Eagle Vision
Freedom Park School - September 9, 2019
Freedom Park School
Email: singhti@boe.richmond.k12.ga.us
Website: https://www.rcboe.org/freedompark
Location: Freedom Park School, 345 42nd Street, Augusta, GA, USA
Phone: (706) 796-8428
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedomparkschool1/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
Twitter: @fpsforthepark
Grandparents/VIP Day Rescheduled
Due to the closing of school for weather-related support, we will reschedule Grandparents/VIP Day. Please stay tuned for details.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Please check your email for information regarding your lunch application. The district will send the information to the school this week to be disciminated to the households.
Congratulations to the 6th-grade team for winning the Penny Wars contest! They will participate in an educational assembly StingersNScales. Congratulations team. Thanks to our wonderful PTA for organizing the events.
Progress Reports and Census Verification - September 11th
Progress reports along with a census verification form will be sent home Wednesday, Sept. 11th.
Early Release - September 18th
September 18th is an early release day for students. Students are released at 12:00 noon.
Community Coffee - September 25th
Please join the PTA September 25th in the school cafeteria for their monthly Community Coffee meeting. This is a great time to fellowship with the community and meet new people.
Event Information
Freedom Park Spirit Night - MOD Pizza
Support your school by having dinner with your family at Mod Pizza September 30th, Freedom Park Spirit Night.
Monday, Sep 30, 2019, 05:00 PM