Principal Welch's Weekly Update
September 3rd, 2024
Parking in the Neighborhood
RUHS administration received a call from a director in the Department of Transportation for the City of Tucson. He informed us that he has received complaints from the Sierra Estates Neighborhood Association, which is just south of our school. He asked that we inform our students/families that the City of Tucson will be doing random checks around that neighborhood to check if vehicles are parked correctly. If they are not, fines ranging from $125-200 will be given to vehicles parked illegally.
To ensure your vehicle is not issued one of these pricey tickets, carefully observe the follow guidelines when parking on neighborhood streets:
- Vehicles cannot park within 50 feet from fire hydrants
- Vehicles cannot park within 20 feet from stop signs
- Vehicles cannot park within 5 feet from driveways
They will also give ticket violations to vehicles parked the wrong way. The city will start doing random checks this week and will continue throughout the school year.
Student Picture Day is Coming: Next Week
Picture Day for Rincon's underclassmen (grades 9-11) is coming up on 09/11/2024! Students will have their picture taken in their math classes.
Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online! Rincon's Order Code is 86655PF.
New Lunch Line Configuration
To help reduce lines at lunch, we have reconfigured some of the lunch lines. One of the pizza lines was moved outside. Also, the snack line was separated from the other lines and also moved outside. We are continually stiving to better serve our students and believe that this will give students options while reducing the congestion that comes along with serving so many students at one time.
Three Lines Located Outside
- Hot lunch line w various meal daily meal options
- Snack line
- Pizza Line
Four Lines Located Inside
- Three hot lunch lines w various meal options
- One pizza line w two registers
Please give a “shout out” to our amazing food services workers for the great job they do preparing and serving our meals, feeding almost 2000 students, daily. It typically takes them less that 10 minutes to serve the majority of our students, allowing the students time to relax with peers and enjoy their meal.
Parent Engagement Opportunity: Join Us!
If you are a student or parent interested in joining the Rincon Site Council, please contact our facilitator, math teacher/site council lead, Marc Zelov for details. Site council will have four meetings throughout the year to discuss the ongoings of the campus, make decisions regarding undesignated funding, and connect as a leadership group.
If you’d like to attend the upcoming meeting, it will be held on ZOOM September 9th starting at 3:30 pm.
Topic: Site Council ZOOM Link
Meeting ID: 825 3436 2314
Sporting Events this Week
Thank you to all the RUHS sports fans who came out last week to support our Fall season kick-off events. We are so proud of our athletes and coaches for all of their hard work! Come out to cheer them on and support them in their efforts! #RangerPride
Congratulations to our girls volleyball team for their 3-2 win over Buena high school! Way to start the season strong.
On Campus:
Varsity Football: 7 pm September 6 vs Palo Verde
Swimming: Catalina HS Pool 4 pm vs CDO
Girls Volleyball: 4,5,6 pm September 3 @ Mountain Ridge
Girls Volleyball: 4,5,6 pm September 5 @ Cienega
Boys Golf: 3 pm September 5 @ AZ National
Don't forget, the first official grade pull for eligibility and/or re-establishment from last Spring will take place on September 5th. Any students who are failing classes will become ineligible until the re-establishment grade pull two weeks later. We don't want anyone to be ineligible to compete, so make sure you have all of your grades in order!
Student Announcements
- Picture Day for Rincon's underclass (grades 9-11) is coming up on 09/11/2024! Students will have their picture taken in their math classes. Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online! Rincon's Order Code is 86655PF.
- RHS students mark your calendar! Inter-state Studios will be here on Wednesday, September 11, to take your school portrait for the yearbook. This is for students in grades nine through eleven ONLY and will take place during your math class. Be on the lookout for more information coming soon! Rincon seniors still need to make appointments with DODSON photography as soon as possible for their senior portraits.
- The Rincon University Club Fair will take place on September 10th during conference period in the breezeway. This is a great opportunity to see what clubs are available on campus, but also to recruit members for your own club or even find like-minded students to create your own! If you would like to set up a table to advertise your club, please see Mr. McDonough or Mr. Ollanik. Otherwise, we’ll see you there!
- There will be a Wrestling Team meeting on Wednesday September 4th after school in the Wrestling Room for anyone interested in learning more about wrestling. The Wrestling Room is in the South West corner of the south gym.
- Please remember that backpacks are NOT allowed at sporting events. You will not be allowed to enter the game with one, nor will you be allowed to leave them somewhere on campus. This will be strictly enforced. Please leave your backpacks in your car or at home. Only small, clear bags are allowed.
- The Teen Mobile Clinic will be on campus the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 8:30am-12:30pm. If you would like to be seen, you must sign up in the health office to get on the schedule.
- If you’re interested in joining the RHS MESA club which competes in engineering competitions run through the University of Arizona, come to room 113 on Tuesdays during conference period to see what it is all about!
- Interested in bringing the Anime Club back to RUHS? Stop by Counselor KJ's office in the Rincon Admin building before school, during lunch, or after school for more information about joining.
- The Library would like to remind all students that School IDs or StudentVUE are required in order to check out books. You can also renew your checked-out book ahead of time to avoid overdues. And please avoid eating in the library and throw food trash away in the hallway bins.
RHS College & Career Readiness (CCR) Center Update
Now in an easy-to-read flyer format! Click HERE to View all upcoming events, activities and news from your Rincon High School College & Career Readiness Program.
Please help Fund Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program activities, Thank You!