CGS Newsletter
October 4, 2024
Dear CGS community,
Thank you for your generous donations to our Fun Run fundraiser. Through the efforts of our amazing students, their generous families and friends and our dedicated PTO, we were able to exceed our goal and raise $21,000.00 for student enrichment. Thank you!
Mrs. Proietti
change of date: 10/7 @6pm PTO meeting
10/7: CGS Staff meeting
10/12: NJHS YARD SALE fundraiser
10/14: School closed
Collective Bargaining Update
The Methuen School Committee is actively bargaining with the Methuen Education Association for Unit A (teachers) and Unit C (program assistants). In an effort to be transparent about the process and information being shared, there is a new link on the MPS website titled collective bargaining updates. This page will be updated as needed as negotiations continue. Methuen School Committee values all MPS educators and the need for fair and equitable contracts while working within the constraints of the MPS operating budget.
Our spooky, fun event is coming soon! Please view the notice for details. As always, please reach out if you have time to volunteer for this or any PTO event.
A Project Safe Childhood Presentation for Parents
As part of the Department of Justice Project Safe Childhood Initiative aimed at combating the online sexual exploitation of children, the US Attorney’s Office is hosting a virtual internet safety presentation for parents. The presentation will educate parents on the dangers children face on the internet and how to keep them safe online. Please feel free to share this email and the attached flier with your department, school administrators and community.
What: Webex Webinar – Keeping Children Safe and Secure Online: A Project Safe Childhood Presentation for Parents
When: Wednesday, October 9th @ 6:30 pm (log in begins at 6:00 pm)
Registration link: https://usao.webex.com/weblink/register/r3c6f24c5e409d764c38ac82d069f700e
*Registration is required. Space is limited. The Webex platform has a maximum capacity of 1000 attendees. If you have any questions or if we have reached registration capacity, please email USAMA.PSCOutreach@usdoj.gov to be put on a waitlist for the next presentation.
We Need You!
Do you have some free time? Are you looking for an opportunity to support our school? We are seeking parent volunteers to help with daily tasks such as welcoming visitors to our school. If interested, please reach out to me @keproietti@methuen.k12.ma.us, and note VOLUNTEER in the subject. I appreciate your support!
Volunteers will complete 1.5 hour shifts:
- 9:30am- 11:00am
- 11:00am- 12:30pm
- 12:30pm -2:00pm
Thank you!
Handle with Care
If a student is experiencing any personal difficulty at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that is OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please email the teacher with the subject “Handle with Care.” Nothing else will need to be said or asked, unless you want to share. This will let the teacher know that your child may need extra time,
patience or care during the day.
School counseling update
Please click to view:
- Parent letter regarding screening information
- Care solace resources ENGLISH SPANISH
- Who is my counselor? UPPER LOWER
Attendance Matters
School counselors, teachers and administrators are working together to improve student attendance. We need your help. Please reach out if you are interested in learning about ways to improve the attendance of a student. Together, we can help every student attend school each day!
National Junior Honor Society YARD SALE fundraiser
Do you have items that you would like to sell? Please join us on October 12th for our NJHS YARD SALE fundraiser. Proceeds will go directly to the club.
Show your CGS Pride!
CGS Spirit Wear!
We are so excited to offer our ONLINE CGS Student Spirit store! Students and STAFF can show their pride for CGS in whatever style they choose! We will continue to have CGS “We are proud WEDNESDAY.” Each Wednesday CGS staff and students are welcomed to show their spirit in blue and white or CGS apparel. Funds raised will help support our positive school culture.