The Sandcastle Times - August 2023
"Building Strong Foundations for Lifetime of Learning"
A message from Holly Bevilacqua, COO
Happy August!
The need for early childhood education is growing and Carelot is here to provide a great learning environment. Our growing enrollment is very exciting as we see many families heading back to work. If you know someone looking for a rewarding career in the education field, please refer them to us! We are hiring in all of our locations.
Huge thanks for all of your continued support throughout the year! Our school year is just around the corner and we are diligently getting our curriculum and programs ready. We hope you have enjoyed our Facebook information, Procare Connect App, daily emails, and classroom communication that share all the exciting learning in all our programs.
As always, we continually strive to make Carelot a wonderful learning environment for your children. Please remember that changes will occur and we will do all we can to make any transitions smooth for our teachers, students, and learning environment. If you have any concerns, questions, or ideas, please stop by to see your Site Manager or Executive Director.
We love shaving cream!!!
Join our Preschool Program!
Great idea!
- Shaving cream
- egg cartons
- toilet paper and paper towel tubes
- washed and cleaned items for dramatic play (sour cream containers, laundry containers, butter containers, coffee creamer, cereal boxes, cool whip containers, etc )
- bubble wrap
- clean spray bottles (for hot days on the playground)
Summer Fun!
Question of the month "What theme would you like to see added to our 2023 Curriculum?"
July Winner: congratulations to Pamela, Lily's Mom in East Lyme for winning a $25 tuition credit!! Thanks for participating!
Don't forget to submit your answers to this month's question. You can win a $25 tuition credit on your account.
It's easy to win by just clicking the link below to submit your answer!
PTO news....
Upcoming events:
Trunk or Treat- October - TBA- Locations: Killingly and East Lyme
Next Fundraiser: Stay tuned
One-Stop Holiday Shopping: Believe it or not our annual shopping event is on the first Sunday of November. Stay tuned for more details - This event supports the PTO and the Ronald Vlaun Scholarship program.
We are always looking for new ideas for fundraisers if you have an idea drop by the office and share it with us.
Helping out with committees is easy, there are many ways to help!
All Around Carelot
With Summer flying by, we can't believe it is August already! July Kicked off with our All American Spirit week! The weeks followed with Sea Adventures, a trip through the Rainforest and ended with the investigation of tiny creatures and bugs. The children enjoyed visits from CT music, water play days, amazing craft activities, and daily adventures in the classroom
Carelot’s Transition Policy!
As children approach developmental milestones Carelot begins to make transitions to prepare them for the next challenging stage! This may mean changes in the curriculum or moves to a new classroom. The Teacher or Assistant Teacher will keep parents abreast on their child’s development in regards to their strengths and weaknesses. This is done formally at our October Conferences and informally throughout the year. The teachers or assistants keep portfolios and assessment lists to assess each individual child. These portfolios are made available to our parents at all times to view and see how their child is growing. The director will assess your child as well with the teacher to make sure they are ready to make a change. Changes that affect the children, such as changes to a new room including teacher changes are mentioned to the parent/families through a letter notifying the family that it is time for the change and when that change will occur. (This letter is our "Time Fly's—it’s time to move” letter) At this time the family may voice any concerns to the teacher or director before the final transitions are made. The next step is for the parents and teachers to prepare the child for the change. Teachers and assistants will discuss the changes with your child and prepare them for their next road to discovery! This will include visits to the new classroom as well as spending time with teachers and new friends. We strive to keep changes to a minimum, however without change there is no growth. It is for this reason that we look into several factors to ensure a smooth transition for all the children involved…..not just the child being transitioned. NAEYC Standard-10.B.11-13
Preschool 2023-2024 School year!
Our program is rich in:
- Social/Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Health
- Language and Literacy
- Creative Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Cognition
- Social Studies
Preschool is available to any children ages 32 months to 5 years.
Carelot Children's Centers maintain a family information board in the main halls with resources for families to utilize and assist them with health, mental health, assessment and educational services for their children. In addition to this resource board each director maintains information in the office and is a resource to assist families in finding any outside resources they may need. Directors pursue community collaborations each day that allows him/her to know of the resources available in the community and state.
Summer tips and reminders
Day trip Ideas
· Take advantage of social and cultural opportunities. Preschoolers are curious about the world around them. A day trip -- even if it only lasts a couple of hours -- will occupy a preschooler while providing important social and cultural experiences. If you visit local museums and art galleries, point out colors and shapes. "Please touch" museums and exhibits encourage preschoolers to explore with their eyes and hands.
· Visit a park. Spending time at a park that is frequented by children of the same age can be a healthy, fun and inexpensive outing.
· Explore your neighborhood. Walk around your neighborhood looking for acorns, leaves, bugs or architectural features, which can teach your children to observe the world around them more closely.
Children are like sponges! Plan activities that will both entertain and educate them, and you'll both have a great time.
Carelot Children's Center, Inc.
"Building Strong Foundations for a Lifetime of Learning"
Providing education to Children ages 3 months to 12 years!
Email: adminassist@carelot.net
Website: www.carelot.net
Location: 315 Flanders Road, East Lyme, CT, United States
Phone: 860-739-1993
Facebook: facebook.com/carelotctr