bowie ISD Newsletter -December 2024
Mark Your Calendars
12/2 Return to School from Thanksgiving break
12/2-19 GT Referral Window
12/3 4:30 PM SHAC Meeting @ BISD Central Admin
12/4 4:30 PM District Improvement Team Meeting @ BISD Central Admin
12/4 Progress Report
12/4-12 EOC Retesting at BHS - See testing schedule
12/6 Grades 2-8 UIL Academics Meet @ Henrietta
12/7 Fantasy of Lights Festival and Parade
12/9 6:00 PM BHS Band and Choir Christmas Concert @ BHS Gym
12/11-12 BJH MOY MAP Testing
12/12 5:30 PM BES Christmas Concert BHS Gym
12/13 Staff PD Day
12/16-17 BIS MOY MAP Testing
12/16 5:30 PM BISD Board Meeting
12/17 7:00 PM BJHS Band/Choir Christmas Concert @ BJH Auditorium
12/18-19 - BHS Semester Final Exams
12/19 Last day of 2nd 9 Weeks
12/19 Early Release
12/23-1/3 Christmas Break
1/6 Students and Staff return for spring semester
January - School Board Appreciation Month
**See the Parent and Family Engagement Smore for how to get involved in your child's education,, tips on common issues, resources, activities, and how to partner with the school for student success.
*For specific dates on each campus, please follow the campus Facebook pages and keep your email and phone number updated with the school. If you need to make a change contact the campus secretary.
Important information from Bowie ISD
Early Release
BES- 11:55
BIS - 12:00
BJH - 12:05
Bowie Christmas Parade
We look forward to seeing our jackrabbits out and about on Saturday, December 7, 2024 for the Annual Fantasy of Lights Christmas Festival and lighted parade. The day is full of fun and holiday shopping for everyone finishing with our traditional hometown parade! #bowiebuilt #hometowntraditions
UIL Academics
BISD Annual Food Drive
Christmas Break
Christmas Break
December 23rd- January 3rd
Students return for 2nd semester - January 6, 2025
Lock Down Drill
Our school has adopted The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). This month we would like to explain one of the 5 protocols we have in BISD.
A Lockdown protocol would be used when there is an intruder or an active shooter. In the event of a Lockdown the following protocol is in place on all campuses.
“locks, lights, out of Sight”
Students are trained to:
- Move away from sight
- Maintain silence
- Do not open the door
Adults and staff are trained to:
- Recover students from hallway if possible
- Lock the classroom door
- Turn out the lights
- Move away from sight
- Maintain silence
- Do not open the door
- Prepare to evade or defend
Attendance Matters
Regular school attendance is very important for students to do well in school. Missing school, can lead to problems in academics, behavior, confidence and even later like dropping out. Families can help by making sure kids go to school every day, creating routines and keeping in touch with the school. You can find more information at http://r16.us/attendance.
Check out the infographic below to see how just a few days adds up to a lot of loss of learning.
GT Referral Window in December
Gifted & Talented Public Notice
Bowie ISD is now accepting referrals for students who may need Gifted/Talented Services for the school year. This program is designed for students who exhibit intellectual and creative thinking abilities at an extraordinary level not normally served in the regular classroom. Services are provided only upon identification of the education needs of the student. Anyone wishing to refer a student attending Bowie ISD in kindergarten through twelfth grade this school year is asked to go by the student’s campus office and request a copy of the referral form. This form must be returned to the school by December 19, 2024. Those unable to go by the school should call their child’s campus to request a form be sent to them.
Aviso público de dotados y talentosos
Bowie ISD está aceptando referencias para los estudiantes que necesiten los servicios del programa Gifted / Talentoso para el año escolar. Este programa está diseñado para estudiantes que exhiben habilidades intelectuales y creativas a un nivel extraordinario, que normalmente los servicios no se dan en el salón de clase regular. Los servicios serán proveídos solamente cuando se le identifique las necesidades del estudiante. Cualquiera que desee referir a un estudiante que este asistiendo a la Escuela del Distrito Escolar de Bowie del grado kindergarten hasta el grado doce de este año escolar se les pide que vayan a la oficina de la escuela que el estudiante esté asistiendo y pedir una copia de la forma de referencia. Esta forma se debe de regresar a la escuela el 19 de diciembre, 2024. Los que no pueden ir a la escuela favor de hablar por teléfono de la escuela para pedir que la forma se les mande a ellos.
Tis the Season
BHS Christmas Concert
You are cordially invited to attend the 2023 Christmas Concert hosted by Bowie High School featuring the Jazz Band, Mighty Marching Maroon, and the High School Choir. Come enjoy an evening filled with spectacular music and that warm feeling of the holiday season!
December 9, 2024---- BHS Gym ---- 7PM
BJH Christmas Concert
Come out an enjoy our BJH bands and choirs in their Christmas Concert! Featured will be the 6th grade band, White, Maroon and BJH Choir. Come have an evening filled with wonderful holiday tunes and enjoy the spirit of the season!
December 17, 2024 - 6:00 PM- BJH Auditorium
BES Christmas Concert
December 12, 2024 @ BHS Gym
5:30 PM - 1st Grade
6:00 PM - 2nd Grade
24-25 School Calendar
Social Media Links
Please follow us on social media!
This newsletter is just a glimpse of all the great things happening in Bowie ISD. To see more on a daily basis, please follow us through these school sponsored Facebook pages
Bowie Independent School District Facebook
Bowie Elementary FacebookBowie Independent School District
Website: https://www.bowieisd.net/
Location: 404 East Williams Street, Bowie, TX, USA
Phone: 940-872-1151