Oak Hills Newsletter
Week of May 20 and 27, 2024
Reminder about Author's Visit on Friday, 5/24
ORDER BOOKS before our Author Visit - We will welcome poetry author Kenn Nesbitt on May 24th.
PURCHASE AUTHOR BOOKS on Amazon using this LINK.
Your child can enjoy reading the books then bring them to school on May 24th to be autographed!
Save the Date: Volunteer Appreciation Event--Friday, May 31 @ 8:15-9am
(REMINDER) Parent/Guardian Input for Student Placement 2024-2025
Look for a neon yellow form in your child's backpack. Forms are due back on Wednesday, May 29. If you need another copy, there are extras in the front office.
Purpose of Input Form
There are many factors that are considered when placing students in classrooms. As placements are made for the 2024-2025 school year, information you provide about your child will be carefully considered. At Oak Hills, we take great effort to consider each individual child’s needs while maintaining an equitable class configuration. Classroom teachers, specialists, support staff, and admin work together to place each child in a class that will best meet their needs. Please do not use the form as a chance to request a specific teacher, but as an opportunity to share information useful in meeting the needs of your child.Here are the questions on the form:
*Describe your child’s strength as a learner:
*Describe your child’s challenges as a learner:
*Describe the learning environment in which your child thrives.
Parking Lot Arrival and Dismissal Reminder
We need your help! We are seeing a recent increase of cars entering through the exit driveway off of Norwich. With one-way traffic headed the opposite direction, this creates an unsafe traffic situation during arrival and dismissal. Please enter the parking lot through the driveway off of 153rd and exit through the driveway on Norwich only.
Additionally, we are seeing an increase in parking around the triangle off of 153rd and Forest, creating the need to cut between vehicles using the Driveline. If possible, please park in the school parking lot or on a side street near a crosswalk.
The safety of our nearby community streets and school parking lot is a top priority, particularly during times of arrival and dismissal. As we work to welcome students to school and connect students with their families at the end of the day, we ask for support in ensuring that car traffic runs safely and efficiently. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in helping keep our arrival and dismissal safe!
Club Schedule Reminders
This week:
Mon. 5/20 Rose City Chess - PE Portable (last session)
Mon. 5/20 Little Otterbots - SEL Portable (last session)
Mon. 5/20 Girls Running Club - Gym (last session)
Tues. 5/21 Lunch Art Club Grades 2-5th (last session)
Tues. 5/21 Math Club Grades 3rd-5th
Wed. 5/22 RecTennis - Gym
Thurs. 5/23 Kids Yoga - Portable
Next week:
Mon., 5/27 No school for students and staff-- Memorial Day Holiday
Tues., 5/28 Math Club Grades 3rd-5th
Wed., 5/29 RecTennis - Gym - (last session)
Thurs., 5/30 Kids Yoga - (last session)
Tuesday, 6/4 Math Club Grades 3rd-5th - (last session)
Library News from Ms. Larsen
ORDER BOOKS before our Author Visit - We will welcome poetry author Kenn Nesbitt on May 24th.
PURCHASE AUTHOR BOOKS on Amazon using this LINK.
Your child can enjoy reading the books then bring them to school on May 24th to be autographed!
OBOB 2025
The full list is out now! Students interested in doing OBOB next year can start to read the books now! We will be making teams in October, so please hold off on talking about making teams. Much changes over the summer. Just enjoy reading the books and talking about them.
OBOB Hall of Fame
If your 3rd - 5th grade child is interested in reading all 16 OBOB books and becoming a part of the OBOB Hall of Fame, here is a LINK to the website page with where you will find the OBOB Hall of Fame link to complete and submit. Once submitted, your child will get a certificate, a free book and their picture in the newsletter! Submissions are accepted until May 31st!
End of Year
All Library Books are due May 30th. Overdue notices will go out to emails. Look for emails from BSD Library Services with details. If a book is not returned before the end of the school year, the district will mark the book(s) as Lost and a fine will be assessed on your child’s library account to be paid for a replacement copy. Currently we have over 150 overdue library books.
Questions about the happenings in Library? Check out the LIBRARY WEBSITE for:
Helpful Library Links for students and parents
How to View Your Library Account (Slides 1-7), View the Library Catalog (slide 8), Putting Books on Hold (Slides 9-10), Renewing books (slides 11-12), Paying Library Fines (Slide 13)
OBOB Information
Ordering Books From Scholastic for your home collection
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Larsen at leilani_larsen@beaverton.k12.or.us
News from the PTO
Jog A Thon T-Shirt Design Contest
Jog A Thon T-Shirt Design Contest: Results are in . . .
Below is a list of the thirteen T-shirt design finalists for next year's Jog-A-Thon shirts. We want to thank everyone who participated in the design contest. The students voted in their classrooms after seeing the finalists and the winning design was by Averie Pigao in 2nd grade. Great job Oak Hills Elementary! See photos of the finalist designs!
Averie Pigao (2nd) - WINNER
Elaina Hogue (Kindergarten)
Easton Powers (1st)
Emerick Johnson (2nd)
Sawyer Replogie (2nd)
Evie Williams (3rd)
James Pollard (3rd)
Allison Tank (4th)
Talia Wuest (4th)
Diego Alvarenga (5th)
Akari Rice (5th)
Annarose Mumbo (5th)
Anna Downie (5th)
PTO Board & Last Meeting of the Year
Are you interested in being more involved with the school and events? If so, we are looking for some new PTO board members (multiple officer positions available). Please email pto@oakhillspto.org if you are interested.
The last PTO meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm. We will be discussing the budget for next year and voting in new board members.
Congrats to Averie Pigao! Your design will be printed on the 2024-2025 Jog-A-Thon shirts!
PTO News (con.)
Thank you for coming out to Otterfest last Friday! This school community and volunteers really showed up and helped make it a great event!
On the Move Volunteers Needed
This is the lunchtime running program the kids enjoy so much. There are only a few weeks left and we need some volunteers to help close out the year. The older grades need some volunteers for On the Move (shift 2) on both Thursdays and Fridays. We also need one volunteer to set up Thursday May 30th at 10:10am.
Please sign up to volunteer at the following link:
Popcorn Friday
We would like to provide popcorn for the school-wide Read-In this Friday but need some volunteers to make and pass out the popcorn. Please email pto@oakhillspto.org if you are interested in helping with the last Popcorn Friday of the year.
PTO Board & Last Meeting of the Year
Are you interested in being more involved with the school and events? If so, we are looking for some new PTO board members (multiple officer positions available). Please email pto@oakhillspto.org if you are interested.
The last PTO meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm. We will be discussing the budget for next year and voting in new board members.
Family Board Game Night
Friday, May 31st in the gym. See flyer for additional details
Important Dates-Mark Your Calendars
Monday, May 20 Kindergarten Field Trip
Wednesday, May 22 3rd Grade Field Trip (2 classes)
Thursday, May 23 3rd Grade Field Trip (2 classes)
Thursday, May 23 District Track Meet--ALC classes will be attending
Friday, May 24 Author's Visit Assembly
Monday, May 27 No school for staff and students--Memorial Day
Friday, May 31 Volunteer Appreciation Event 8:15am
Friday, May 31 PTO Board Game Night 6-8pm
Wednesday, June 5 3rd Grade Field Trip
Friday, June 7 5th Grade End-of-Year Celebration --Oak Hills Rec Center
Wednesday, June 12 Last day of school! Field Day (Volunteer info coming out soon!)
Wednesday, June 12 5th Grade Clap Out--Information will be sent on Fri, 5/24
Dental Care Recycling Project: Message from 5th Grade Recycling Committee
Final call for recycling toothbrushes and toothpase tubes! Last day will be May 24th! Please drop off in the office. Thank you!
Oak Hills staff would like to invite our volunteers to join us in the gym for cookies and coffee on Friday, May 31st at 8:15am. We have some sweet surprises planned for you! We will send an invitation to all families in two weeks.
Change to School Start and End Times in 2024-2025
Change to School Start and End Times in 2024-2025
Our district has shifted start and end times for preK-12 starting next year. Please note the changes at Oak Hills. We will be starting earlier and ending earlier. Doors and morning mix areas will be open at 7:30am due to school starting at 7:45am. Bus information will be shared later in the summer. Feel free to email/call/wave me down on campus if you have questions about the new schedule.
- Early Elementary 7:45 - 2:20
- Middle School 9:30 -4:05
- Comprehensive High Schools 8:45 - 3:30
- Options Schools 8:15 - 3:00
OSAS Update (Grades 3-5)
District Message to OH Families-- Water Testing
Water sampling was conducted at Oak Hills Elementary School recently by an independent consultant. Lead in water testing is required per Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA). This was planned follow-up testing to a district-wide program which was initiated in 2016.
Fifty-seven sample locations were collected, and one (a workroom sink with no student access) had a concentration above the action level (15 parts per billion). We are taking actions to reduce the concentrations of lead in this location and access will be restricted until mitigation and follow-up testing can take place to verify concentrations are below the criteria set by OHA.
Data results are provided on the BSD Healthy and Safe Schools website under “Programs” and “Lead in Drinking Water Testing” and the current school year. Further information and where to direct questions also can be found on this website. If you have further concerns about these results, please contact kathryn_ewing@beaverton.k12.or.us
According to OHA, when considering your child’s exposure to lead, it is most valuable to review potential sources of lead in your home. The OHA’s lead resources website has more information on this topic.
Helpful Website Buttons--Report Absences and Going Home Plan Changes
Absences and dismissal changes can be reported to us via the Oak Hills website. There are buttons where you can click and report an absence or changes to how your child will be going home.
For dismissal, please do your best to report the changes before 1:00pm since this is when we will be delivering the information to our teachers and students. If it is after 1pm, please call the main office to report the change and not the website button.
Thank you in advance for utilizing this communication tool. It will free up our phone lines for families, staff, and community members who urgently need to get in touch with the office.
Oak Hills website:
Thao Do-Gwilliam
Email: thao_do_gwilliam@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://oakhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 2625 Northwest 153rd Avenue, Beaverton, OR, USA
Phone: 503.356.2410