Pirate Choir Newsletter
March 6, 2024
Choir Calendar
Pre-UIL Performance Schedule
Wylie HS and Wylie East HS Choir will be presenting Celebrate the Arts: Pre-UIL Concert on March 20th in the Wylie HS Auditorium. This Pre-UIL Concert is required for all students in UIL choirs and will be worth a major grade. Our choirs will be evaluated by highly respected choral directors and students will practice the UIL concert and sight reading process before UIL adjudication on April 4th-5th. It is imperative that all students in 2nd, 3rd, and 5th period classes attend the Pre-UIL Concert on March 20th.
Please discuss the importance of this event with your choir student and review your student's performance time in the schedule below. All times are different for each choir so students must arrive 15 minutes prior to their warm up time. Students who sing before the end of the school day (Sub Non-Varsity Treble, Non-Varsity Tenor-Bass, and Varsity Treble) will be field tripped out of afternoon classes as needed. Students that are singing in two choirs (JV Mixed and Varsity Mixed students) should gather in the cafeteria between warm up/performance times. Students are not allowed to leave campus or get food in between performance times. Parents are encouraged to come watch their student's concert and sight reading on March 20th and support the hard work of these wonderful singers!
Upcoming Events
Click below to view our calendar!
Upcoming Events
- March 7-11: New Orleans Choir Trip
- March 11-15: Spring Break
- March 20th: Pre-UIL, 2nd-5th Period Choirs, see schedule above
- April 4-5: UIL, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th period choirs, times TBD, will be communicated via email
- April 9: Mock UIL Evaluation and Pinstack, 1st and 7th Period, during school day
- April 18th: Coffee House, Chamber Singers, Wylie HS, 7 PM
Bobo and the fam