The Raptor Report
RHAM Middle School
September 13, 2024
Message from the Principal
September 13, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Our first full week is under our belts and what a great week we had with all the beautiful weather! Sports teams are practicing hard and the Cross Country team had their first meet yesterday. The Middle School Sports Schedule is linked below to help you plan your week. Our clubs and activities will be getting underway shortly. A full list is now available on our website. Please see below for more information.
Today we are holding our 7th grade Get Acquainted Dance right after school. The dance is a great opportunity for our 7th graders to socialize as a class and get to know each other, while having some fun! Dances for all students are held throughout the year. Our first 7th and 8th Grade dance will be held on October 18th. More information will follow as we get closer to the date.
Our Open House is next Wednesday, September 18th. Parents/Guardians will begin in the advisory classroom at 6pm, and then follow your child’s schedule for the rest of the evening. Your child will have a copy of their daily schedule to share with you to bring that evening. However, an extra copy of the schedule will be available in your child's advisory, if needed. Please note that this Open House is only for parents/guardians. The Open House letter can be found below in the newsletter.
Also, as a reminder, September 20th is our first early release day. Students will be served an early lunch before they are dismissed at 11:45am.
That’s all I have for this week, there are a few additional notes/reminders below. As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend and time to enjoy the late summer sunshine.
Thank you.
Michael Seroussi
Upcoming Important Dates
- September 18- Open House 6:00-8:15 PM
- September 20- Early Dismissal (11:45 AM)
- September 30- Pie Fundraiser Begins
- October 11- No School (PD Day)
- October 14- Columbus Day (No school)
- October 16- MS Picture Retakes and 8th Grade Class Photo
- October 16- Pie Fundraiser Orders Due
- October 17 Drama United Show 6:00 - 8:30 PM
- October 22- PSAT 8
- October 25- Early Dismissal (11:45 AM)
October 18 Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Dance - MS Cafe; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Hosted by Student Council)
October 24 Middle School Fall Concert - Band Concert 6:00 PM /Chorus Concert 7:30 PM
October 25 8th Grade HS Alternative Options Presentation
RHAM Middle School Open House
RHAM Late Bus
Important Late Bus information
Late buses run Monday - Thursday (No Fridays).
Students are picked up at the Middle School around 4:00pm.
There is 1 bus per town.
Bus routes are determined at the time of pickup, based upon how many students are on the bus and student locations, the amount of time it takes to get home will vary. You might not be dropped off at your actual home, you could be dropped off up to 1 mile away.
You will report to the library after your activity or event and wait there doing school work, etc. until the late bus arrives.
You must be staying after school for an event or activity.
You cannot leave the school grounds then come back to take the late bus.
News and Notes
SOAR Youth Leadership Group
Student Council
Student Advisory Council is a select group of 7th and 8th grade students, with members represented from each team, who come together to discuss school topics related to school climate, school culture, transition, student activities, school wide events, and more! The goal is to open the lines of communication between administration, staff and students.
This week, students were given a Student Council Survey in their team’s classroom. Limited spots are available and students will be selected based on the information put on the survey.
Clubs and Activities
Here at RHAM Middle School we offer a large variety of clubs and activities for students to get involved in. This is a great way to meet new people and try new things of interest. Please click the picture above to see the most up to date list of clubs, descriptions, dates and times. The full list is also available on the Middle School website.
RHAM School 2024-2025 Calendar
News From Guidance
September is Suicide Prevention Month. These bulletins were developed through a collaborative effort among the Department of Children and Families, the Department Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Office of Child Advocate, the Department of Public Health, the State Department of Education, and the Governor's Office. The content includes information on suicide, helpful tips to support people of all ages, and where to go for additional support and resources. You can also find useful information for various supports on our website. As always, if you have any concerns about your child, please reach out to us so we can help support you and your child!
AHM Youth and Family Services
SOAR Youth Leadership Group welcomes all RHAM Middle and High School students to stop by our monthly meetings, chat with peers and participate in the many exciting events we have planned for the coming year. Students play an integral part in planning events and activities that focus on wellness and healthy lifestyle choices. Leadership and community service opportunities are available throughout the school year! The monthly meetings serve as a great opportunity to meet new people, enjoy delicious snacks and partake in some fun activities!
AHM Student Survey
In partnership with AHM Youth and Family Services, RHAM Middle School will implement the Youth Voices Count Survey on September 25th. The survey is completely anonymous. The data are collected by an outside company that provides a report back to the district to guide planning for youth supports in the community. The online survey takes the average student 20 minutes or less to complete.
This survey includes questions about substance use risk factors, mental health, gaming, gambling, social media, and toxic stress. It is designed to produce data that support local planning to address youth issues.
In the past few years, 29 Connecticut school districts have implemented YVCS including; Andover, Hebron and Marlborough (regional), Ansonia, Bolton, East Granby, East Haddam, East Lyme, East Windsor, Ellington, Enfield, Haddam-Killingworth, Hamden, Hartford, Lyme/Old Lyme, Manchester, Meriden, Middletown, New Britain (bilingual Spanish and Arabic), Norwalk, Region 1, Region 10, Seymour, Shelton, Somers, Stafford, Suffield, Vernon, Wethersfield, Windsor Locks and Wolcott. Together these schools include more than 50,000 youth responses.
Notes from the Nurse
Attention 8th grade parents - This is a reminder that every 8th grade student is required to have a physical form submitted to the school. If your child does not have a current physical on file you have been notified and this needs to be handed in ASAP. The physical needs to be dated July 1, 2022 or later to be accepted.
Attention 7th grade parents - This is a reminder that every 7th grade student is required to have a physical during their 6th or 7th grade year. The physical must be dated between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2025. Please submit your child's physical along with their most current immunization record to the school nurse as soon as possible.
Please click on the photo to get to the link for a blank copy of the health assessment is found below. Students can bring the paperwork to the nurse's office or you may email them to . Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the nurses office.
Attendance - Absent/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
RHAM Middle School Year Book
Order Early and Save!
Cafeteria Information
We like to remind everyone that, because of allergies, no nut products are allowed in school. There are times when families find themselves in need of some support to ensure that their children are able to get lunch at school. If you feel that you are in need of some support then please see the Free/Reduce information under the parent tab and then click on food service.
Shannon Nemethy, General Manager
Office: 860-228-9474 ext. 3710
Welcome to RHAM!
Where Can I Find the Menu?
Click below to see how breakfast and lunch work at RHAM!
Middle School is the first opportunity for students to participate in a full school sport. Some of the teams at this level are try-out based and others are open to all students. See below under the Fall Athletic Information if your student is interested in joining athletics.
Click the picture below for the MS Sports Schedule
Fall Athletic Information
Boys Soccer Coach Ayer:
Boys Soccer Assist. Coach
Girls Soccer Coach Healey:
Cross Country Coach Kanaitis:
Cross Country Assist. Coach Burns:
RHAM Middle & High School Traffic Pattern for 2024-2025
Bus Traffic
All buses will enter RHAM from Route 85 and RHAM Road. The buses will proceed along the bus lane between the schools and the middle school baseball and high school softball fields. All middle and high school students will be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon at the high school drop off area and the buses will then leave RHAM through the main high school exit onto Wall Street. All students will enter through the High School main entrance. No parent vehicles will be permitted to enter the bus lane leading to the high school and staff parking area.
Morning Drop Off Directions
High school parents dropping their children off must enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Parents dropping off students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents dropping their children off may enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and drop their children off in front of the middle school main entrance (See map for drop off/pickup areas). Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the student drop off loop, and then follow the signs that will lead you to the drop-off point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area.
Parents with both middle and high school students must make one drop-off and enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Middle school students dropped off at the high school will walk through the high school and proceed to the middle school.
Afternoon Pick Up Directions
High school parents picking their children up must enter through the main high school entrance on Wall Street and pick their children up at the pick up/drop off area immediately in front of the weight room. Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street from the exit adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields. Parents picking up students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents picking their children up must enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or enter from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and pick up their children in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the Parent Drop-off loop and then follow the signs that will lead you to the Pick-up point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents picking up at the end of the day may wait along the right side of the access road in front of RHAM Middle School. Please do not double park on the left side of the access road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents with both middle and high school students can either pick up both students using either the high school or middle school pick-up area or pick up first at the high school and then proceed down to the middle school pick-up area.
Student Directions
High school students parking in the upper or lower student parking lots must enter and exit through the Wall Street student entrance (see map) adjacent to the Wall Street fields.
Remember that you can follow your child's bus in real time online or through the My Ride K-12 app or website. Instructions to set up your account can be found through the linked picture that follows.