Principal Richard's Notes
April Newsletter
Message to Gateway Families
Welcome back, students and families!
We hope you had a fantastic spring break filled with fun and relaxation. Our staff are thrilled to welcome everyone back to school. As the weather warms up, we're excited about the prospect of getting students outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Outdoor activities and learning opportunities are in store, making this season a wonderful time for exploration and growth.
A friendly reminder that parent-teacher conferences are coming up soon. It's a valuable opportunity for us to discuss your child's progress. If you would like to set up a meeting, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Additionally, we kindly ask parents to fill out the intentions sheet for your child for the upcoming academic year. Your input is essential as we plan and make decisions to create the best learning environment for every student.
Thank you for being part of our school community, and we look forward to a fantastic time ahead!
2024/2025 Intention Survey
April - Conferences
Conferences for Gateway will take place on the 17th of April. Teachers will be reaching out to set up Parent Teacher Conferences. Please remember that the school tries it's best to meet with each family at least twice a year.
Feedback from the Parent Perception Survey
Points of Pride
Parents believe the school has caring and knowledgeable teachers and strong, friendly school administration.
Parents believe there is good communication from the school.
Parents believe the principal is welcoming and connects well with the students and families.
Room for Growth
Class size is a concern and impacts behaviors, supervision/safety of students and learning.
There are safety concerns in regards to the facilities.
(Data compiled and summarized by Jean Pingel and Hali Mehney)
Mileage Club
Mileage Club is gearing up for the 2024 year!!! We will be participating in this annual event starting April 8th during our PE class and during our morning recess. This is a 4 week program to encourage goal setting, activity, and fun while we run! We need parent volunteers to scan students as they run/walk a lap on the playground. If you would like to help with this please click on the link below. Thank you and have a happy and healthy April!!!
Upcoming Events
8th - School Board Meeting
- Mileage Club Starts
15th - 2024/2025 Intentions survey
17th - Conferences
19th - No School
Field Days and times - May 30th
- 1st grade & Foster/Motz - 9:00 - 11:00
- Flynn/Pohl, K and Y5 - 12:30 - 2:30
Last day of school - June 11th
Drop-Off Procedure
Use the back parking lot.
Pull as far forward as you can. Do not stop in front of the door if there is room in front of you.
Stay in your vehicle.
Let your student out of the car on the passenger side only.
Once your student is out of the car, pull away so others can access the drop off lane.
No matter where you choose to park, please remember that you MUST YIELD to cars in the drop off line.
The cars in the drop off line have priority over parents crossing the parking lot. We are trying to get all students dropped off in a timely manner. Please wait until the line fully stops until you are crossing.
Pick-Up Procedure
Use the back parking lot.
Use your Pick Up hanging sign and pull as far forward as possible
Stay in your vehicle.
Let your student in the car on the passenger side only.
Once your student is in the car, pull away so others can access the pick up lane.
No matter where you choose to park, please remember that you MUST YIELD to cars in the pick up line.
The cars in the pick up line have priority over parents crossing the parking lot. We are trying to get all students picked up in a timely manner. Please wait until the line fully stops until you are crossing.
If you need to buckle your child up please park and then come get your child.
Please inform any caregivers that may drop off/pick up your child at school of these procedures.
Important Times
Drop Off: 8:10am
Start Time: 8:25am
End Time: 3:22pm
Early Release: 12:50pm
Suggestion Box
If you have any suggestions as things to implement or change here at school please click on the QR code. It will take you a google form that you can fill out. Thank you for your time.
Sleep tips!
Did you know that lack of sleep can lead to problems concentrating and behavioral issues in addition to lower academic performance? Here are some sleep tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
-Preschoolers 3-5 years old need 10-13 hours of sleep per day
-School age children 6-12 years old need 9-12 hours of sleep per day
-A regular routine such as brush, book, bed helps bedtime go smoother
-Turn off electronics (TVs, tablets, phones) 1 hour before bedtime to help calm before sleep
Books For New Babies
One of our teachers has collected a slew of books that are perfect for newborns. We would like to make sure that children start off with a book to look at. Please let us know if you have any new babies that are a part of the Gateway family.
Title Resource Page
Are you looking for ideas to help your child at home?
Check out the Title Resource Page!
For extra practice of math games go to the top of the page and find math. Scroll down to Investigations Games. There you are able to play your student’s favorite math games learned in class. You may also ask your child’s teacher for games that would be helpful for specific skills.
You will also find videos to show you how to play other skills games under the Math Recovery Community Resource section.
Under the Literacy section, you will find a wealth of information, helpful hints, and links to free games.
PTO Information
The Wednesday, April 10th PTO meeting will be held at Main Street Pizza at 6:30 PM. All are invited to join.
Gateway Oakview PTO Corner
President: Jayme Geers
Vice President: Emily Garrison
Secretary: Courtney Carlson
Treasurer: Elyse Walter
Member at Large: Brandi Greider
Member at Large: Aly Schuelke
Member at Large: Magen Kay
Member at Large: Melissa Redshaw
Member at Large: Amber MacLennan