Adult Services News
April 2022
Measure Your Impact with Project Outcome
Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022, 02:00 PM
Online - Zoom
Social Wellbeing Toolkits: An Introduction
Reframe how you think about programming, outreach, and services in your community. This session will introduce you to the work of the Rural Libraries and Social Wellbeing Project and the tools developed by project partners to help you better serve your community's unique needs.
This session will be recorded.
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022, 11:00 AM
Online - Zoom
Older Adults and Community Injury Prevention
Monday, Mar 28, 2022, 02:00 PM
Online - Zoom
RI Library Calendar - Your Place for All Library Events
Share your events on the RI Library Calendar through OLIS, and browse the calendar to see what's happening at other libraries around the state! You can limit the calendar by "Category" to see just the events you're interested in, or view them all!
Publicize the calendar on your website for the public to see events they can participate in throughout the state! It's a great way to tell a larger audience about your major events.
Remember, the calendar is more useful the more libraries submit entries and share the calendar.
Hybrid Programming Support from ALA
In this first webinar of a series on hybrid programming, moderator Laura Saunders will explore the impact of COVID-19 on library programming, provide an overview of hybrid programming, and discuss the potential benefits of hybrid programming as a way to maintain service to remote audiences while re-introducing the in-person audience.
Free Art Books for Libraries
It connects artists and publishers to the largest alternative distribution network of its kind, enabling their voices and ideas to reach audiences that might not otherwise have access to museums, galleries, or art book stores.
Rhode Island Library Week
Theme: Connect with Your Library
How to Celebrate:
Share what your library is doing to celebrate #RILibraryWeek2022 with the Rhode Island Library Association. This includes the work of all libraries (public, academic, school, special, etc.).
Fill out this survey, and the Communications Committee will help promote your efforts on this website and on social media.
ALA has deisgned and provided "Connect With Your Library" graphics to help promote your library's events on your website and social media channels.
Remember to use the hashtag #RILibraryWeek2022 on all social media posts!
ALA COVID Library Relief Fund (April 21)
"The American Library Association (ALA) will make available $1.55M in emergency relief grants to more than 75 libraries this year that have experienced substantial economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ALA COVID Library Relief Fund invites public, school, academic, tribal, and correctional libraries across the United States and US Territories to apply for grants of $20,000."
NEA Challenge America Grant (April 21)
"Challenge America supports arts projects in all artistic disciplines. Projects must extend the reach of the arts to populations that are underserved. Possible projects include, but are not limited to: arts programming, including commissioning or presentation of artists or artwork; marketing and promotional activities; and organizational planning."
Adult Literacy Grants (multiple) from ProLiteracy (Varies)
There are four grants available through ProLiteracy for organizations providing adult literacy services. ProLiteracy provides U.S. adult literacy programs with grants for quality print and digital adult education materials to help them reach more adult learners to improve their lives.
- Global Astronomy Month
- Poetry Month
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- National Name Yourself Day (April 9)
- National Scrabble Day (April 13)
- National High Five Day (April 21)
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9314
Twitter: @olisri