RCE Weekly Update
May 16 - May 20
So close, finish strong!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! 7 full days and 2 half days left... but they'll be busy!
We have the last week scheduled, but I don't want to overwhelm you with the calendar. If you want to know about the half days before next Sunday, see an administrator. Sneak peak - 2 days of testing and 2 half days of fun!
We'll be testing every day this week (see below). If you're not testing, please be aware of testing around you and help keep the hallways quiet during transitions. Bells will be off.
Carowinds Trip - 8th grade, Friday 5/20
Thank you to Mrs. Cory, Mr. Chandler, and the 8th grade team for making a trip possible this year! Looking back, it amazes me what we've been able to do to normalize these last few months!
There will be a meeting for all 8th graders during 5th period on Thursday. Kids going to Carowinds will report to the cafeteria, kids not going will report to the the health classroom across from Mrs. Clark.
SDPC Technology News
May Bits & Bytes: https://www.smore.com/j61cu
General Info
- End of Year/Summer Calendar
- SDPC Faculty/Staff Covid Reporting Form
- RCE Student Covid Reporting Form
- Daniel Athletics Tickets
Have a great week!
Schedule for the Week
May 16
- SC Ready, ELA Day 2 - 8th Grade
- 8th grade textbook collection
- Virtual and Self-Contained Testing
- Powerwashing 6/7 grade Chromebooks
May 17
- SC Ready, ELA Day 1 - 6/7 Grades
May 18
- SC Ready, ELA Day 2 - 6/7 Grades
- English 1 Final Exam
May 19
- SC Ready - 8th Grade Math
- Chromebook Pickup - 8th grade
- 5th period - 8th grade Carowinds meeting - Going = Cafeteria, Not Going = Health Classroom across from Mrs. Clark
- 6pm-8pm - SDPC Retirement Dinner @ PCCTC!
May 20
- Carowinds Trip - 8th Grade
- SC Ready - 6/7 Grade Math
- Chromebook Pickup - 6/7 Grades
- Grades Due - Sunday, by Midnight
RC Edwards Middle
Email: thomaspreisig@pickens.k12.sc.us
Website: rce.pickens.k12.sc.us
Location: 1157 Madden Bridge Road, Central, SC, United States
Phone: (864) 397-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RCEMiddle
Twitter: @RCEMiddle