The Eagle Eye
Oak Hill United School Corporation - April 2024
Hardman's Happenings
Hello Oak Hill Families!
Happy April! I hope you had a fun and relaxing Spring Break! I really look forward to this time of year to experience some nicer weather, attend outdoor school activities as well as attend the upcoming Spring Musical, The Little Mermaid, that our Oak Hill High School Drama Department will be presenting! The Little Mermaid will debut next weekend, Friday, April 19 @ 7 pm and then will have shows on Saturday, April 20 @ 7 pm, Sunday, April 21 @ 2:30 pm, Saturday, April 27 @ 1 pm and 7 pm, and the final show will be Sunday, April 28 @ 2:30 pm.
I have some very exciting news to share! The Swayzee Gym floor is nearing completion and we have been told that it should be done by the end of the month. The new floor is a maple wood in the herringbone pattern. Four Star Floor Care of Lapel, IN has worked since October to install the floor and the next steps are sanding and sealing before they start with the design. The final design was narrowed down from twelve beginning designs which was then narrowed down to six designs. We thought it would be fun to get the students and staff involved so we had them vote on their favorite design. The winning design voted on by staff and students is the design that will be on the floor when finished. Here is a sneak peek of the new Swayzee Gym floor design.
New and returning student registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open! We will be moving to an updated Skyward platform over the summer and in order to have all the information entered and updated before that migration happens, we need to start the registration process earlier this year. Here is a link to the website where parents can register their new and returning students. Parents need to log into their Skyward Family Access to register students in grades 1-12 returning to Oak Hill Schools. New kindergarten students and new students in grades 1-12 can register for the upcoming school year by clicking on the link Prospective Students. Scroll down to see the different registration options available for new students. The last day to register a new or returning student to one of the Oak Hill Schools is Tuesday, July 9, 2024. If you need technical support with online registration, please contact us by email at registration@ohusc.k12.in.us or by phone at 765-395-3341, ext. 6017. If you have questions regarding the school or application processing, please contact the school secretary by calling 765-395-3341.
Something else we are working on that will be new next year is a more engaging and user friendly school website that also comes with an app for your phone. Our technology team has been working with Apptegy to build our new website. We will be rolling that out over the summer as well so be on the lookout for more information on the new website as well as how to download the app.
This school year we transitioned back to a one tiered schedule for busing and aligned the elementary and the JH/HS start and end times. This required us to add more bus drivers this school year in order to transport our students that requested transportation. In preparing for next school year, we would like to add more drivers to help lessen the number of students on the buses. If you are interested in becoming a bus driver or you know someone that might be interested, please reach out or have them reach out to Kim Yeary, OHUSC Transportation Secretary, via phone at 765-395-3341 ext 1106 or by email at kimberlyye@ohusc.k12.in.us to get more information about becoming a school bus driver. Here is a list of the steps one would need to follow to obtain a CDL with a school bus endorsement which is required to drive a school bus. We appreciate any help that you can provide in getting the word out to help us find more bus drivers for our school corporation.
I hope you and your child have a great finish to the school year! Our goal at OHUSC will be to continue to work hard to finish our year out strong as we continue to plan for another amazing school year next year! Great Happens Here!!
Yours in Education,
Sheri Hardman
OHUSC Superintendent
Teachers Meet Author!
Several Oak Hill teachers met author Margaret Peterson-Haddix during her visit to Marion Public Library recently. We love that our teachers bring their love for reading to their students and classrooms!
News from Converse Elementary
IT IS TIME TO ROUND UP SOME NEW KINDERS!! We are so excited to meet our new group of kiddos for the 2024-2025 school year! If you have or know a kiddo that is kindergarten age, please share this information! It will also be on social media, so we ask that you SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! Roundup is April 11th and we CAN'T WAIT to see you!
In addition to clicking the links below, please take note of the shots they need as kindergarteners. Your doctor will know, but here is a list to check on!
- 3 Hepatitis B
- 5 DTap
- 4 Polio
- 2 Varicella
- 2 MMR
- 2 Hepatitis A
We are so excited to meet our new friends! Don't forget to sign up below and get them registered!
STEP 1: Kindergarten round-up sign up for screener appointment click here!
STEP 2 READ CAREFULLY: You will only need to complete one of these links below!
IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OTHER STUDENTS ENROLLED AT OAK HILL, click this link attached to login to your CURRENT skyward account to register your new kindergartner.
IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST CHILD TO ENROLL AT OAK HILL, click the link attached to enroll your child.
***You will be contacted by someone from the school to confirm your appointment time within a few weeks.
We are still adding names to our list for preschool, but our spots are filling fast! We are currently working on our waitlist, so if you would like to get your name on the list in case a spot opens up, now is the time!
Please use this link to get your name on the list and we will contact you to let you know if we have room in our program! Please feel free to call us if you have any questions!
Read-A-Thon Results
Converse would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that helped out in any way during our Read-A-Thon! We are so proud of the efforts of EVERY student and their families that helped to make this a success again this year! We love how excited our littles get about reading!! Because of the generosity of so many that were ready and able to support our tiny readers, our school raised almost $14,000! Our students read 123,734 minutes total! THAT IS INCREDIBLE! (last year we read 93,014 minutes! We blew that out of the water!)
Top Readers:
Jovi Hopkins 282 minutes
814 minutes- Levi Snyder
792 minutes Peyton Salee
758 minutes- Avery Staton
1st grade:
1503 minutes- Sebastian Reeb
1217 minutes- Lakely White
1198 minutes- Jackson Dunn
2nd grade
1633 minutes- Rylie Sheedy
1410 minutes Holland Bruns
1379 minutes- Brody Miller
Our top donations came from:
Brody Miller $825
Peyton Salee- $540
Gunner Shaffer- $525
Iris Dewitt $505
Gunner McKinley- $490
Jovi Hopkins $165
From Miss Harrison's Art Room
Converse students are learning about Pointillism featuring George Seurat. We are using various techniques in creating pictures that celebrate Mr. Seurat. It has been all about
“Seurat’s dots”
The four stations featured different ways we can do pointillism. At Miss Harrison’s red dot station, we used daubers to create beautiful spring themed paintings of ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies and flowers!
At the green dot station, we used markers as dot makers in our pictures. We also had a special guest in our room today who joined in on the fun! Thank you to Mrs. Shaw for creating beautiful works of art with us!! At the blue dot station we used mosaic tile pieces that not only included circles but also other assorted shapes.
At the yellow dot station we used linking small squared shape pieces that link together to create artwork in 3D!
Here are some pictures!
Converse Students and Staff Member of the Month
Nora Cockrell - Preschool Student of the Month
Nora is a preschooler in Mrs. Stroud's class. Mrs. Stroud says she is a friend to everyone and a big helper in the classroom. She is very creative and likes to be silly with her friends. Nora always has a smile on her face! We are so thankful to have Nora in our Converse Family!
Peyton Sallee - Kindergarten Student of the Month
Peyton is in Mrs. Peterson's kindergarten class. She is such a delight! There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't stop to say good morning to Mrs. Lenfestey in the office. She is always ready to ask someone how their day is going and greets everyone with a smile! She is a hard worker and a friend to everyone! We are so thankful to have Peyton in our Converse Family!
Cameron Woodward - 1st Grade Student of the Month
Cameron is a 1st grader with Mrs. Maynus. He is always kind to others and tries hard to always do the right thing. He is a friend to everyone and makes sure people feel included. He works hard at everything he does. He always has a smile to share with people he sees in the hallway. Cameron is such a fun kiddo to be around! We are so thankful he is a part of our Converse Family!
McKenzie Lunsford - 2nd Grade Student of the Month
McKenzie is a 2nd grade student in Miss Hensley's class. McKenzie is a wonderful model of a responsible and respectful 2nd grader. McKenzie is a good friend to her peers and enjoys helping them when they need help on their work or if they aren't sure of directions. She gives 100% every day and I can count on her to be a good leader. I love that her hard work has paid off academically as well as in her friendships. She is a much-loved member of our class and we are lucky to have her as part of our class family and our Converse family!
Beth Strange - Converse Staff Member of the Month
Mrs. Strange is our AMAZING Librarian here at Converse. Mrs. Strange is amazing day in and day out! She is always asking how and where she can help if she sees a need. She is ALWAYS busy working with students, even when it is not Library time! She is instrumental in our Read-A-Thon success! We cannot thank her enough for all that she does to make Converse a great place! WE are so thankful she is a part of our Converse Family!
Sweetser Snapshot
Welcome to April! I trust that everyone enjoyed a rejuvenating Spring Break and a joyful Easter celebration.
March proved to be an exhilarating month for us at Sweetser. Thanks to the generosity of IWU, we had the pleasure of attending a captivating production of School House Rock Live, an enriching experience for all involved. Additionally, those who needed to complete the IRead test successfully did so, marking another milestone in our academic journey.
One of the highlights of the month was the visit of Boomer, the Pacers' beloved mascot. Boomer graced us with his presence and led an inspiring pep rally, touching upon crucial topics such as Anti-Bullying, Preparation for ILearn, Promoting Health and Fitness, and the importance of Reading. His electrifying acrobatic dunk show and generous distribution of shirts and prizes added an extra layer of excitement to the event, leaving lasting memories for our students.
Looking ahead, all Sweetser Elementary students will soon be participating in the ILearn assessment. We urge you to stay tuned for further details regarding this important evaluation.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each member of our community for your unwavering support of our school and our students. Your dedication is truly invaluable and plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our young learners.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Switzer
Principal, Sweetser Elementary School
#begoodforpeople, #begoodforstudents, #sweetatsweetser
Sweetser Students and Staff Member of the Month
Max Lynch - 3rd Grade Student of the Month
This month for third grade, Max Lynch was nominated by his teacher, Miss Metzger! She states, “Max is an awesome kid. He comes to school each day eager to learn and ready to make his classmates laugh. Max always volunteers to help others in any way. When asked, Max's classmates shared that, "He's a real jokester." They also added, "He's a nice and kind friend." Max brings so much joy to our classroom!” Congratulations, Max!!
Brynn Masiongale - 4th Grade Student of the Month
The fourth grade student of the month is Brynn Masiongale. Mrs. Helfrich states, “Brynn is an outstanding student who gives 100% effort in all she does. She is a great listener who pushes herself to learn and succeed. I appreciate her quiet leadership and how she encourages her classmates to also improve their efforts in class. She selflessly helps others and strives to do what's best for our class as a whole. Brynn is a joy to have in class!” Thank you, Brynn, for representing Sweetser with such great character!
Ms. Dana Stepler - Sweetser Staff Member of the Month
Sweetser’s Staff Member of the Month is Mrs. Dana Stepler!! She is new to Sweetser this year! She fills the role of Head Cook in our building. Mrs. Stepler shows love and compassion to not only our students, but to our staff as well! She is always spoiling the staff by cooking food for the teacher’s lounge, putting goodies in the lounge, and contributing a coffee maker for teachers. For students, she decorates the cafeteria with her colleagues for each season, she spoils them as well by providing goody bags and treats on special occasions, etc. During the holidays, she brought the Christmas spirit by dancing with the kids and starting a conga line! Mrs. Stepler has a wonderful rapport with her colleagues and can always be found with a smile on her face! Thank you for all you do!!
Swayzee News
Chromebooks/Earbuds and iLearn Testing
We have begun working through the iLearn practice tests, and will begin the live tests on April 23rd. IT IS IMPERITIVE that students who are experience issues with their chromebooks, bring those chromebooks in to Mrs. Kendall so the issues can be addressed before we begin testing. Students must also have EARBUDS. We have exhausted our supply of earbuds here at school, and those are a consumable supply that need to be replenished as students lose or break them.
iLearn Testing Particulars
We will have tests scheduled on April 23, 24, 25 and on April 30, May 1 and May 2. Days that no tests are scheduled on will be used for makeups. It is very important that students be at school on these testing days as much as possible. We will be doing a couple of testing attendance incentives, so please do not plan appointments or absences for your child on these days.
Other testing tips:
Make sure your child gets enough rest each night for testing
Encourage your child to eat breakfast
Please be sure your child has working earbuds, bluetooth earbuds will not work for testing
Make sure your child is on time to school each day of testing
Encourage your child to do their best during testing. They will likely come home and tell you that the tests are hard . . . be positive and encouraging with them.
Swayzee Gym
I believe that we are entering the homestretch of the gym project that seems to have no end! The final pieces of the wood floor were laid the last week of March. The first week of April we saw the sanding and finishing process begin. We are hopeful that the end is in sight so that we can unveil the finished product to the community soon!
Truancy and Chronic Absence
Parents, are you aware of the impact that Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism has on your student’s education? The problem is huge! Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason, whether they are excused or unexcused. These absences accumulate and can contribute to students having difficulty learning to read in early grades, achieving at expected levels in their middle years, and to difficulty in meeting requirements to graduate from high school. Chronic absenteeism in early years is frequently an indicator that a student will not complete high school. Improving attendance rates for students improves their academic performance and their confidence in working through the curriculum. We have a number of students whose absenteeism is considered chronic and a few who are considered truant. We need your student at school! If there is a way that we can help you improve your student’s attendance, please reach out to Mrs. Collins, school principal or Mrs. Woodard, our school social worker. We are here to support you.
Swayzee Students and Staff Member of the Month
Andrew Ratliff - 5th Grade Student of the Month
Andrew Ratliff is a hard-working young man. He enters every classroom respectfully and with a smile. He is kind to his peers and teachers. Andrew goes out of his way to be helpful. Andrew is a pleasure to have in class and an example to other students
Titus Johnson - 6th Grade Student of the Month
Titus has risen to the top as our 6th grade student of the month. From being a fantastic classmate to always putting forth his best effort, Titus truly embodies what it means to be an exemplary student. Swayzee Elementary School would like to celebrate Tituts for his hard work, dedication and for being an inspiration to his fellow classmates.
Caylee Camden - Swayzee Staff Member of the Month
Swayzee Elementary School is proud to recognize Caylee Camden as our staff member of the month. She is always willing to jump in and help wherever there is a need. Since Caylee joined us in our Essential Skills program and has quickly become a favorite among staff and students.
Greetings from Oak Hill Junior High!
With spring break over and the end of school quickly approaching, the Oak Hill Junior High students and staff continue to work hard. The junior high staff looks forward to the continuing success of its students during the last month of the semester. Parents may contact Shawn Means at 765-395-3341 or by email at shawnme@ohusc.k12.in.us if they ever have any questions concerning their children. The following are some important upcoming events that will take place in the upcoming weeks.
Oak Hill Junior High School continues to provide tutoring for all students after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is an excellent opportunity for your child to receive academic enrichment or to get help understanding certain topics as we approach ILEARN testing. Tutoring will continue until May 16th.
ILEARN will take place from April 17 through April 25. Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students in grades 3 through 8 and high school biology. ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts (grades 3 through 8) and Mathematics (grades 3 through 8). Please make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and is well rested. Testing will be in the mornings on April 17, April 18, April 24, and April 25. It is important to make sure your child’s chromebook is fully charged when they come to school on those testing days. If your child has wired headphones, please have them bring them to school. If your child does not have headphones, a pair will be provided. It is the hope that all our students knock it out of the park and continue to show growth and improvement!
Important Dates for Oak Hill Junior High during the last 9 week grading period
April 12th: Student Council JH Game Night
April 17th, 18th 24th, and 25th: ILEARN Testing
April 19th, 20th, 21st, 27th, and 28th: Little Mermaid Spring Musical
May 8th-12th: 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip
May 11th: End of the year band concert
May 13th: 8th Grade Incentive Day
May 15th: Jr High Info Day (for incoming 7th graders
May 17th: 7th Grade Incentive Day
May 18th: End of the year choir concert
May 21st: Student Awards Day
May 22nd: JH Field Day
May 23rd: Grade Level Activity Day
May 23rd: Last Student Day
Oak Hill Junior High students work hard everyday! Here are a few pictures from our classrooms this past month.
SRO Deputy Ward was kind enough to come to Mrs. Boswell’s Advanced Literature class to read parts of To Kill a Mockingbird. Deputy Ward shared with students how this book, which he read in high school, stuck with him for many years and is one of his favorites.
Mrs. Manning’s 7th grade science class preparing to take a test, Hopefully, they all did well!
Mrs. Boswell’s 8th grade English class reviewing before they get ready for their daily lesson.
Miss Henry’s 7th grade math class getting ready to take their practice ILEARN math test. Remember ILEARN testing begins in a couple of weeks!
OHJH Students and Staff Member of the Month
Kensi Curtis - 7th Grade Student of the Month
Kensi Curtis is our 7th grade student of the month. Kensi comes to school every day with a desire to learn something new. She works very hard to do her very best at all times. Kensi is seen as a leader in the classroom not only in her academic performance, but also with her interactions with students and staff. She will often be observed giving a helping hand to others. Kensi's enthusiasm for school makes her a joy to have in class. Congratulations, Kensi, for being selected as the student of the month by your 7th grade teachers.
Emi Babinski - 8th Grade Student of the Month
Emi is nominated for March's Student of the Month for being dependable, responsible, and an overall great student! The 8th grade teachers are impressed with Emi's ability to be a natural leader and she is someone her classmates look up to when it comes to both academics and behavior. Emi is responsible in her work, but more importantly, she takes pride in her learning! We are proud of Emi and excited to recognize her as March's Student of the Month for 8th grade. Keep up the great work!
Ben Johnson - OHJH Staff Member of the Month
Mr. Johnson is a 7th grade social studies teacher at Oak Hill Junior high School. Every day, Mr. Johnson brings an abundance of positive energy to his classroom. His classroom is upbeat, exciting, and fun. However, most importantly, his classroom provides a stimulating learning environment for students. Mr. Johnson always has time for his students and he can be seen talking, giving “high fives”, and joking with both current and past students between every passing period. He works hard making sure every student feels important. In his classroom, he brings history to life and provides many hands-on activities for his students to provide them the best education possible. Mr. Johnson is also the varsity girls’ softball coach. Mr. Means appreciates the effort he puts in for his students during and after school. It is a privilege to recognize Mr. Johnson as the Oak Hill Junior High School employee of the month for April. Keep up the great work Mr. Johnson!
Oak Hill High School Updates
We hope everyone was able to take the opportunity on Monday to view the solar eclipse. What an unbelievable experience for all of our students that doesn’t happen very often. While there isn’t an eclipse on our schedules any time soon, there are still plenty of positive experiences awaiting our students for the remainder of the school year.
Our Robotics team has once again had a very successful conclusion to their competitive season. Phatom #50075A qualified for Worlds March 23rd out of 64 teams. They had a huge skills score of 372 which placed them 7th in the State and 88th in the World. The #1 team there had the World's highest skills score of 443. The caliber of robotics in Indiana is the highest there is in the world. They will be competing April 25-27th in Dallas Texas. Congratulations to Trent Nelson, Carson Seibert, and Sarah Beth Tripp!!
The OHHS Drama Department is proud to announce that they will be performing “The Little Mermaid” later this school year. Online tickets will be available at a later date. Please note all showtimes below:
Friday, April 19 @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 20 @ 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 21 @ 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 27 @ 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 27 @ 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 28 @ 2:30 p.m.
As we begin looking ahead to the 2024-2025 school year, any student who plans on participating in athletics is required to have a valid physical on file. Any physicals obtained after April 1 are valid for the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage students to get these completed ASAP. For any physicals that are obtained after April 1, please turn these in to the Athletic Department.
Summer school forms started to be handed out to students the week of March 18th. Summer school procedures, expectations, dates, times, etc., were included and need to be reviewed by students and parents/guardians. Permission slips need to be turned in as soon as possible to the counseling office. Permission slips MUST be turned in in order for a student to attend summer school. If your student did not receive a form and you think they need one, please email Mrs. Goff (lorigo@ohusc.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Nuttall (faithnu@ohusc.k12.in.us).
Please don’t hesitate to contact the OHHS main office if you have any questions and/or need any particular information. We want to wish everyone well as we look forward to the conclusion of the current school year!!
OHHS Students and Staff Member of the Month
Aubrey Miller - Freshman Student of the Month
Aubrey Miller is a Freshman at OHHS. Aubrey displays an incredible work ethic in the classroom, a positive personality, and the utmost respect she expresses with faculty, staff, and fellow classmates. She has earned a 4.0 GPA through her first year of high school while participating in volleyball, swimming, and taking part in the school’s Spanish Club as well. Aubrey is always punctual to class and is very humble about her accomplishments. We are lucky to have students like Aubrey Miller who set a positive example for others to follow.
Hannah Boyle - Sophomore Student of the Month
Hannah Boyle is a Sophomore at OHHS. Hannah’s attention to detail in the classroom is uncanny. Her conduct and generous spirit sets positive examples for her peers to emulate. Hannah not only excels in the classroom but she is actively involved outside the classroom setting as well. Hannah is involved in the school’s FCA and was recently inducted into the National Honor Society. Being inducted as a Sophomore speaks to Hannah’s dedication in the classroom and to her overall character as well. Hannah Boyle is on a successful journey and is a blessing to the students and staff at OHHS.
Harrison York - Junior Student of the Month
Harrison York is a Junior at OHHS. Harrison continues to be a model student here at OHHS while juggling extra-curricular activities and while maintaining outstanding grades. Additionally, several fellow students look up to him and feel valued by him as he includes them in discussions. He has a smile on his face each day with a respectful outgoing personality. We are fortunate to have students like Harrison York who strive for future success.
Lauren Tubbs - Senior Student of the Month
Lauren Tubbs is a Senior at OHHS. Lauren has proven to be a true leader and role model. She is determined to succeed in everything she does such as her academics, FFA, and Science academic team. She is currently the Oak Hill FFA chapter President and has earned this position by being a passionate, responsible, and motivated student. Lauren is polite and respectful of fellow classmates and teachers alike. Oak Hill High School is extremely honored to have Lauren Tubbs representing our school.
Kayla Carson - OHHS Staff Member of the Month
Kayla Carson is the Agriculture teacher at OHHS. Miss Carson has greatly influenced the Oak Hill FFA Chapter. As a young educator, Kayla expresses positive values through her educational philosophy. She represents herself as a positive role model via her leadership skills and demeanor academically, socially, and professionally. She excels and inspires all students as well as all of her colleagues. Kayla is dedicated to her field, but she inspires others, students and coworkers alike. Kayla’s responsible habits as a professional are commendable. Miss Carson is a tribute to all who have met her along her life’s path, and she is a productive asset for Oak Hill High School.
Oak Hill Athletics
Unified Basketball Tournament
The Unified Basketball Tournament for Grant County was held at Oak Hill on March 16th. Teams from Eastbrook, Madison-Grant, Marion, Mississinewa and Oak Hill came together to play ball and cheer each other on. Oak Hill had their first ever tournament win. Lunch was served by the Impact Food Truck and enjoyed by everyone. We would like to thank the community for coming out and showing support to all of our athletes and helping with our fundraising. The world is truly a better place when everyone is included!
Summer Swim Registration is OPEN!
Summer Swim Lessons May 27th - June 7th
Registrations are open, simply follow this link.
We are also offering DIVING Lessons this summer - taught by 2x State Qualifier Abby Sneed!
For any questions, please direct them to Kendrick Vester at kendrickve@ohusc.k12.in.us
See you in the water!
OHUSC School Board Meeting: Monday, May 13
Last Student Day: Thursday, May 23
OHHS Graduation Ceremony:
First Student Day of School 2024-25: Wednesday, August 7
We are currently hiring for the following positions:
Custodians (Full-time and Part-time)
Substitute Cafeteria Workers
Substitute Teachers
Bus Drivers
Substitute Bus Drivers
Substitute Bus Aides