Growing in Faith Together
From the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis

Young Adult Beach Party
Rochester Airshow Mass with Bishop Matano
2024 Seminarian/Vocations Mass & Picnic
New Young Adult Service Opportunity
Those that serve in this way have been able to visit, take part in Masses or simply see what the faith means to community members. For more information about this service opportunity, click the button below!
Converge Young Adult Ministry Opportunities
Series on Faith in Adversity- Tuesdays in Aug.
Syracuse Day Trip- Aug. 17
Board Games & Brews- Aug. 29
St. Theodore's Intentionally Accompanying Young Adults
As St. Theodore's Church in Gates celebrates its 100th anniversary, the parish is looking towards its future. The parish council along with Father Kevin McKenna (Pastor) have developed a new parish pastoral plan. One of the goals of the plan is to more intentionally accompany young adults on their journey of faith and life. They have begun conversations on what ministry for and with young adults at the parish should look like. Those involved in this endeavor are looking to engage young adults in the process and are discerning how they might collaborate with other young adult ministries. If you or someone you know is interested in helping the parish with these efforts or would like to be a part of the process, contact Maureen here.
Young Adult Family Rosary
Young adults with children in the Auburn area are invited to this monthly family rosary. The family rosary will take place in the home of young adults Laura and Kieran McManus. For more information, please email Kieran at kmcmanus41092@gmail.com.
Parish of the Holy Family to Start Young Adult Ministry
The Parish of the Holy Family in Gates is making plans to start a young adult (ages 20-35) ministry at the parish. The desire is to begin the ministry in the fall! The parish is looking for young adults who may be interested in the ministry and in giving guidance/inspiration on its direction. If you or someone you know is a young adult and would like to be a part of the ministry, please contact let Deacon Dan Pavlina here or Father Steve Lape here.
Upcoming Retreats- Notre Dame Retreat House
- Women Religious Retreat- “Praying with Pope Francis” With Fr. Chuck Frederico, S.J.
- Men and Women Retreat- “Bread of Life” - Discourse in John 6 and the Sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist With Not Your Typical Church Ladies (Anne Gallagher, Karen Luke and Vicky Wejko)
- Couples Retreat “Just As You Are” – Encountering God’s Mercy in the Sacred Heart of Jesus With Fr. Phil Brockmyre, Deacon Gregory and Elena Kiley and Jodie Scordo
Elevate (30+ Ministry) Opportunities
Retrouvaille Weekend- August 16
Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi, meaning rediscovery) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. So many couples struggle alone with their difficulties. Retrouvaille offers those stuck in a rut, the chance to rediscover a loving relationship in their marriage by connecting with other couples who made it through their difficulties. For more information on the program being offered August 16, call 585-293-1552 with confidential questions or visit the website by clicking the button below.
Bringing Baby Home & Seven Habits of Effective Relationships Trainings
Blessings are abundant in young adulthood! Many young adults experience the blessings of marriage and children. These blessings don’t come without sacrifice and sacrifice can be hard! The Office of Evangelization & Catechesis has become aware of two trainings that help young adult couples navigate these blessings and the sacrifice that comes with them. The trainings, which are affiliated with the Gottman Institute, are Bringing Baby Home & Seven Habits of Effective Relationships. These trainings cover topics such as postpartum challenges, attachment issues, developmental stages, and how to model healthy/effective relationships for children as well as how to connect, attach, play, and interact with children. There is someone interested in facilitating these trainings locally. You can find more information here and here. You can also check out the flyer below. If you are interested in this training, contact Mark at Mark.Capellazzi@dor.org.
Young Adult Ministry Quick Tip
Connecting the Themes to Trends!
Young adults can be more responsive if you speak their language per se. Consider incorporating appropriate trends and lingo to help start the conversation. Think about a social media video, trend, or movement that could spark a meaningful conversation about our faith. In particular, there are several “social media influencers” who create content about their faith lives. It might be easier for a young adult to share when they have someone online they can relate to. Ask your young adult community if they have a favorite influencer who talks about their faith journey, or if they’ve ever experienced a piece of social media content that made them think deeper about their faith. Read more young adult ministry quick tips by visiting Young Adult Ministry in a Box below.
Branches Retreats
Branches Christian Rest and Renewal Centers, Inc. is a Roman Catholic retreat center located on the shores of beautiful Seneca Lake, in the heart of the Finger Lakes Region. Young adults are invited to a day of rest and renewal during one of the upcoming Lakeside Day Retreats at Branches. Details about the upcoming retreats are below. For additional information, call (716) 901-4313, email branches1515@live.com, or click the button below.
- "The Eucharist, Is It Really Him?" facilitated Rick Paolini on Sat. August 3rd.
- "Heart to Heart with God" facilitated by Deacon Ward Nolan and Jayne Badano-Bidwell on Thurs. August 22nd.
- "I Came to Cast Fire Upon the Earth" facilitated by Rocco Fortunato with Mass celebrated by Rev. Anthony Amato on Sat. Sept. 28th.
Young Adult Coffee After Mass
Every Third Sunday of the Month
St. Mary's Church
The young adult ministry from St. Benedict Parish in Bloomfield/Canandaigua has a monthly Young Adult Coffee After Mass! Coffee After Mass happens every third Sunday of the month following the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church in Canandaigua. It is a great way to find community with other young adults and dive deeper into what was heard at Mass. Please email DeAnna Brennan here or Mitchell Buck here with any questions.
Check Out Ways to Grow in Faith Together!
Check out the young adult ministries in our Diocese, upcoming opportunities to grow in faith, and resources to help you in your journey by clicking the button below!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Website: https://oec.dor.org/young-adult-ministry/
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 328-3228
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doryoungadults/