Friendly Friday Update
The weekly newsletter for the FHMS Community - 4/5/24
Mr. Hiti's Message
We currently have 39 seventh- and eighth-grade students visiting Washington D.C. this week. It is an excellent opportunity for our students to experience all of the History that surrounds our nation's capitol and gives them a chance to see all of the things they talk about and study in the classroom. Pictured below are the students visiting the Iwo Jima Memorial.
Upcoming Dates
- April 10 - LGBTQ+ Parent/Guardian Meeting, 6 p.m.
- April 12 - Small Ensemble Concert, 7 p.m.
- April 25 - District Choir Festival, 7 p.m.
- April 26 - No school, Professional Development
Free Community Event and Resource Fair
There is a free event for students (grades 5+), parents/guardians, and the community on April 18th at Two Rivers High School. Please see the attached flyer for Screenagers Under the Influence - Addressing Vaping, Drugs and Alcohol in the Digital Age. The event will include a resource fair and viewing of the film with follow up discussion. Please RSVP using this link.
TRHS Cheer Team
Two Rivers Cheer Team is holding tryouts next week, open to students in grades 7-12. 7th and 8th grade students can take the activity bus to the high school right after school. Please see the flyer below for more details.
Day of Silence
On Friday April 12, some of our students at Friendly Hills will be participating in an event called Day of Silence. This event will be sponsored by the Pride Club and will involve students finding ways to communicate throughout the school day other than verbally, to raise awareness of improper treatment that is experienced by the LGBTQ+ community.
Lost and Found
Parents/guardians are welcome to come during school hours to retrieve their student's items from the lost and found. Please check in at the office.
MCA Testing
Reminder: starting the week of April 15th, students in grades 5 – 8 will begin their MCA Assessments. It is helpful for students to have a good night’s sleep the night before and breakfast the day of testing (breakfast is served daily at FHMS from 8:30 - 8:45am and is free). Please remind your student to charge their iPad. They will be taking their assessment using their iPad. Students will need to bring headphones for testing as well. Please help your child remember headphones. Airpods ARE NOT able to be used for testing, they must be wired plug-in headphones. They are also not allowed to have cell phones in the testing room, or smart watches with them while testing. We ask all students to either leave their devices and smart watches at home or lock them in their lockers.
Testing dates are as follows:
- April 16: MCA Reading Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Language Arts class)
- April 17: MCA Reading Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Language Arts class)
- April 18: MCA Reading Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Language Arts class)
- April 23: MCA Math Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Math class)
- April 24: MCA Math Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Math class)
- April 25: MCA Math Grades 5-8; (during their scheduled Math class)
- May 7: MCA Science Grades 5 and 8 only; (during their scheduled Science class)
- May 8: MCA Science Grades 5 and 8 only; (during their scheduled Science class)
Creative Writing Club
Writers Wanted! Join the FHMS Creative Writing Club on Thursdays after school in the IMC starting on April 11th. This is a free activity for any student interested in stretching your creative writing. Click here or see a flyer in the halls for more info or to sign up. Contact with any questions. The deadline to sign up is April 5th.
About Friendly Hills
Respect. Readiness. Relationships. Responsibility.
Follow ISD197 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Location: 701 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 651-403-7600
Instagram: @friendlyhillsmiddle