Petey's Post
January 6th, 2025 Edition
WCPSS Guidance for Student Illness
With cold and flu season at or near its peak, please reference the Wake County Public School guidelines for making the decision about keeping your child at home or sending him/her to school. (Flu, Viruses & Colds)
If a child registers a fever using the thermometer provided to the school by WCPSS, the child must be fever free for 24 hours without using a fever reducing medication in order to return to school.
Parents may submit up to three personally-generated notes (handwritten/typed, email, and/or Talking Points) for three separate cases of student illness. After the third parent-created note, a doctor’s note is required for an excused absence.
Please notify the front office of any approved adults who can be allowed to check out a sick student. This allows us to work with parents’ daily schedules and availability to come to the school.
BRES Calendar
Please check out the Bryan Road Elementary School School Event Calendar link on the school’s homepage for upcoming events.
Identifying Personal Items
Parents are encouraged to add student names to jackets, coats, and water bottles. These items are most likely to be added to the Lost and Found. When names are added to the items, we are able to reunite them with their owners.
Petey's Praise
We welcome your positive feedback and praise for a Bryan Road Elementary School staff member. Please share your thoughts through this link.