Maple Grove Grizzly Gazette
September 9, 2024
Happy Monday!
September 10 PPEL Vote:
If you haven't already heard about this vote, please take some time to read the message below from our district leaders. Voting to renew the PPEL fund will support all CRCSD schools so we can maintain and repair buildings in our district. Voting to renew PPEL doesn't change your property tax rates, but it does support our district and our schools to help create amazing places for all Cedar Rapids children to learn and grow. Maple Grove is one of the locations for voting on Tuesday, so please be aware that traffic patterns may be impacted at drop off and pick up as a result.
Picture Day September 11:
We'll have our Fall Picture Day on Wednesday, September 11th. More information should be coming soon from our photography company. Until then, please be sure to save the date on your calendar.
Birthday Invites and Treats:
We know how exciting birthdays are for elementary learners and how they love to share the excitement with all of their friends. I just want to give a few friendly reminders about birthday Invites to personal parties, as well as school birthday treats.
1. If you are sending invites to a birthday party, we will not allow invites to be passed at school unless every child in the classroom is receiving an invite. The last thing we want is for children to have hurt feelings or feel excluded, so if you plan to have a party, please work out invitations to the party outside of the school building, or invite all children from the class to attend.
2. If you plan to send birthday treats to school, they must be in pre-packaged, store bought servings. We will not pass items made at home or from open packages. We have many allergies to food items at our building, and we do not want anyone to get sick or have a reaction to a birthday treat. If you are unsure if a treat is acceptable to bring, please reach out to your child's classroom teacher or our health office for guidance.
A Message from the Attendance Team:
Hello from the attendance office. With the implementation of the new attendance policies, I wanted to remind you that documentation from appointments is your friend. If we have documentation, we are able to code your attendance differently than if your child comes to school late or misses a day.
Also, when you need to pick up a student early please call the office when you are on your way. We will call the student to the office at that time and have them ready for you when you arrive. This process allows children to stay in their classrooms for more instruction, and keeps you from having to wait too long once you get to school to pick up.
As always, please reach out with any questions. It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Maple Grove Elementary
A Message from Our District Leaders
PPEL Renewal Coming
For 50 years, the community has supported our District’s PPEL (Physical Plant & Equipment Levy). This levy serves as the primary funding source for urgent and ongoing maintenance and repairs of our buildings, and for purchasing needed equipment and vehicles. It ensures our students and staff have a safe and conducive learning environment. To learn more about PPEL and to see what projects it has helped fund, visit our website crschools.us/PPEL
PPEL is up for renewal and will appear as” Public Measure C” on the ballot for a special election on September 10, 2024. During this special election, voters will have the opportunity to renew the existing PPEL funding for another ten years. Renewing this levy will NOT increase property tax rates.
We hope you and your family will head out to the polls on September 10th. To find your polling location, click here and enter your home address. If you have questions about voting registration and to see a sample ballot, click here.
PTA Meeting Tuesday Night!
We have a PTA meeting on Tuesday night, and we hope to see you there! We meet in the conference room in the main office from 6:00-7:00 pm. Can't make it in person? Join us virtually by clicking on the link below.
Hold-Secure-Lockdown Updated Language
Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the updated language around safety measures we are taking as a district. The new language is to help categorize the types of emergencies that may be happening inside, outside, or around the building. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Tuesday 9/10: PPEL Election Day
- Monday 9/16: Walk-A-Thon Kick Off (school wide assembly)
- Friday 9/20: No School, Staff Learning Day
- Friday 9/27, 2:00 pm: Walk-A-Thon Celebration & Assembly
Math + Manipulatives = FUN!
We had a lot of fun in our math classes this week. Check out some of our Grizzlies working hard on their math skills.
AK-12 Grade Calendar
PK Calendar
Maple Grove Pick Up Procedures During Construction!
Maple Grove Contact Info
Principal: Jeni Goebel
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://maplegrove.crschools.us/
Location: 1300 38th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Phone: (319) 558-2471
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD