LMS Library Corner
September Edition, Part II
Library Updates
We are currently midway through our student library orientations. By the end of next week, all 1300+ students will be familiar with our library and its resources. It's been such a pleasure for us to meet LMS students, new and old!
This year, in an effort to encourage independent reading, we will be spying on Lancer Time classes on Tuesday afternoons to see if students are engaged in silent sustained reading. Classes that we "catch" reading will be awarded a sticker for the week. At the end of the marking period, the classes with the most stickers will have the opportunity to win a pizza party. Ms. Hedge and I are looking for some more parent volunteers to help us with this endeavor. If you are interested in volunteering in the library, please email Nicole Yakatan (nyakatan@aol.com), our volunteer coordinator. Nicole will be happy to add you to her distribution list for the SignUpGenius. We always have plenty of projects in the library!
Summer Reading Update
Students who participated in the Ravenous Readers challenge over the summer are being awarded small prizes in their English classes: snazzy bookmarks, VIP invitations to Literary Club and Battle of the Books (after-school activities that are sure to appeal to the literary-minded!), and passes to a special ice cream social that we are holding in the cafeteria next Friday during Lancer Time.
Battle of the Books
Websites of Note
LMS Librarians
Jennifer Polidoro
Email: jepolidoro@fcps.edu
Phone: (703) 533-2644
What I'm Currently Reading
Lisa Hedge
This is Lisa Hedge's first year as a librarian at Longfellow Middle School after being a librarian at Glen Forest Elementary School for three years. Lisa has an MLS from the University of Maryland. In her free time she loves reading, traveling, listening to music, and yoga. Some of her favorite books include Harry Potter, The Giver, and Catherine, Called Birdy.
Email: lmhedge@fcps.edu
Phone: (703) 533-4526