Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | January 30, 2025
Upcoming Dates
Monday 3 | Free Vision Screening for Students (see below)
Wednesday 5 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 6 | PAC Meeting at 7:55 am in P26
Monday 10 | New! Early Learning Fair from 4:00 - 6:00 pm (see below)
Monday 10 | Make a Difference Monday at Langer's (see below)
Wednesday 12 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Friday 14 | Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday 17 | President's Day - Tentatively No School (possible weather makeup day)
Wednesday 19 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Friday 21 | OBOB Championship at 1:00 pm
Saturday 22 | Give Kids a Smile Event (see below)
Monday 24 - Friday 28 | Staff Appreciation Week
Wednesday 26 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 27 | Talent Show, Part 1, 12:45 -1:45 pm
Friday 28 | Talent Show, Part 2, 12:45 -1:45 pm
A Message from Principal Woofter
Happy last week of January!
We have had such a busy month, but even more coming in February! Tomorrow, we will have our Kids Heart Challenge Kickoff! In partnership with the American Heart Association, students and families will have the opportunity to learn how to have happy and health hears and brains, while raising donations to help others with special hearts. Students that complete Finn's Mission be will entered into a weekly drawing for a Bunny Warmie. If Archer Glen reaches our participation goal of 100 students, I will be PIE'd at the closing assembly! Since the information was sent out, we have had quite a few students participate already so I am getting nervous :)
In addition to all the activities coming up in February, we are registering for incoming PreK and Kinder students. If you have any questions or need any support in completing those registrations, please give our front office staff a call and they are happy to help.
We are expecting some colder, less sunny days coming up next week. Students will definitely want to have a jacket, gloves, hats, etc. for our outdoor recess times. If your child is missing a jacket, please feel free to stop by the lost and found. We have several jackets and hoodies that are missing their owners!
Have a wonderful weekend!
New! Talent Show Coming in February
Check tomorrow's Friday Folders for information on how to participate in Archer Glen's Talent Show being held on Thursday, February 27th and Friday, February 28th.
New! Inclement Weather Communication Reminders
At this time of year, it's important to be ready for inclement weather communications. Please make sure your ParentSquare account is active and your FlashAlert subscription is current.
In the event of emergencies, inclement weather, or urgent alerts (such as bus route delays) the Sherwood School District will utilize one or more of the following communication methods to provide information and updates to families and staff:
ParentSquare– This is a school-to-home communication tool that will send district or school-level alerts, newsletters, or announcements to the parent/guardian information on file with the school. If your email address or phone number has changed, please update your contact information with your child’s school office.
FlashAlert – All emergency alerts and inclement weather closures/delays will be broadcast via FlashAlert. This is a free subscription service that alerts users via text or app notifications. Sign up at www.flashalert.net/signup or by downloading the FlashAlert app on your smartphone. If you have signed up for FlashAlert previously, please sign in to make sure your subscription is current. If you are not subscribed to our channel, you can search for “Sherwood Sch. Dist.” to sign up for our district’s alerts.
District Website – All high-priority alerts will be posted to the main SSD website (look for a red or green alert bar at the top of the page).
New! Early Learning Fair on Monday, 2/10
Please join us for an opportunity to meet with local and county organizations that support the young learners in your life! The Early Learning Fair will be held on Monday February 10, 2025 from 4-6pm at the Sherwood School District Offices.
New! Incoming Kindergarten Open House, 3/13
New! Kindergarten Registration Now Open
Registration for our fall kindergarten students is now open! We have created a special edition newsletter for our Fall 2025 Kindergarten families! The newsletter can be found linked here and includes information about registration, Kindergarten Open House (which will be March 13th from 4:00-6:00 pm), and other upcoming kindergarten events. If you know of a family that will have a kindergartener at Archer Glen in the fall (age 5 by or on September 1st), but is not yet a part of our school to receive this information, please share the newsletter link with them!
Silent Auction Items Needed for Archer Glen's Carnival
Archer Glen's PAC is requesting donations for the Silent Auction and Wine Wall at the Archer Glen Carnival on April 25th. If you have goods, wine, and/or services that you would be willing to donate to Archer Glen's Carnival, please contact the Archer Glen PAC Presidents (Brandice Sanchez & Kelly DeHart) at archerglenpacpresident@gmail.com. All funds raised at Archer Glen's Carnival will go directly back to Archer Glen.
Archer Glen Carnival Lead Needed for 2026
Archer Glen's PAC is looking for a new Carnival Lead for next school year (2026). If you are interested in the position, please contact the Archer Glen PAC Presidents (Brandice Sanchez & Kelly DeHart) at archerglenpacpresident@gmail.com Job shadowing is available.
New! PAC President Needed for 2025-2027 Term
The PAC President position is open for next year! PAC elections will be held in May. This is a two year term that begins on August 1st. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to our current PAC Co-Presidents, Brandice Sanchez and Kelly Dehart at archerglenpacpresident@gmail.com
Sound of Music Auditions for 4th-8th Graders
Free Vision Screening for Students on Monday, 2/3
We are offering a free vision screening for all students at Archer Glen on Monday, February 3rd. This screening will be conducted by the Lions Club with the assistance of parent volunteers, using SPOT screening devices. The screening is painless and performed from a distance, without touching your child’s eyes or face.
Screening results will be available in about a week. Most children pass the exam. Due to the volume of paperwork, we will only send home "did not pass" results. These will be sent home via backpack mail.
Opt-Out Option - If you do not want your child to participate in the vision screening, please contact your school office to opt-out.
If you have any questions about the vision screening, please contact Health Services at 503-825-5093.
Financial assistance - If your child needs an eye exam or glasses, financial assistance may be available.
Langer's Make a Difference Monday, 2/10
Bowl for Archer Glen at Langer's Make a Difference Monday! On Monday, February 10th from 11am-10pm. Langer's will donate 100% of bowing and shoe rental proceeds to Archer Glen Elementary. Grab your friends and let's hit the lanes!
Give Kids a Smile Event, 2/22
2025-2026 SSD Pre-K Registration Open
We are excited to announce that we will be offering full day and half day Pre-K for the 2025-2026 school year! To be eligible, students must be four or five years old on or before September 1, 2025. Our full day program will run from 7:55 am - 2:15 pm and costs $945 per month. Half day options include 7:55 am - 11:00 am or 11:10 am - 2:15 pm and costs $470 per month.
Questions? Contact prek@sherwood.k12.or.us or visit our website.
All volunteers need to complete and have an approved background check on file prior to volunteering (this must be renewed each school year). The background check process can take 7-10 business days, so please allow sufficient processing time if you are planning to volunteer for a specific event.
HelpCounter Volunteer Info
If you are looking to volunteer at Archer Glen this year, please sign up using the link shared here. If you are new to Archer Glen you will need to create a new login. Past volunteers can use their old sign in. (Please note that this link does not work well on your phone so you will need to use another device).
ALL parents will need to fill out their information again as the system gets updated each fall. The registration will ask some questions about volunteer preferences, please answer the questions and select all the activities you might be interested in learning more about!
You can find out more information about how to sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen using HelpCounter by visiting Archer Glen PAC's Instagram handle here.
AG PAC Facebook
Archer Glen PAC
Background Check 24-25
Helpful Information and Past Newsletters
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
Archer Glen 24-hour Attendance Line: 503-825-5110
- Sarah Woofter, Principal: swoofter@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Jennifer Switzer, Administrative Assistant: jswitzer@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales, Attendance Secretary: jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Elisabeth Gardner, School Counselor: egardner@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Updates:
Helpful Information:
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100