August 18th, 2024
Contact Us!
Location: 14653 Clayton Road Chesterfield, MO 63011
Phone: 314-415-7500
Inside This Issue
- Opening of School Calendar - August, 2024
- West High News
- Building Update
- Athletic & Activity News
- Counseling News
- Yearbook Information
- WPO News
- District News
The time has come! Tomorrow is the day we welcome all of our Longhorns back to the building to kickoff the 2024-2025 school year, and I could not be more excited.
The start of the school year is like turning the page or sitting in front of a blank canvas. We all now have the opportunity to continue our story, create something new, or anything in between. The beginning of the school year is a fresh start and tomorrow is an important piece of that. I am wishing and hoping for a wonderful beginning for all students and their families.
While the start of the year is very important, it can also be a bit overwhelming. Where are my classes, what time is lunch, what if I don't have the right supply, and the list goes on... These are all normal concerns and stressors. While I can't wash every stress away, I do hope I can alleviate it with a thought related to one of our most important mottos at West High: Take Care of Each Other.
Our building will be filled with students, staff and other individuals that are looking to help and make every student have the best day possible. I encourage anyone that needs help to ask for it and realize that we were all new to this building at one point.
Here's to the 2024-2025 school year and all it has in store. Please reach out if you need anything! Let's Go Longhorns!
John McCabe
Principal, West High
August, 2024 Calendar
West High News
2024-2025 PICTURE DAY
Save the Date!
West High School Picture Day is Monday, September 9th.
Please note that Picture Day is for all of our 9th, 10th and 11th grade students.
Immunization Checklist for 2024-2025 Seniors
- Has your 12th grade student had a dose of the Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) at or after age 16? This dose is required for your student to enter the 12th grade.
- You can get the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) for your 16-year-old or older student at their physician’s office or one of the St. Louis County Health Department locations.
Once your child has received their vaccination, please email the updated immunization record to lburch@parkwayschools.net or fax it to 314-415-9530.
Thank you for helping us prepare your child for their Senior year at Parkway West High School!
The building is looking great and ready to welcome all of our students back! There are two major updates regarding the building that I want to put on Longhorn radars:
- ELEVATOR - We are making progress on our elevator, but it is going to be a long fix. While I am confident this will leave us in a good place with a high functioning elevator in the future, it certainly makes things difficult for the time being. I am working with District Parkway staff to keep up-to-date on plans and next steps. Where are we right now? Each elevator is unique to the building it is located within. Because of this, we are working with an engineering firm to plan for the redesign and recalculation of our building needs. Once this is complete and our parameters are known, we will have the needed plans for next steps. We are also working on additional options for temporary additions to campus that could alleviate some of the stress caused by not having an elevator. I will continue to update as new information is available.
- PARKING LOT - Beginning tomorrow, a new project will begin in an area of our Senior Parking lot in front of the building. We are working to create direct access to our main lot for seniors, teachers, and building staff that park for the day. By adding an earlier exit from the drive line and drop-off line, we are hopeful that this can reduce some of the morning traffic congestion. This is very much a work in progress, and we will have much more information as we prepare to open this lane including directions for all who regularly use our campus drive. For now, I want all aware of the construction related to the project and please be careful entering and exiting the lot.
Athletic and Activity Bus Information
Athletic buses (both Parkway & VICC) will depart the WHS campus at 5:30 pm, Mon - Fri.
Beginning September 3rd: Activity buses will depart the WHS campus at 4:00 pm, Mon - Thur.
**All students riding Athletic and Activity Buses must be participating in a sport or club and supervised by a coach or sponsor to access the buses. Students may not ride home on athletic and activity buses without participating in a sport, club or activity.
If you plan on participating in athletics, please keep in mind that MSHSAA requires that student athletes enroll in, and pass, at minimum 6 classes each semester in order to participate in athletics. Please contact Jeff Taggart, Athletic & Activities Director or your grade level principal if you need additional information.
Counseling News
We know there are many questions regarding schedules at the beginning of the school year. Our counselors worked through many issues and schedule inquiries throughout the week last week.
For Monday:
Counselors will ONLY meet with students regarding schedules if they have one of the following issues:
Incomplete Schedule
Incorrect Placement
Prerequisite Not Fulfilled
Course Previously Passed
Teachers will not be allowing students to travel to counseling. Students can always send their counselors an email.
Tuesday - Friday:
After Monday, students must set appointments with their counselors about schedule changes. Again, please email your counselors to discuss. Because of high volume and working to set all student schedules, please be patient. We will work through all requests over the week.
Please note the breakdown of students who are assigned to each comprehensive counselor this year based on last name spelling:
- Erin Sternberg (A-Em) esternberg@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Wibbenmeyer (En-La) jwibbenmeyer@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Skalski (Le-Ro) jskalski@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Spotanski (Ru-Z) jspotanski@parkwayschools.net
West High Parent Organization NEWS
Taste of West
The West High Parent Organization is excited to bring back the long-time homecoming tradition:
The Taste of West on Thursday, September 26th, 2024.
This ‘tasting’ event incorporates fun eats from local restaurants along with entertainment, prizes, music & much more! This event celebrates the West High Community and we are looking restaurants! If you or someone you know would like to showcase their restaurant to our 600+ community event, please email TasteofWest@gmail.com.
Calling all West High Volunteers!! Looking to get involved this school year? Click this VOLUNTEER LINK to view current volunteer sign-ups! Opportunities will continue to be added throughout the school year.
Parkway West High School
Email: westhigh@parkwayschools.net
Website: www.parkwayschools.net/whs
Location: 14653 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, MO 63011, USA
Phone: (314) 415-7500