The Weekly Update
January 15, 2025
Table of Contents
District News
4K Enrollment for 2025-2026 Opens on January 27
End of Semester and Day off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Resource Review: Materials for Sports Officiating Class
School Year Calendar Development Taking Place
School Board News
Three Candidates on April Ballot
District News
4K Enrollment for 2025-2026 Opens on January 27
In less than two weeks, enrollment for the West Bend School District’s 4K program for the 2025-2026 school year opens. On Monday, January 27, families can go to to enroll.
The West Bend School District 4K program:
Partners with community-based 4K providers with locations in West Bend, Jackson, and Newburg
Features a play-based learning model that fosters children’s natural curiosity through hands-on activities designed to promote exploration, problem-solving, and meaningful engagement.
Incorporate nature-inspired learning, with two sites offering nature-based programming where students spend half of their time outdoors participating in structured lessons that encourage curiosity and discovery.
Provide wraparound care options at most locations, allowing children to remain at their assigned location if daycare is needed.
Check out all the details of the program at
In addition, students currently enrolled in the 4K program for this school year are automatically enrolled for WBSD kindergarten for 2025-2026. If a student is not enrolled in the WBSD’s 4K, they may be enrolled for kindergarten beginning January 27. Kindergarten enrollment is completed online.
End of Semester and Day off
The final day of the first semester is Friday, January 17. In addition, students will have a day off from school on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Teachers will be using that day for grading and reporting.
Resource Review: Materials for Sports Officiating Class
The proposed primary teaching resource for the high school physical education class Sports Officiating is available for public review. All interested parties are welcome to preview and provide feedback on Successful Sports Officiating. Review the dates, times, and locations for review.
School Year Calendar Development Taking Place
A committee of West Bend School District staff are now working to develop the 2025-2026 school-year calendar. When they complete a draft calendar, it will be presented to the West Bend School Board for review, discussion, and approval.
School Board News
Three Candidates on April Ballot
The April 1 Spring Election includes two seats on the West Bend School Board. There are three candidates running for the two seats. They will appear on the ballot in the following order:
Joe Pichler
John Donaldson (I)
Melanie Ehrgott (I)
Community Connections
Community Bulletin Board
There are various events and activities available on the WBSD’s Community Bulletin Board!
Events and Fundraisers:
West Bend Downtown Winter Warm Up
Kettle Moraine Geological Society Jr. Rockhounds Earth Science Showcase
East Dance Team Dancing with Our Stars Event
MOWA Family Fun Events
Volunteer Center: Kindness Kits prep; Happy Hearts meal prep; Bowls of Goodness fundraiser; Nourish + Nurture meal prep
Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids' Sakes
Trails Aglow Evening Hikes at Riveredge
YMCA Party with a Purpose
Musical Masquers Presents Spongebob the Musical
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
Allenton Youth Org. T-Ball and Softball Registration
West Bend Little League Registration
Winter 2 Programs
Nature Play Date
Swim Lessons for WBSD Students
Family Night