August 5, 2024
Taylor Road Middle School
Location: 5150 Taylor Road, Johns Creek, GA, USA
Phone: 470.254.7090
Twitter: @Proud_Tigers
Instagram: @taylorroadms
This Week's Club Meetings
Club & Intramural Information will be updated on the website as it becomes available.
Junior Cougar Sports are NOT part of the TRMS Intramural program. Our intramural director, Mr. Pouncey, is unable to answer questions about Jr. Cougars activities. Please visit the Junior Cougars website for information on all Junior Cougars programs.
Visit our website for the MOST CURRENT CLUB LIST
Clubs will not begin until September.
Jr. Beta Invitations
Jr. Beta invitations will be sent home on Monday, August 12 though the Homeroom teachers. Students achieving a 94% cumulative grade point average across all classes (including Connections), in the past 2023-2024 school year, will receive an invitation. To see if your student meets this criteria, please use your child’s 2023-2024 transcript, which can be found in Infinite Campus, to verify his/her GPA. The online application must be completed and dues must be paid online by August 28. Please see the invitation for more information. If you have questions, please reach out to Ms. Moore or Ms. Willis.